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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Warsaw Voice- Political

The Warsaw Voice » Politics
March 31, 2015
Looking at the reactions of international politicians to the murder of Boris Nemtsov it is difficult to resist the impression t...
March 31, 2015
A military court in Warsaw March 19 cleared four Polish soldiers of war crime charges over the killing of eight civilians during a...
February 27, 2015
Ignoring a ceasefire agreement negotiated in the Belarusian capital, Minsk, Russian-backed separatists have intensified military o...
February 27, 2015
Polish lawmakers Feb. 6 approved a European convention against domestic violence, despite fierce protests by the conservative oppo...
February 27, 2015
Although polls show that incumbent Bronisław Komorowski is set to win Poland’s May 10 presidential election hands down in th...
February 27, 2015
Strikes by miners and protests by farmers have stepped up the pressure on Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz’s center-right governmen...
January 28, 2015
A hundred days after taking office, Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz found herself facing mass protests by miners over government plans t...
December 30, 2014
Poland has entered an election year, with a presidential election in the spring and a parliamentary ballot in the fall....
December 1, 2014
Before the last elections to the European Parliament, Marek Migalski, a Polish Eurodeputy elected on a Law and Justice (PiS) ticke...
December 1, 2014
Poland’s largest opposition party, the conservative Law and Justice (PiS), has named Eurodeputy Andrzej Duda as its candidat...
Poland's biggest trade union Solidarnosc endorsed the candidacy of the main opposition conservative party Law and Justice (PiS) po...
Controversial far-right candidate for president Janusz Korwin-Mikke seeks to be elected Poland's President “to change the co...
Borys Budka, an MP of ruling party Civic Platform (PO), will be appointed as a new Justice Minister following resignation of Cezar...
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