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Friday, September 20, 2013

Weill Cornell Division of NY Presbyterian Hospital Complex

Weill Cornell is always receiving accolades from associations that rate hospitals

Thought it might be interesting to look at Yelp reviews 

Solid favorable reviews but also some real sour apples...

NY Presbyterian - Weill Cornell Medical Center

3.5 star rating
45 reviews Rating Details
525 E 68th St
New York, NY 10065
Neighborhood: Upper East Side
(212) 746-5454
Nearest Transit Station:
Roosevelt Island
By Appointment Only:
1.4 Miles from NY Presbyterian - Weill Cornell Medical Center
As a general dental office, we provide a spectrum of services including everything from examinations and cleanings, to fillings, crowns, bridges,… read more »
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45 reviews in English

  • Review from

    • 15 friends
    • 78 reviews
    Little Neck, NY
    8/26/2013 1 check-in here
    Had surgery there on tuesday.  The pre-surgery intake was fast and efficient, and the surgery went as planned without any complications.  The room I was given to recover in for two days was spacious, clean, and filled with modern amenities.  The nurses were great, especially the night nurses, who i tended to give a hard time to because I couldn't stay asleep.

    I wouldn't have any major medical procedure done anywhere else.
  • Review from

    • 25 friends
    • 46 reviews
    San Diego, CA
    It was worth the trip from San Diego back in autumn 2012.

    Specialty medicine is one of their strong points.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 7 reviews
    Brooklyn, NY
    This was the best hospital experience I could have had for my labor and delivery. I actually had a home birth with my first child because I was so afraid of the hospital experience and the tendency towards Ceasaraen Sections and unnecessary interventions. I have heard countless horror stories about terrible bedside manner from doctors and nurses alike, which is all the more challenging to women in the vulnerable state of labor. But I decided I wanted an epidural, so I opted for the hospital.

    The staff at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell could NOT have been more professional OR more nurturing. Not only was my every need met without judgement, but people went above and beyond to help me adjust: through coaching my breathing and pain management, constantly checking in on me and seeing to my comfort and my husband's, and providing suggestions from burping the baby to successful latching for breastfeeding.

    During the two in-hospital days after the birth, I had the choice to keep the baby with me have them take him so I could sleep. There was an endless stream of experts, classes and tools to help new moms. I left he hospital having met with several lactation consultants, with a ton of mothering newborn techniques from sage nurses, and with a large supply of kit to help with my recovery (you name it, they will provide it for for you for free). And my room overlooked the East River and the sunrise.

    I went in expecting the alienating and dehumanizing experience of a big institution and came out feeling like I had been staying at the Ritz Carlton. I could not recommend the hospital more.
  • Review from

    • 1 friend
    • 21 reviews
    New York, NY
    in the purest sense, they are scam artists that only are out for as much money as they can squeeze out of you.
  • Review from

    • 16 friends
    • 63 reviews
    Brooklyn, NY
    8/21/2013 1 check-in here
    Thanks for sorting out my Lil bro. Pediatric emergency care is quick and solid. Saw volunteers helping even younger kids select a video so super accommodating.
  • Review from

    • 54 friends
    • 81 reviews
    New York, NY
    5/21/2013 1 check-in here
    I gave birth here. I love the OB I went to for the prenatal care; I love the OB who delivered my baby. I love all the staff who helped me from the moment I checked in until the moment I left the hospital. Great facility and clean environment.
  • Review from

    Brooklyn, NY
    2/14/2013 4 check-ins here
    This is the hospital my friend went to after her horrible experience at Beekman Downtown Hospital (see my other review). After being misdiagnosed at Beekman, she was examined at Cornell and told that she had a cyst. While surgery was required, it was not as drastic and would not involve having a complete hysterectomy as Beekman wanted to do.

    The room she received was immaculate and a private room - although it came about by an error, they had coded my friend as an outpatient procedure, so a room had to be procured for her. The nurses were nice and answered quickly when called. I have to admit they were patient as my friend was a bit cranky after the surgery and did not want to do the exercises and walking on the ward that she need to do. The wards were clean and bright, and they did not mind the number of people in the room or the times people visited. The food sucked - but that is the seemingly norm for hospitals.

