Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The City That Never Sleeps; Yes, another Psychic
But not necessarily seven days a week ( Rite Aid is not 24 hrs on the weekends)...
A couple of delis are open all night but have a buzzer at the door...
Well, traffic never completely stops, not here around the Midtown tunnel, that's for sure.
You can hear one motorcyclist from my apartment late at night some times ( I assume it is the same person) who really revs up his engine as he heads through the local brick canyon on his way to the tunnel...
Yes. Another Psychic. Is there a "Psychic Community" around here or something?
Some of them use Yoga symbols and some seem more oriented towards astrology or perhaps palmistry.
If you believe in conspiracy theories, I am sure you can find some wicked purpose to why so many of these places are located around here.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Derelict Bike; Feeding Pigeons
Monday, June 28, 2010
Eagle; Flower before rain: japanese straightening
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Gay Pride Parade; Yet Another Psychic
All I saw were some stragglers like this couple and tons of cops soaking up overtime and tropic heat.
Heard one of the cops complaining about the heat...very unusual, NYC cops are real stoics about the weather. They are out in everything all the time...
Just when I thought I had seen all of them, voila, another new psychic shop pops up in my path. This neighborhood has too many psychic places for it not to mean something....but what?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Shoes; New Psychic; Neighbor
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Oxford Newz and Smoke; Green Condos
I don't buy Newsday every day any more...and I don't buy cigarettes, which by the way are going way up again due to a new tax to try and close the State's deficit.
Those Green Condos over on Second Avenue seem to be ready but don't look like many people gave moved in...real estate market is still poor here.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Ghost of Warhol; Psychic Messengers
Thursday, June 17, 2010
34th Street- Astro Gems and Minerals
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Multitasking; Bar Flags for Soccer; Murray Hill Center?
Bar flags for World's Cup in bar window ...
This tablet at the Southwest corner of Park Avenue and 35th Street marks the center of the old Murray farm-- the true center of Murray Hill?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
World Cup Excitement-for a while
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Everyday sights- where are these people moving to?
Maybe this was as close a parking spot as they could get to where they wanted to go.
Two cafes catering to two different types of clientele--maybe--exist side by side.
Wanted to get shot of vendor at this street place selling food to someone but felt it would be an unwelcome intrusion...there are some places in Midtown where you are free to photograph anything, but this quiet corner didn't seem like one of them.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Apparent False Alarm
One of New York's bravest arrives at a big apartment complex.
A lot of trucks showed up ( not just the two shown here)...I walked by as they were coming and was back ten minutes later as some trucks were leaving, but a few more were coming in from farther away, probably!
This was possibly a heart attack... wonder if woman on cell phone nearby called in a false alarm just to relieve her boredom on lazy, hot afternoon. Hope not!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Hats; Bus People: Decorated Street
Taking their time, people wait and board slowly and patiently for a bus. This is what distinguishes them from the people dashing around in the subway.
This is either 31 st or 32nd Street and Fifth Avenue, and noticed there are decorations up for some kind of holiday...wonder which one. There is always something in NYC.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Signs with Attitude
On Madison Avenue, some outfit called sings the praises of "Leadership" with its picture of Geo. Washington crossing the Delaware...
Sign is in front of Roche Bobois furniture store ( where Maurice Villency used to be before they went bankrupt).
One awful painting in hallway in this building extols " Attitude"--what attitude? Mostly contempt for kitsch like this.
Finally, woman wears T shirt with an advertising slogan for organic restaurant on 32nd Street....noticed her gabbing on cell phone and walking along oblivious to everything else as is so often the case.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Little House; former Club Building; Street Sale
35th Street has a number of small townhouses ( how did they get built that way) which have been renovated in various ways.
One of them ( just to left of one shown) has been flying the United Nations flag and now has a "For Sale" sign on it.
Not sure whether Stanford White building on lower Park Avenue ( not Park Avenue South, this is the lowest part of the "real" Park Avenue)-- it has a big plaque on it...apparently it was a club building for different organization and now is co-ops.
Finally, some woman has all sorts of "stuff" ( don't know what else to call it) out on Third Avenue in the upper 30's...trying to sell off things she no longer wants, I guess. Another woman was just to the North of her.
Always thought you needed a license to block the sidewalk that way but cops probably figure it isn't worth the hassle messing with Murray Hill locals who can have expensive lawyers and be very contentious.

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