Translation from English

Friday, June 7, 2013

Artificial Food

Well, this Lite Sprite Flavored Slurpee is not exactly a big thrill as far as I am concerned, and also is not going to go over well with people who are into things organic, that's for sure

But it is summer, and people are hitting the Tasti-D-Lite and all the other such places week the storm will have passed and they say it will be hot and steamy again and they will be selling a lot of iced treats as well as the inevitable iced tea and iced coffee...

I just drink a lot of ice water. I have a Brita water filter pitcher and I just hope that improves the tap water enough...who knows. It certainly is no defense against bacteria...and whatever organisms have gotten into the water supply....but I refuse to drink bottled water all the time.

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