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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Harlem Meer--Very Northermost End of Central Park

OK, this is from my files but I will be up to Central Park again this summer and I hope I find the Harlem Meer in as good shape as it was when I last saw it.

It is an eleven acre lake that has fish in it ( they used to allow fishing, not sure if they still do)--and gets lots of ducks during the summer usually....

Fifth Avenue nearby has been getting more and more gentrified and I believe there is a new big condo building or two there now overlooking the Park...I am not interested in taking pix of those, though...

Just heard on Public Radio that some billionaire had died and left $100 million to the upkeep of Central Park.

As always, other people want some of that money and what a law passed saying any park money bequest must be shared with other parks in the City.

I have no horse in this race --it bothers me, I can see both sides of the argument very clearly! Lord only knows that with all the budget cuts, there are plenty of NYC Parks that need some help, while there is the extraordinarily well endowed New York Conservancy formed just to look after Central Park..

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