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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Local- News of Austria

  • Austria's news in English
Police defend large scale search for one refugee
Alberschwende. Photo:

Police defend large scale search for one refugee

Police in the village of Alberschwende in Vorarlberg launched a large scale operation on Monday to search for a Syrian refugee who is due to be deported to Hungary, but failed to find him. READ   
Hope for a deal as Iran talks resume in Vienna
Meetings are taking place at Palais Cobourg. Photo: Diana Ringo/Wikimedia

Hope for a deal as Iran talks resume in Vienna

Iranian nuclear negotiator Abbas Araghchi said on Tuesday he was "very hopeful" that an accord on Tehran's nuclear programme could be reached with world powers ahead of the June 30th deadline. READ   
Police track down exploding poo suspect
The booby trap. Photo: Police

Police track down exploding poo suspect

Police in Carinthia, Austria’s southernmost province, have finally tracked down a man who made a booby trap filled with manure which a police officer fell into. READ   
Vienna gets gay-themed traffic lights
Photo: MA 33

Vienna gets gay-themed traffic lights

Hundreds of gay-couple traffic lights have been introduced in Vienna in time for the annual Eurovision Song Contest, which this year is being hosted by the Austrian capital. READ   
Photos land Vienna man in hot water in Abu Dhabi
An innocent holiday snap could mean trouble. Photo: FritzDaCat/Wikimedia

Photos land Vienna man in hot water in Abu Dhabi

An architect from Vienna has been held in the United Arab Emirates for more than eight weeks after taking a photograph of the Iranian embassy whilst snapping holiday pics in Abu Dhabi. READ   
    Postmen given dog treats for protection
    Photo: Shutterstock

    Postmen given dog treats for protection

    The Austrian post service has started supplying its postmen and women with dog biscuits to help prevent them being attacked by dogs when out on their delivery rounds.  READ   
    British embassy has 'listening post' in Vienna
    Photo: CC BY-SA 2.0 FM4/Nomen Nescio/Google Maps

    British embassy has 'listening post' in Vienna

    Britain is operating a secret embassy-based eavesdropping site in Vienna, according to a report on the ORF. READ   
    Nude photos teacher causes a row in Linz
    File photo:Shutterstock

    Nude photos teacher causes a row in Linz

    A secondary school teacher from Linz, Upper Austria, who was sacked for posing nude photos of himself on the Internet has won an unfair dismissal case and is now working in a different school. READ   
    22,000 mark 70 years since Nazi liberation
    Photo: Bundesarchiv Bild 192-249, KZ Mauthausen, Hinrichtung Bonarewitz

    22,000 mark 70 years since Nazi liberation

    More than 22,000 people including around 50 survivors marked the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Mauthausen on Sunday, one of the Nazis' biggest concentration camps, organisers said. READ   
    Prison thief robs Austrian entrepreneur
    Graz-Jakomini prison. Photo: H.Moschitz/S.Partl

    Prison thief robs Austrian entrepreneur

    One of Austria’s most high-profile prisoners - Austrian entrepreneur and former football club president Hannes Kartnig - has become a victim of theft in Graz’s Jakomini prison. READ   
    What you should know about GIS
    Photo: Shutterstock

    What you should know about GIS

    Many of our expat readers who live in Austria have questions about GIS (Gebühren Info Service GmbH) - the company responsible for administering television and radio licenses. Who has to pay, how much is it, and what should you do if the GIS man comes knocking on your door?  READ   
    Hitler birth house haunts Austrian town
    Hitler's birthplace with memorial stone. Photo: Anton-kurt/Wikimedia

    Hitler birth house haunts Austrian town

    "Every year it's the same circus," mutters a resident at the sight of dozens of anti-fascist protesters stomping toward a large weather-worn building in the small northern Austrian town Braunau am Inn. READ   
    Help Me, Helen
    Challenges of expat life: Making new friends
    Photo: Shutterstock

    Challenges of expat life: Making new friends

    Expats, who are globally mobile and move every few years, often have to make new friends with each move. Helen Rudinsky writes that making new friends can be a challenge, especially for children, shy people, or individuals with limited social skills. READ   
    Five Viennese 'twin attractions'
    Hermesvilla. Photo: Vienna Unwrapped

    Five Viennese 'twin attractions'

    Once you have ticked off Vienna’s most popular attractions on your sightseeing list, it's time to explore the ‘second tier’. The city is packed with little-known insider gems that have been overshadowed by the bigger tourist magnets - but offer a similar experience, without the crowds. READ   
    Will climate change give us the blues?
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons

    Will climate change give us the blues?

