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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wall Inset Pix, Broadway IRT subway downtown side at 86th Street

I found these inlaid pictures in the wall of the platform for the downtown trains at West 86th Street on the Broadway IRT subway really charming...let me check after posting them if I can find out who did them

 OK, let me check internet about who did these...may get nowhere, knowing the MTA

Aha! This seems to be the information I wanted ( from Wikipedia)

This station has an artwork installed in 1989 entitled Westside Views by Nitza Tufiño. The artists are students of Manhattan Community Board 7 and the Grosvernor House. Scenes include 72nd Street, medians on Broadway, FDNY, kids at play, Ida Straus memorial in Straus Park, boats at the 79th Street Boat Basin, New York Buddhist Church Street vendors, and a New York City Bus. A poem entitled West Side Views by student Pedro Pieti is also featured.

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