    Ironically, a week after my friend had her surgery, another friend suffered a heart attack and was at Brooklyn Hospital. She needed a procedure to examine her heart and was actually transferred to Cornell to be treated there! Brooklyn did not have the expertise that Cornell has for cardiac care. My friend was also treated well and praised the nursing staff and the accommodations.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 23 reviews
    New York, NY
    Be careful of the billings.  Tried calling several times and getting my insurance claims submitted correctly, but no calls back on it.  They say they will pass it on to billing department, but not sure where it gets lost.  Stuck with hundreds dollars in bills when my insurance will cover if submitted correctly.  If you don't have to worry about a few  bucks, ok, but if you do, then you might want to avoid this place if you can.
  • Review from

    Jackson, NJ
    If you find yourself falling, hitting your head and rendering yourself unconscious then the ER at NYC - Weill-Cornell is for you! Another tip - make sure your son is with you to take care of things ...

    Seriously, my care was good, and I left feeling better but not exactly well informed. The paperwork that I was given was generic and I am hoping for some real information when the records are sent to my local doctor.

    Not sure who I was talking to - nurse, intern or doctor, and once someone read my CAT scans (neck and head) I was on my way.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 24 reviews
    West Bronx, NY
    January 13, 2013

    REVIEW:   New York Presbyterian-Cornell Hospital,  Manhattan, NY

    I thought this was the best hospital in New York City; however, I was so wrong. My son has Transverse Myelitis, and he was never adequately treated for such a condition.  My son now has FIVE bedsores; two on his behind, one on his testicle, and two on his heels of his feet.  My son made a call to 311 and complained about neglect; therefore,  Ms. Lorraine Baker (Administrator - with Patient Services) took my son's phone privileges away and no longer allowed his mother to visit. I legally tape recorded Ms. Bakers threat to do such. There is NO Patient ADVOCATE at this hospital, as there is at most hospitals.  She did not allow my son to talk or see his mom for Thanksgiving, her Birthday, New Years, or any Holiday. To prevent a patient the rights to making and receiving phone calls and visits, is against the Patient Bill of Rights.  My son was left almost a month sobbing from pain and suffering from Transverse Myelitis symptoms and bedsores.  It is my understanding that two of the bed sores became stage IV and the bone and  muscle are exposed and got a very bad bacterial infection due to gross negligence.  It is my understanding that they had to do surgery on two of the bed sores yesterday, but could not confirm.  They have a police officer (could be Hospital Police) outside my son's door as if he is a common criminal, to make sure no one sees the condition he is in. It is my understanding the hospital is on DAMAGE CONTROL (to protect themselves from a malpractice law suit); therefore, they do not want anyone to confirm he has the bedsores and/or surgery.  The hospital will not allow him to talk to any friends or family to confirm if he had surgery or not, and no one can get close to seeing him.  This is not the best hospital in NYC; it is a DISGRACE to our health care system.  I am forced to seek legal help JUST to talk and see my son.  A few good employees at this hospital have called me to say they feel so bad for my son, that he is mistreated - yelled at  and neglected. There is NO compassion.  That one phone call my son made to 311 (with complaint for neglect - that the bedsore prove he was telling the truth...) has turned my son and my life UPSIDE down.  The hospital tried to isolate my son; they put him in the psych ward after he called 311 and treated his transverse myelitis symptoms with anti-psychotic  medications that had horrible adverse side effects.  I contacted the Attorney Generals Office and NYS Governors Office and soon after that - my son was given a psychological evaluation, that showed he did NOT have the conditions that they put in his medical records.  He then was taken OUT of the psych ward and put back on the medical floor. I have since been told by the few good hospital employees at this hospital (and there are some, thank God) that this particular hospital gives great care to the rich and famous; however, if  a patient does not have private insurance (has medicaid) they get horrible care, if any. A social worker at this hospital on 5 Central told me that they do NOT take Medicaid patients and tried to discharge him when he was sick; however, no other place would take him like that.  The Social Worker would not work with my son to get his health insurance re-certified (partially her fault it was terminated, in my opinion); therefore, they send me all the unpaid bills. Bills for services now; of neglect.  They had to get my son some type of air/foam bed for the bedsores. They will not even tell us what the name of the bacterial infection he got there.  The doctors refuse to show him copies of test results or give him updates on his condition. This place has become our NIGHTMARE. The motto of this hospital is "PUT THE PATIENT FIRST" - someone that works there told me, that motto is ONLY if you are RICH or FAMOUS.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 4 reviews
    Astoria, Queens, NY
    I thought Weill Cornell would have been a safe bet for an emergency room visit- but I was wrong.   TERRIBLE experience in ER, URGENT CARE, and HOSPITAL.

