The G&M prints an eviscerated IAFF response to Wente's op-ed. No fair play, ignore our true facts. @globeandmail @MargaretWente @opffa
Firefighters are ‘brave people,’ but they are underworked and overpaid, especially in small towns, The Globe’s Margaret Wente wrote. Readers, print...
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"You will likely hate this, but you should read it anyway": Dave Statter provides a U.S. viewpoint on the Wente column, and some good advice too:
Columnist says firefighters are underworked and overpaid
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In the market for a new vehicle? TD Insurance, has a handy tool that allows you to compare insurance premiums for different vehicles. Check it out here:
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  • Lawrence Kreger
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CTV interview with off-duty firefighter who saved a man trapped in a fiery Toronto housing complex, with exclusive video:
A man trying to escape an east-end fire was rescued by an off-duty Toronto firefighter who was passing by at the right time.
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Off-duty firefighter rescues a person from Toronto house fire:
A two-alarm fire broken out at a home on Carlton Street this morning, where an off-duty firefighter rescued someone at the scene.
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More opinion on the @globeandmail's misleading column on firefighters:
I just finished reading Margaret Wente’s article in The Globe and Mail about how firefighters are one of the “best-paid guys around” Lots of time off to go fishing, hunting or run your own business...
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Our full response to Margaret Wente and the @globeandmail's latest baseless attack on firefighters:
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Watch Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association President Carmen Santoro pour cold water on the Fraser Institute's ridiculous report on firefighters:
Mark Hebscher and Liz West debate the issues of the day, challenging the experts and holding leaders to account. No subject is off-limits. And...
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ICYMI: CBC News video coverage of ‪#‎PTSD‬ among first responders and the IAFF's call for a National Action Plan:
The International Association of Firefighters is lobbying federal politicians for a national PTSD strategy for first responders, including guidelines on how first responders can access help.
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Pickering, Ont. firefighters will soon carry and administer epinephrine in response to being called to an increasing number of severe allergic reactions. Pickering firefighters brought this initiative forward!
PICKERING -- Since Pickering fire crews are getting more and more requests to help people experiencing a severe allergic reaction, local firetrucks will soon be equipped with EpiPens to treat these episodes.
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  • 25 people like this.
  • Arne Larsen Wow as a medic in 23 years in a very busy service and with high patient contact, I can count on one hand how many times I gave epi, and of those allergic reaction calls where epi was given, it was given incorrectly and wasn't necessary
  • Lawrence Kreger
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We're lobbying for a National Action Plan for ‪#‎PTSD‬. See link & watch CBC Ottawa tonight for details
The International Association of Firefighters is lobbying federal politicians for a national PTSD strategy for first responders, including guidelines on how first responders can access help.
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