    Climate change is predicted to intrude into almost every area of life - from where we live, to what we eat and whom we war with. Now music can be added to the list. READ   
    From our other editions:
    Shooting in Switzerland leaves five dead
    All victims are believed to be adults. Photo: Michael Buholzer/ AFP

    Shooting in Switzerland leaves five dead

    UPDATED: A Swiss man killed three in-laws and a neighbour in a town near Zurich before turning his gun on himself, police said on Sunday, sending shockwaves through the normally tranquil nation. READ   
    Elections in the UK
    UK election puts Germany in the spotlight
    Cameron's victory was met with scepticism in Germany. Photo: DPA

    UK election puts Germany in the spotlight

    German politicians and commentators confronted the reality that Germany would have to take an even more dominant role in Europe on Friday after David Cameron's Conservative party achieved a surprise victory in the British general election. READ   
    First Danish fracking site shut down by authorities
    Total's shale gas exploration has been stopped. Photo: Cathrine Ertmann/Scanpix

    First Danish fracking site shut down by authorities

    UPDATED: Total's shale gas exploration in northern Denmark has been stopped over the use of a non-approved chemical.  READ   
    Fury over Instagram smoking baby photo
    The photo, uploaded to Instagram, has provoked anger in Spain. Photo: lapelirrojah_delbarriooh/Instagram

    Fury over Instagram smoking baby photo

    A photograph of a baby smoking a cigarette uploaded to a popular social networking site has caused controversy in Spain. READ   
    It's a boy! Baby born on Air France flight to Paris
    The idea of giving birth on a plane would be most mothers' worst nightmare. Photo: Doug/Flickr

    It's a boy! Baby born on Air France flight to Paris

    An Air France plane touched down in Paris on Tuesday with one extra passenger on board than when it took off, thanks to the help from a doctor who luckily happened to be on the flight.  READ   
    Fiumicino blaze
    Chaos after fire in Rome airport terminal
    An employee block the access to Terminal 3 at Rome's Fiumicino international airport. Photo: Tiziana Fabi/AFP

    Chaos after fire in Rome airport terminal

    UPDATED: Dozens of flights were cancelled and thousands of passengers had their travel plans wrecked Thursday after a fierce fire partially destroyed a terminal at the city's Fiumicino airport. READ   
    Norway ends blasphemy law after Hebdo attack
    Arnulf Øverland, who in 1933 was the last person to be prosecuted for blasphemy in Norway. He was acquitted. Photo: Aage Storløkken/NTB Scanpix 

    Norway ends blasphemy law after Hebdo attack

    Norway has scrapped its longstanding blasphemy law, meaning it is now legal to mock the beliefs of others, in a direct response to January’s brutal attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.  READ   
    The Local List
    Six cute Swedish towns you've never heard of
    Medieval town Ystad is located in southern Sweden. Photo: Shutterstock

    Six cute Swedish towns you've never heard of

    The streets of Stockholm and Gothenburg are often jam-packed with tourists, but further afield there are plenty of adorable Swedish towns you've probably never heard of, but which all offer some unique experiences. READ   
    The best bars and hotels in Vienna for breathtaking views 
    How Hitler's birth house haunts a small Austrian town
    The lowdown on GIS - Austria's TV and radio license
    Got friends? Helping expat parents find buddies for their kids. 
    Insider Tips: Five lesser known gems to discover in Vienna
    Ten 'false friends' to watch out for when learning German
    Could climate change influence the music we listen to?
    Five unusual cafes we recommend visiting in Vienna
    Vienna museum showcases city's shocking 'Actionist' art movement
    The woman behind Gymboree Vienna - helping young children learn as they play
    Your guide to celebrating Easter in Austria
    Help Me Helen: How to recognise if you're in denial
    The 'world's most beautiful boulevard' turns 150
    Why the ghost of Jörg Haider haunts Austria's finances
    Vienna: 'Best city in the world'
    Why multicultural couples can combine the 'best of both worlds'
    Kampusch judge in perjury acquittal
    Help Me Helen: How to avoid saying things you'll later regret
    Ten phrases you'll only hear at work in Austria
    Austrian gourmet cuisine proves to be a highlight in London
    Pickled herring on Ash Wednesday - a culinary treat
    How superstitious are Austrians? The Local lists a few of the stranger ideas
    British musician Tall William on mapping Vienna's music scene
    Nine things to know before dating an Austrian
    Celebrating immigration with beautiful accessories 
    Sponsored: Fun factory for the under-fives
    Help Me Helen: How to avoid invalidating others
    How should Austria respond to Russia's new aggressive foreign policy?
    Expat Profile: Helen Rudinsky
    How Austria's music scene inspired the pioneer of Electro Swing
    Bitcoins are growing in Austria - but what are they?
    12,000 support IAmCharlie in Vienna
    Gender identity is all in your head.
    How to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus
    Daniel Craig enjoys the view with Lea Seydoux and Dave Bautista
    Celebrate an Austrian New Year with The Local
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