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Friday, May 22, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

A clean solution in the debt dispute is now unthinkable

As is clear from the dispute between Greece and its funders? A key question revolves around the role of the International Monetary Fund. At the same time the pressure on the biggest Euro-rescuers is growing. More By WERNER MUSSLER, BRUSSELS  12  45

MexicoDozens killed in fighting between gunmen and police

In western Mexico, there has been clashes between armed civilians and the police. More than 30 people were killed. More   8

FractureWhat a finish!

Why is it a pity that the AFD can not compete at the Euro Vision Song Contest. More  By BERTHOLD KOHLER  24  28

Porsche driver robbed"May you meet the Blitz!"

Harald Braun's Financial Advisors and has a Porsche. However, without headlights, because that were stolen from him at the front door in Berlin-Grunewald - possibly to grow hemp more.  By CHRISTOPH BORGANS  33  34

1: 4 in the Under-17 European Championship finalFrance humiliates the German team

That was clear: After the German U-17 National Team had previously conceded a goal in five games, the DFB junior loses the European Championship final against France 1: 4. Especially against a Frenchman's team Wück is powerless. More   2

Restaurant "Stanley Diamond"Frankfurt eats cooler than Berlin

The Pastrami Restaurant "Maxie Eisen" the brothers Ardinast and Oskar Melzer have contributed to the gentrification of the Frankfurt train station area. Now, put the development continued with the re-opening of the "Stanley Diamond". More  ALFONS KAISER  4

Tell me, DoctorHelps horse manure really against herpes?

Doctor Christina Stefanescu answers to questions that you always wanted to ask times - without appointment. Today: What helps against the annoying herpes cold sores More?   2 1

Amnesty report on the Eastern Ukrainemurder charges against separatists

In a detailed report, Amnesty International accuses both parties to the conflict in eastern Ukraine torture and ill-treatment. The pro-Russian separatists should also have killed at least eight prisoners government soldiers. More  KONRAD SCHULLER  15

Blogs | Baghdad BriefingFree travel from Palmyra to Ramadi

It is not yet clear what projects the terrorists of the "Islamic State" in they conquered Syria Ancient City Of Palmyra.Militarily, the Islamists have however continued to expand its influence in the border region between Syria and Iraq. That does not bode well. More  By MARKUS BICKEL, CAIRO

British withdrawal from the EUBrussels is waiting for Cameron Wishlist

Shall we leave the EU? Soon the British want to decide on this issue. To vote, voters gracious, Prime Minister Cameron demanded concessions. A British think tank predicts him now what he can require of Brussels - and what not more.  By JOCHEN BUCHSTEINER, LONDON  14  9

AmericaGovernment publishes first Clinton-mails

During her time as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had sent mails from a private address. Now about 300 have been published of thousands to follow. Of particular interest are those likely to be about the terrorist attack in Benghazi. More   1

Bavarian Television AwardA "Blue Panther" for the blonde Helene

They came, saw and conquered: even at the Bavarian Television Award acknowledges Helene Fischer vigorously now and win your ZDF show the "Blue Panther". Well not only for the jury of the pop star is thus "an anomaly in German show business." More 

Frankfurt Romantic MuseumA Jacob's ladder leads to the poets

So shall the Frankfurt Museum romance Appearance: Goethe's famous birthplace receives an extension that needs to be the historical heritage meet. If this challenge mastered? More  By RAINER SCHULZE  1
  • Ireland Zeitsprung
    Gina Thomas
    In Ireland, the marriage of same-sex through a referendum in the Constitution is to be anchored. Personal loyalties have become stronger than the authority of church and state. More215
  • What alternative?
    Jasper von Altenbockum
    We must conclude from the form in which the power struggles in the AFD will be held on the content? The tendency toward destructiveness is unmistakable. More6842
  • Germany has presented prosperity
    Holger Steltzner
    On the success of German companies, German investors are hardly involved. Too bad.Because there is also for those who distrust the breathless purse world, many attractive options. More5049
  • Moscow's poor track record
    Nikolas Busse
  • Central Bank
    Gerald Braunberger
  • The officials should take a stand
    Rainer Blasius
  • Children without protection
    Daniel Deckers
  • Please no war in traffic
    Hans Riebsamen
  • Habitat for cheeky dwarves
    Christian Eichler
  • Prescribed unit
    Heike Göbel
See video
New York students sizzle their steaks on lava
© REUTERSEnlarge

Interviewing BND presidentQuantum of desolation

How did it happen only to the mess in which the BND and with him now infected and the government? The survey in Schindler's NSA Committee brings some answers. More By ECKART LOHSE, BERLIN  9  10

Elections in Spainupheaval at the polls

The regional and local elections this Sunday should the party landscape plow in Spain. As kingmaker to recommend two rebellious young parties. More By LEO WIELAND, MADRID  16  19

Conflict in eastern Ukrainesoldiers or former soldiers?

