
Staten Island Monday: Sights and scenes in St. 



STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- From the lineup of historic, landmarked municipal buildings along Richmond Terrace -- starting with Borough Hall and moving down the "noble row" -- to a cupola-topped home on St. Marks Place across the street from the municipal parking garage and the Art Deco facade of the Ambassador apartment building on Daniel Low Terrace, the streets of St. George are filled with architectural contrast.
If you walk along Stuyvesant Place, pay attention, and you'll find a "Specimens" drop-off slot to the right of the entrance door to the former Board of Health building at No. 51, and an old plaque at the entry to Borough Hall honoring Giovanni da Verrazzano, "native of Florence, Italy," for his discovery of Staten Island on April 17, 1524.
And, yes: That's the spelling of Italian explorer's surname on this commemorative plaque!
On this Labor Day morning, Staten Island's downtown was not exactly bustling with activity. We found no playing children, dog walkers or weekend gardeners out and about on attractive hilltop residential streets like Fort Hill Circle and Belmont Place.
Click here for 18 quick historic facts about this North Shore neighborhood that you may not know.