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Monday, September 7, 2015

Fire Rescue- Sept 11 FF Talks to Students

9/11 firefighter talks to junior high students 

Lt. Joe Torrillo: "Don't be afraid when life throws a detour sign in your way. Embrace it."

By Clifford Davis
The Florida Times-Union
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — New York City Fire Department Lt. Joe Torrillo looked up from his car and saw Islamic extremists fly American Airlines Flight 11 into the north face of the World Trade Center's North Tower.
He was one of only a few who correctly guessed what would happen.
"I said everybody above the impact is going to die; there's no way we can get to them and there's no way they can get down," he said. "We have to get everybody below out before the buildings collapse."
Torrillo has been featured in 9/11 documentaries for History Channel and Discovery, but Friday he spoke to about 100 students at Orange Park Junior High after an earlier stop at Cherry Hill Elementary.
He spoke of that horrific day 14 years ago, a day on which nearly every member of his audience was not alive to remember.
"Don't be afraid when life throws a detour sign in your way," he told the students in his thick Brooklyn accent. "Embrace it."
Torrillo's quick assessment on the morning of Sept. 11 came as a result of a few detours in his own life.
He grew up not dreaming of becoming a firefighter, but a master carpenter.
"When I was a kid, I wanted to be a carpenter more than anything in the world," Torrillo said. "My father had an uncle and when I was a kid, he was a bricklayer at 85 years old.
"I used to go with him to all these jobs and watch him.
"It would amaze me watching what he could do with bricks."
That spark eventually led Torrillo to a degree in engineering and a fateful trip to the World Trade Center as it was being built.
"Two of my professors in college worked for the concrete contractor on the twin towers," he said. "They were able to take me and the other engineering students down to the towers when they were going up so we could study them.
"As new engineering students, we were marveling that these were going to be the tallest buildings in the world but looked so flimsy."
Torrillo noticed the innovative construction process that used much less steel than other, more traditional, skyscrapers such as the Empire State Building. The floors that separated each story of the building were only four inches thick, he said.
"The engineers and construction workers did their job, though," he said. "It would still be standing today if that day never happened."
In 1996, another detour came Torrillo's way.
After 15 years with Engine Company No. 10, the company housed in the shadow of the South Tower, Torrillo suffered a serious injury while rescuing a woman from a fire.
"I almost cut my thumb off," he said. "They had to surgically reattach it."
For a while, that meant the end of Torrillo's days bursting into burning buildings.
The fire department reassigned him to the office of fire safety education while he convalesced. Though not initially excited about the move, he embraced it and soon became the program's director.
Torrillo oversaw several major projects while with the unit, including helping to design Fisher-Price's firefighter action figure, "Billy Blazes."
When the toy was ready to be launched in the fall of 2001, Torrillo offered to have the news conference at "The Fire Zone," a fire-safety education center he developed in Manhattan. He thought the perfect day to have it would be Sept. 11, because of its numeric match to the emergency phone line 9-1-1.
As the first plane hit the towers, Torrillo was on his way to the release event. He was an eighth of a mile from the World Trade Center, right by his old fire house.
"Now, I have a decision to make: Do I go to my press conference, or do I go to my firehouse where I started my career?" he said. "I walked in the doors of the firehouse at exactly 9 a.m."
Torrillo tore off his dress uniform and jumped into an off-duty firefighter's gear.
As he approached the burning North Tower, he heard the sound of jet engines.
"I looked up and that's when I saw another jet that came overhead and I watched that jet slam right into the South Tower as I was standing underneath it," he said. "At that point I realized we were under a terrorist attack."
Now, Torrillo stood beneath two 110-story buildings burning and crackling after being struck by massive civilian passenger jets filled with fuel.
But his mind wasn't looking at the twin towers. He was looking inside them, thinking back to his tour in college.
"So on the morning of Sept. 11, all those images are coming back to me," he said. "I'm looking at the buildings, but I'm seeing the support systems.
"To me then, it was just so obvious."
As Torrillo threw himself into rescue and evacuation efforts, the South Tower began to give way.
"I heard a loud rumble and a roar, and then the building started coming down as I stood beneath the South Tower," he said. "I didn't think it would collapse for five or six hours," he said.
"It took 55 minutes."
Torrillo ran to a foot bridge that spanned the two towers in a desperate attempt to escape the massive wall of concrete and steel that fell from the sky.
As the floors collapsed, one on top of another, they produced massive air gusts, he said.
"As I was running, I could feel the air on the back of my neck and it was getting stronger and stronger," he said. "It looked like a scene from 'The Wizard of Oz.' "
He never made it to the bridge.
"A piece of steel hit me in the back of my head and split my head open," he said. "All my ribs were broken, this arm was snapped, my shoulder was torn out of the socket, my spine and my neck were crushed and I was suffocating in this huge dust cloud.
"I was buried with a lot of other people."
There was screaming in the darkness, Torrillo said.
"After a while, the screams turned to cries, the cries turned to whimpers and the whimpers into silence," he said. "One by one they all died."
About an hour later, his fellow firefighters found Torrillo, put him on a stretcher and ran across the street to the banks of the Hudson River, where boats had come from New Jersey to assist in the evacuation.
"I heard them saying I would die if they didn't get me to a hospital," he said. "That's when everyone heard the second rumble and started screaming."
Everyone else jumped overboard and Torrillo ended up in the boat's engine room, covered once more in rubble from a building that no longer existed.
"They found me again and when I woke up, I was in an operating room in New Jersey," Torrillo said.
However, the hospital identified Torrillo by the name on the inside of his jacket, which wasn't his. It belonged to another firefighter who was off duty that day.
"That night, 344 firemen were declared dead," he said. "Three days later, only one would be found alive and that was me."
The students in Orange Park Junior High's media center didn't talk. They didn't squirm, pass notes or send text messages.
They asked questions -- lots of them.
When the faculty finally had to step in and end the questions, the children lined up for autographs and to take pictures with him.
Cherry Hill Elementary's assistant principal Jarrod Eason wasn't surprised by the children's behavior.
"Your initial thought would be they wouldn't be that interested because almost none of them were alive on 9/11," Eason said. "But they're really interested in the wars and what's going on in the Middle East."
Toward the end of his presentation, Torrillo, who will be headed to Eglin Air Force Base to see troops leaving for the Middle East, made sure the students knew where he stood.
He said recent strife within the country has hurt him because his most cherished memory of that terrible day was how it united the United States.
"I'm here to remind you and everyone else that we owe no excuse to any groups of people or to any other nation because we say we're proud to be an American," he said. "You should be proud of that because 1,343,812 men and women laid down their lives to defend our liberty.
"We all have an obligation to live our lives in a way that will leave this country a better place for our children and grandchildren."
(c)2015 The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, Fla.)
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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