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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Second Avenue Subway Update==CBS News Video Glosses over Problems

This story just started with something that occurred to damn long this Second Avenue subway has taken and how they have glossed over all the mishaps and disasters involved, as just a PARTIAL section of the line-- down to 63rd street--is now planned to be ready for 2016.

2016?  The above photo is one I took back in the winter of 2011, in Second Avenue on the Upper East Side and, the view there now is basically exactly the same...

It also turns out the MTA has commissioned a photographer to chronicle the building of the subway ( guess he has left out explosions sending rock flying in the street and the whole story of the  worker who had to be rescued from quicksand, which took forever and during which all these other workers were injured too.)

Well, here is the charming face of "Official Reality" as it appeared on the local CBS news in June...

Wow, do they make this whole ridiculous story of this massive botched project seem like everything is just going according to plan or something...

Well, I can see that is the "party line" all sorts of people in the media are going to toe --for whatever reasons-- and I don't expect them to be any more truthful in the future.

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