    The ER shifted me over to Urgent Care, where there were no beds available.  The doctor saw me and we discussed a treatment plan, then his shift ended around midnight.  This whole time I was in the hallway next to the waiting area, across from the nurses desk, where I could see and hear the nurses say bad things about their colleagues, including eye rolling and inappropriate language.

    Around 1AM the nurse comes in to start my treatment- but it's the plan that I did not choose.  It's the nurse that the others were being uncomplimentary about, so even though I'm exhausted , scared, and in a life threatening situation in need of treatment I request someone else come and talk to me about why the plan changed.  Someone else comes in (one of the staff being rude to my nurse) and throws a bunch of attitude at me about how the doctor changed his mind about the treatment, and no- I can't talk to him (or any other doctor) because they're gone for the night.

    So by 3A I've been moved into a room in the ER, and finally fall asleep just in time for a hospital staff person to come in to wake me and get my insurance card, which I had already shown at registration.

    Around 6A I'm moved to the burn unit (despite having no burns- it's just where they have beds) and see a PA.  She tells me a doctor will come and see me shortly- which she does.  I get 4 minutes with the doctor who answers my questions with annoyance.  I'm confused and sick, so  she promises to come back later but never does.  In fact, I never see another doctor in my 2 day hospital stay.

    The PA comes back but gives me bad information, which thankfully my primary care is able to correct her a few days later.

    More bad stuff happened but I'm boring myself.

    Scary thing is that this is one of the best hospitals in NY.  Would have to have gone to a bad one.
  • Review from

    • 3 friends
    • 64 reviews
    Old Greenwich, CT
    I vastly upgraded my opinion of this hospital based on a recent stay by my mother in law. The attention to my 92 year old mother in law was impeccable from the social workers, nurses,  hospital staff and doctor, Dr. Caputo. They were wonderful.  While with her first emergency room visit had me unnerved when they lost her they have more then made up this time. They truly deserve the designation of world class center of excellence. And the rooms were spotless.
  • Review from

    New York, NY
    Overall a good hospital experience, that is better than most NYC area hospitals!

    As I may have mentioned in other hospital reviews, I've unfortunately had a lot of experience in and out of them - not personally, but as a visitor.  My grandma had broken her (second) hip, and the ambulance took this LIC resident to NY Presbyterian, because it was actually closer and more available than other nearby hospitals.

    The atmosphere: this hospital is so fancy, it's like a 5-star hotel (that was how my uncle described it).  There's a beautiful airy atrium with computer terminals, comfy chairs and tv.  it's spacious -- I did not see 4- or even 6- person rooms (which you can find in NYU or NY Hospital Queens).  Though there technically is an official visiting hours, no one will ever kick you out and if your relation is feeling really uneasy, you're welcome to overnight (which I did).

    The guest lounges are nice and comfortable, and clean.  There's free wifi and even terminals you can login if you don't have your own computer!  On the 6th floor at least - there's even visitor bathrooms with showers, coin laundry and a quiet room where you can properly lay out to sleep.  I think this has to do with being by the NICU, but stll - that's nice!

    The care: The nurses were all kind; the nurses aides, though they could be flustered, always had a nice demeanor.  Everyone was always friendly and kind - which is definitely not the norm in these high stress environs.

    The anesthesiologists who handled grandma pre-surgery very expertly and skillfully gave her the very minimum needed to get her through hip surgery.  In other situations, grandma has always been intubated and knocked out with dangerously too much.  She didn't have to deal with confusion and anxiety from waking up out of the medicine induced coma, which was the biggest plus of our stay!

    No five stars because -- food was pretty gross (average for hospitals), and we never got what we circled the day before.  Also, I can't say the staff was always too quick -- during change shift especially, staff could be quite slow (though I noticed never the case under Novie's watch!).

    I'd definitely recommend going to this hospital over others for its generous visitor services - and having family and friends with you when you are in the hospital, IMO, is a great factor in getting you well.

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