In a hospital in Kiev are two captive Russian soldiers. In the interview they talk about their official mission. Moscow but insists on his line that there was only volunteer fighters in eastern Ukraine.More by FRIEDRICH SCHMIDT, MOSCOW  19

AnalysisAgainst the fistfight

In the current strike-Wirwarr is an often forgotten: A work stoppage may be only the last resort, because it finally a massive - though legal - is breaking the employment contract More By JOACHIM JAHN, BERLIN.  4  5

Bundestag approvesWhat does the bargaining unit, the law?

The controversial Law on the bargaining unit is decided. What follows from this? Are escalating train drivers' strike passé? Or concede the Federal Constitutional Court, the control again? More  31 2

Chart of the DayAs soon as men in Kitas

To the children and the men should take care of, it is years. If they do well, but only at home. In the day-care centers almost exclusively by women. Especially in Bavaria. More  4
Financial markets

Holiday propertysauna and sea views bring returns

Holiday Homes in German holiday destinations are in demand as an investment. It attracts high returns. But the market is very sensitive to economic cycles. More By JUDITH LEMBKE  1

ABN AmroNetherlands bring nationalized bank to go public

The Dutch government wants to bring the nationalized during the financial crisis bank ABN Amro on the stock exchange. The state had the Bank 2008 for 17 billion euros bought and put billions in their rehabilitation. Now the bank should stand on their own legs. More  3

Technical AnalysisThe Tec-Dax is back in the lead

The Tec-Dax is since March 2009 a technical bull cycle. Why stocks such as Software AG and United Internet are attractive on. More By ACHIM MATZKE  1

Record fine for Mirror-VerlagMost expensive wiretapping scandal

Thirty thousand pounds for the ongoing grief: A London court has convicted the newspaper publisher Trinity Mirror to pay any remuneration to the prominent victim of his supervision. And an assessment scale set. More By GINA THOMAS, LONDON  1  2

"The Assassin" in CannesWoe to him who trained his body but not his heart

Hou Hsiao-Hsien from Taiwan provides in Cannes before his movie "The Assassin" and convinces the audience. In one and a half hours he gave them something valuable: time and beauty More By VERENA LUEKEN,CANNES.  1  7

Artist and the NSAThe Art monitored back

The NSA affair can hardly escape, the digital surveillance seems to be omnipresent. But who actually watches the watchmen? More By HANNAH FEILER  2

Messages from the brinkTen million for the re-emergence

Some are planning an immediate return to the Bundesliga, others mention the relegation danger dead. FAZ.NET collects last messages around loyal sponsors, escalation clauses and contingent liabilities. More

Jan-Aage Fjørtoft Interview"Guys, we can!"

In 1999, he saved Eintracht Frankfurt in the last minute before the descent into the Second Bundesliga. In FAZ.NET interview says Jan-Aage Fjørtoft before the last Bundesliga Highlights what you need in 2015 to avoid relegation. More By PETER HESS  3

Bundesliga relegation CalculatorThe battle for relegation is just a numbers game

On Saturday between 15.30 und 17.20 clock clock falls in the Bundesliga, the decision in the battle for relegation. Six more clubs stuck in the middle. By FAZ.NET-down computer, you can already decide beforehand the relegation battle. More of BERND and DANIEL HELFERT MEUREN

Gay Scouts in America"We have to resign ourselves to the world"

The Boy Scouts of America intend to accommodate homosexual group leader. Previously this was frowned upon: The Boy Scouts are funded mainly by churches. The debate was sparked by an eviction. More By CHRISTIANE HEALING, LOS ANGELES

Process to Tugces deathdoctors: errors in treatment

Doctors have recognized the life-threatening situation after the attack on Tugce too late?Apparently, the treatment did not run optimally. But Tugces death would anyway can not be averted, the judge declared. More By TIMO FRASCH, DARMSTADT  5  5

Pregnant with 65 yearsquadruplets born premature World

According to a media report, the 65 year old Annegret R. brought by Caesarean section quadruplets born - but about 14 weeks early. The Preemie the now 17-fold mother would, according to the doctors, however, "good survival". More 4

Tell me, DoctorHelps horse manure really against herpes?

Doctor Christina Stefanescu answers to questions that you always wanted to ask times - without appointment. Today: What helps against the annoying herpes cold sores More?  2  1

With hand and foot (4)The Royal John Lobb of London

The British Maßschuhhersteller John Lobb clothed feet wealthy men since 1849. Who orders a pair of new offenders here is from 5500 euros here. Today the family business is run by the fourth generation of world renown. More By STEPHAN FINSTERBUSCH  4  12

Driving Report BMW X6 xDrive 40dThe success eiligt funds

At the BMW X6 are the ghosts. The new edition provides a smoother rear and plenty of horsepower reasons that could appease critics - albeit at a high price More By BORIS SCHMIDT.  6  2

Fahrbericht VW Passat Variantso practical and the silent winners

All love the combination. Because the loadmaster is elegant and en route to the goal: The VW Passat Variant as balanced solution for business and family. At the motor should not be saved. More By WOLFGANG PETERS  28  10

Skin Cancer Preventionparents underestimate cloudy summer days

Still keep in the summer many children without adequate sun protection outdoors on, shows a study Erlanger. Pediatricians call now to take skin cancer prevention in the legally prescribed examinations in childhood. More By CHRISTINA HUCKLENBROICH  3  3

Teilchencrashs in LHCBig Bang machine with a new energy record

In LHC particle accelerator of the European research center CERN hydrogen nuclei collide at record energies. The tests will be used to test the machine through its paces for the next experiments.More  4  9

MedievalThis is not a love song

The languor of the Knights: Why you should not be confused with the reality the minstrelsy More By TILMAN SPRECKELSEN.  4

Federal Agency defends itselfaffords the employment agency overstaffed?

