Please take some time each day leading up to 9/11 and remember those 343 FDNY Firefighters 
  • Paul Hollingshead, Jordan Guilliams, Laurence Delorme and 17 others like this.
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Ryan and I had the honor of sitting in on a UL/NIST class today on Fire Dynamics Research to Tactical Solutions. We appreciate the time and effort that was put into the class and the fireground application examples that were given. These help to bridge the gap between the “Scientific Lab Stuff” and…
  • Brian Makgale, Joseph Varga, Aaron J. Hopkins and 34 others like this.
Rescue 6 K
A sharp photo from Sean Maiorano makes the September 2015 cover.
Rescue 6, 2002 Freightliner/American LaFrance
  • Madusha Prageeth Balasuriya, Michael Guido, CElena Soto and 153 others like this.
  • Justin McLean There's a rescue 6 in FDNY?
Almost Sliced in Half by Stream
Fire in Indiana Township, Iowa
  • Walter Cascone, Jason Peterson, John Cline and 24 others like this.
  • John Cannon If that hose line was inside the building instead of the roof the fire would be out before they could have gotten to the roof.
  • Devin Gladden It's sad to see the lack knowledge and training we see in this video. It's even worse when I guess the chief is on the roof with no ppe on. I don't have a problem with roof work but we just had a near lodd with a fellow firefighter falling through a ro...See More
  • Mike Richards, Paul Hollingshead, Mike Sievers Sr. and 8 others like this.
We are live Register today Classes are expected to fill quickly. Click on the link to register.…
F a c e s
Jill Freedman is the reason I'm a photographer. When I was 15 years old I stepped into a bookstore in Princeton NJ and pulled one book off the shelves:...
  • Justin Michael, Ryan Cheski, Stephen McClain and 26 others like this.
  • Bob Skowronek That was a great book picture wise. The looks on the faces, steely determination and grit. And a great narration on the video also
Go West Young Man
Come out to the Firemanship Conference in Portland Oregon February 1st, 2nd & 3rd 2016! Sponsored by First Whip FOOLS and Brothers In Battle, LLC, the Firemanship Conference will be donating all proceeds to Sons of the Flag
This class is for Chiefs
No sneaking in, lol
Seven Standards of Aggressive Interior Attack
Is something to be proud of operating at a heightened extinguishment level.
Is easily recognizable as rooms convert to steam as you move along.
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In The Dark Many individuals that are associated with the fire service are in the dark. They themselves don’t really get it and don’t care to get it. They have been in the dark from the beginning...
F I n d T h e m
Mike Lombardo, Commissioner (retired) -- Buffalo, NY, Fire Department Risk analysis models influence much of the fireground decision making in the fire service today. But at times we are called to go against these models, act against the odds. The results of such actions are sometimes tragic and som…
Nothing Showing 
The size up term "Nothing Showing" has been used for years in most parts of the country for first arriving fire officers and has become part of the extinguishment culture. However it's time it be removed. 
This on scene arrival message to the dispatcher and other responding units sets the stage for dangerous operations....
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  • Chris Israel, Jack Dewan Jr, James Doc Thompson and 181 others like this.
  • Alex Cardella I absolutely see your point that "nothing showing means nothing." However, if you dropped it from the size up, I think it would still make the same point, unless we also dropped "smoke showing" and "fire showing"... Hear me out first.

    The department w
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  • Philip Bruzan "Nothing showing" is perfectly fine. A well trained and well disciplined F/F will not drop his guard or slow down. He/she will simply understand that nothing is showing...yet.
Aggressive Interior Attack
Is all that and much more
  • Jordan Collins, John Seber, Adam Resanovich and 38 others like this.
  • Dana Cullen Sr. Words of wisdom from the best, thanks Lieutenant Ray McCormack.
P o w e r D a d d y
The Pettiness of People in Power By David Rhodes It is always amazing to see the pain and suffering that some leaders impart upon their members. This pain…
  • Mike Richards, Jacob Greenwalt and 2 others like this.
Aggressive Interior Attack is the quick extinguishment of a fire by a rapidly advancing nozzle team.
photo Michael Dick