How refreshing it was to be in the presence of leaders of faith -- heads of these huge churches that represent millions -- who are more interested in the needs of the poor and the call of Christ than in being "conformed to this world" and its shallow interests or reducing gospel concerns to a few hot-button social and sexual issues.
BANGKOK -- The "Aerotropolis Age," with aviation and airports increasingly determining the urban winners and losers in 21st century globalization, has already commenced. It will have immense ramifications for the business and competitive futures of our major cities and their broader metropolitan regions.
Sustained economic development doesn't take place in a vacuum. For the Philippines to become a true "tiger economy" in the coming decades, it has to also experience some changes in its cultural foundations.
It's time to chart a diplomatic roadmap in another region with long-festering hostility: the Korean peninsula. On May 24, International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament, I will be one of 30 women from 15 countries who will engage in a historic march from North to South Korea, crossing the Demilitarized Zone.
I tell most of my friends the fish story and they groan in horror. I tell my Korean friends the same story and they groan in recognition. My mother didn't worry about poisoning us. She knew we could take it.
Countries should encourage the development of large, legitimate trade unions that truly represent workers' interests and engage productively with employers, rather than stamping out strikes in the fear that they will drive away business.
It's not likely that Shinzo Abe will provide the kind of true contrition for Japan's wartime conduct that his critics in South Korea, China, the United States, and elsewhere demand -- unless he feels that he must. There are two ways of changing Abe's position on the history issue.
Most parents go to a hospital to meet their child for the first time. My wife and I went to the Omaha airport, and it was there, shortly before midnight, that our internationally-adopted son arrived from South Korea. He was 51 weeks old.
If America ends up at war, it almost certainly will be on behalf of one ally or another. Washington collects allies like most people collect Facebook "friends." The vast majority of U.S. allies are security liabilities, tripwires for conflict and war. Alliances should be based on interest, not charity.
We need symbolic acts that capture the world's attention and help shift all the major players in the direction of negotiations.
n 2009, North Korea declared that it had developed a nuclear weapon. As the country most gravely threatened is the democratic Republic of Korea to Pyongyang's south, I sat down this week with Oh Joon, the country's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and asked for his perspective on Lausanne.
The 2015 women's walk for peace hopes to reimagine the tense geopolitical situation in northeast Asia by staging a greeting for Korean women across the DMZ. Of course this is a movement without guarantees.
The acquisition of energy has become a dominant influence in China's foreign policy orientation generally, and has been a driving force in its relationship with Myanmar in recent years.
As Gloria Steinem says of the DMZ, "there is no other strip of land more symbolic of long-term division." We hope to cross the DMZ to renew Korean people's hope that the DMZ can and must be crossed to reunify families and to begin to heal the divided peninsula.
The reason we travel is to experience new places and cultures and a big part of that is trying new foods. Besides home cooking, street stalls are the next best place to get the most delicious and authentic foods.
Looking back, most of us were just too young to question whether going under the knife was ethically good or bad. You just got it done because your parents expected you to do it and then you didn't talk about it.
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