The employment agency, a cumbersome apparatus with overstaffed - Is this impression correct?Agency chief Frank-Juergen Weise attempts to impose new numbers to the contrary. More By DIETRICH CREUTZBURG  8  5

Student SpecialBetter a large university or a small?

Study beginners tend to prefer to choose a college with a good reputation, a place that suits their preferences. So often end up the wrong to the mass university. As the high school choice works better. More By UWE MARX  3

RescuedSpainlost in the sea, yet

The Illes Columbretes are overshadowed by the Balearic Islands and are but the biggest contrast to these strongholds of mass tourism:. A handful of small, wild, shaggy islands full of scorpions, of which man is almost completely banished More By ROLF NEUHAUS  7

Maldivesbeyond the swell

The Maldives is a dream destination for lovers of luxury hotels, corals and waves. The political reality has nothing to look. But it is getting closer More of ANDREAS LESTER  1  10

How do I explain it to my child?What relegation means

On Saturday one-third of the teams have to fight to stay in the Bundesliga. Why the relegation for football is good for players, clubs and fans but terribly. And especially for HSV. More By CHRISTIAN EICHLER  1  2

Youth studyConfident, technophile, spoiled

How they can be described, the youth of today? The Future Institute of Matthias Horx has compiled the latest findings. These are the trends. More  8  2

Berlin auctionsbusiness is booming with wilted maple leaves

The auction house Bassenge offers ancient and modern art in Berlin. With a fine print by Friedrich Olivier should be attached to past successes. MoreBy CAMILLA SHEETS  1

Residentialtenants are moving less frequently

A study shows that the Germans move less often. Particularly sedentary are the Berlin and Hamburg.More By MICHAEL PSOTTA  7  4

Fulda areacommunities create restricted areas against prostitution

Once wanted to settle a brothel in a community near Fulda, allowed the mayor to prohibit prostitution. Other places to move to now. More  7

University Hospital Giessen-MarburgBouffier rejects criticism on scarcer staff position

Overtime and did not renew contracts: The works of the privatized hospital complaining of a bad employee location. Now the Prime Minister has responded to the letter of protest. More

Road"The bike belongs to the road"

As go the associations for pedestrians and cyclists d'accord: road with bike paths on sidewalks. Better would be a way on the road - but the idea would have consequences for motorists More By HANS RIEBSAMEN, FRANKFURT.  37  9
22. Mai 2015. Isabelle Huppert scheint nicht allzu begeistert von den Annäherungsversuchen Gerard Depardieus vor den Kameras der Fotografen in Cannes zu sein. Die Beiden stellen bei dem Festival ihren neuen Film „Valley of Love“ vor, in dem sie ein entfremdetes Ehepaar spielen.© DPAEnlargeMay 22, 2015. Isabelle Huppert does not seem to be too impressed by the advances of Gerard Depardieu in front of the cameras of photographers in Cannes.The two digits at the festival in front of their new movie "Valley of Love", in which they play an estranged couple.
For the first time reaping the Federal Labour Minister praise from the business community. But in fact, it looks more like, as if the new tariff Unity Act exacerbate distribution conflicts. More  5  9

Paul IvicThe best vegetarian cooking Europe

Worldwide, there are hardly any vegetarian restaurants with Michelin star. Since April 2014, the "Tian" is one in Vienna to which can also boast three toques by Gault Millau. The restaurant owes the ideas of its chef Paul Ivic.More   3

The best of the web,if so do not be tamed dragon

... What then? Rastafarian Targaryen, John Snow, Chris Martin: They were all at this year's Red Nose Day for Coldplay's Game of Thrones musical on stage. More 

Samsung NX500flagship technology in the middle class

Samsung wants to do with the NX500 to the professionals competition. But the camera has smaller weaknesses, which are already known from previous Samsung models. More  HANS-HEINRICH PARDEY  2

Student SpecialWho should pay?

About 700 euros a month students need to live.Possible sources: Mom and Dad, a part-time job, student loans or a bank. As it is, juggle well and just calculate. We show you how. More  LEONIE FEUERBACH  2

Krude Hollywood logicWith 37 years too old for a mid-fifties

Maggie Gyllenhaal was rejected by strange reasoning for a role, Scarlett Johansson is learning on the living object, and Valérie Trierweiler goes unpunished - the Smalltalk more.  1

Chart of the DayAs soon as men in Kitas

To the children and the men should take care of, it is years. If they do well, but only at home. In the day-care centers almost exclusively by women. Especially in Bavaria. More   4
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