
Miguel Gutierrez/European Pressphoto Agency
Venezuela’s economy is dominated by the oil industry, and it has the largest proven reserves of crude oil in the world. President Hugo Chavez, who was elected in 1998 on a populist platform, consolidated state control over the economy and nationalized its telephone and electricity companies. Chavez was succeeded upon his death by his vice president, Nicolas Maduro, who was elected president in 2013.
President Maduro’s government has faced ongoing protests and civil unrest since the beginning of 2014. There are growing signs that Maduro’s support in the region is dwindling, as neighboring countries have expressed concern about his government’s response to the crisis, including the aggressive treatment of protesters.
Scroll below to learn more about Venezuela using our article archive and chronology of breaking news.


  1. MAY. 6, 2015
    Venezuela's complex currency system has caused fraud by importers, who drastically inflate value of goods brought into country; they sometimes fake shipments entirely and import nothing; officials say tens of billions of dollars needed for imports have been lost from treasury; corruption has left economy in tatters.  MORE
  2. APR. 27, 2015
    Antonio Ledezma, jailed mayor of Caracas, Venezuela, has been transferred from prison to private hospital for hernia operation; faces charges of conspiring against Pres Nicolas Maduro's government, and has been held in military prison pending trial.  MORE
  3. APR. 11, 2015
    Editorial acknowledges that Obama administration's policy shift toward Cuba has created potential for renewed engagement with Latin American countries at Summit for the Americas; suggests other steps Obama could take to further improve United States' standing in region; calls for US to facilitate imports of natural gas to region and to mend ties with Brazil; urges Obama to reiterate to Venezuelan Pres Nicolas Maduro that he is not planning military action there.  MORE
  4. APR. 9, 2015
    Thomas A Shannon Jr, top adviser to Sec of State John Kerry, visits Venezuelan Pres Nicolas Maduro in effort to repair relations between countries ahead of the Summit of the Americas meeting.  MORE
  5. APR. 8, 2015
    Benjamin J Rhodes, deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, says Venezuela does not pose threat to United States; statement downplays comments made in executive order signed by Pres Obama alleging that Venezuela is threat to national security.  MORE


A Film Explores Curaçao’s Effort to Become a Caribbean Haven for Coral

A documentary explores how Curacao is trying to lead the Caribbean in building an economy around its coral reefs, instead one that threatens them.
May 13, 2015, Wednesday

Venezuela’s Economy Suffers as Import Schemes Siphon Billions

The government’s complex currency system has led people to engage in fraud that wildly inflates the value of goods brought into the country or to fake shipments altogether.
May 6, 2015, Wednesday

Importadores malversan millones en Venezuela y hunden la economía

El complejo sistema de divisas del gobierno ha provocado fraudes en los que se infla desmesuradamente el valor de las mercancías introducidas al país o de plano se falsean envíos.
May 6, 2015, Wednesday

Jailed Venezuelan Mayor Is Moved to Hospital for Surgery

It was unclear whether Mayor Antonio Ledezma of Caracas, who has been jailed on conspiracy charges, would be returned to prison after he recuperated from a hernia operation.
April 27, 2015, Monday

How to Fix the Mess in Venezuela

Maduro must reorient the economy and accept that democracy includes dissent.
April 22, 2015, Wednesday

In a Surprise, a Top Kerry Adviser Visits Venezuela

A State Department counselor, Thomas A. Shannon Sr., arrived in Caracas on Tuesday in what appeared to be an effort to lower tensions between the countries.
April 9, 2015, Thursday

White House Seeks to Soothe Relations With Venezuela

A White House official said Tuesday that Venezuela was not a threat to the national security of the United States, backing off language in an executive order that had inflamed relations.
April 8, 2015, Wednesday

The U.N.’s War on Israel

A stage for statecraft has become a forum for hate and hypocrisy.
April 1, 2015, Wednesday

Latin Glamour

Modern architects, artists and designers find inspiration in the colorful, sensuous landscapes and indigenous flora of the region south of the border.
March 26, 2015, Thursday

U.S.-Cuba Talks on Restoring Diplomatic Ties End Abruptly

Officials had hoped for an agreement before both Presidents Obama and Castro attend the Summit of the Americas in April.
March 18, 2015, Wednesday


Hugo Chávez’s Rise to Power
Mr. Chávez rose from poverty to unrivaled influence in Venezuela as its president, consolidating power and wielding the country’s oil reserves as a tool for his Socialist-inspired change.


Officials Discuss Victims on Airbus
The managing director of Germanwings confirmed on Wednesday that two Americans were among the 150 killed when an Airbus crashed in the French Alps.
Protests in Caracas After Mayor’s Arrest
Protesters gathered on Friday to demand the release of Mayor Antonio Ledezma, a longtime critic of Venezuela’s government, after the police arrested him at his office on Thursday.
As Venezuelan Oil Prices Fall, Social Programs Suffer
Venezuelans have put up with shortages and long lines for years, but the economic situation has recently grown dire.
Times Minute | Clippers Against Racism
A fashion and political statement from the Los Angeles Clippers. Also on the Minute, two months of violence in Venezuela, and justices weigh if police can search your cellphone without a warrant.
Scenes From the Streets of Venezuela
Venezuela is a country divided between Chavistas, supporters of President Nicolás Maduro, and anti-government protesters who have taken their political differences to the streets.
Venezuela Honors Chávez One Year Later
Venezuelans marked the first anniversary of the death of Hugo Chávez with a military parade in Caracas.
Times Minute | Protests Amid Carnival
Venezuela protests continue amid the start of a long Carnival weekend. Also on the Minute, start-ups that copy their way to success and the rise of practical robots.
Times Minute | Inside Yanukovych's Home
Ukrainians explored the compound of their ousted president, Viktor F. Yanukovych. Also on the Minute, swelling protests in Venezuela and a look at mussels that pose threats in the United States.
Protesters Block Streets in Venezuela
On Monday, traffic came to a halt in parts of the Venezuelan capital as opposition protesters set up barricades. Unrest has roiled the country for nearly two weeks.
Protests Swell in Venezuela
In February, Venezuela was convulsed by the biggest protests since the country’s longtime president, the charismatic Hugo Chávez, died 11 months earlier.