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Think you could hack it as a farmer? Read this first
Before you go buying a farm, there are a few things you need to consider.

Democratic voters care about climate change, and they could put the heat on Clinton
Fifteen percent of Democrats in a new poll said climate change was their top priority. That’s enough to push the issue into the spotlight.

Doctors are already seeing links between climate change and their patients’ health
Public health leaders, doctors, and nurses are seeing more respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular disease, heat-related deaths, and other problems.

Boston’s airport is going green(ish)
Airport officials plan to cut emissions and plan for sea level rise. Good luck!

Give the chickens in your life, dead or alive, a little love today
On International Respect for Chickens Day, we have some tips on how to be a bonafide Ally of Chickens. (You can still eat them.)

Ticks are spreading — and so is Lyme disease
Warming temperatures expand the range of ticks, lengthen the season, and increase the chances of one giving you Lyme disease. Shudder.

Oil trains have 3 more years to explode, thanks to weak Obama rule
New rules for oil trains aren't nearly strict enough to prevent disastrous explosions. The most dangerous cars can keep rolling until 2018.

Let Amy Schumer remind you who should be making your birth control decisions
Boy scouts and priests weigh in on your birth control options in this hilarious Amy Schumer clip.

Farmers are watering your food with fracking chemicals
Chevron is selling fracking wastewater to Central Valley farmers to grow food. Dangers seem limited right now -- but let's be more careful and transparent.

Are the leftovers from home remodeling trash or treasure?
A reader wonders what to do with '80s home decor. Umbra spreads the salvage love.
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SeaWorld Barbie quits her job
Barbie and Jane Goodall can agree on one thing: SeaWorld is the worst.

Climate change could drive 1-in-6 species to extinction
Cranking up the planetary heat is going to ratchet down the planet’s biodiversity.

6 things we learned about ourselves from “The Avengers: Age of Ultron”
The Avengers" is the greenest superhero movie you'll see this year (and not just because of The Hulk).

Elon Musk unveils fancy new Tesla battery — ’cause existing batteries “suck”
The billionaire inventor and entrepreneur wants to bring solar power to the masses.

Nightmare school district serves students old-ass meat
The six-year-old pork roast could've served a term on the Senate. Grossed out yet?

What’s the greenest megacity? Hint: Not NYC
A look at megacity "metabolism" reveals how many resources these urban hubs devour and which ones could use a diet.

5 reasons there might be hope for Baltimore after all
This big-hearted city is showing the world that it may be down, but it's sure not out.

In Baltimore and Cleveland, a unique approach to reviving the inner city
These cities are building businesses around "anchor institutions" like hospitals and universities -- and providing much-needed jobs for local residents.

NYC mayor’s green plan fights poverty and pollution at the same time
Bill de Blasio aims to lift 800,000 people out of poverty while adding solar capacity, making buildings efficient, and cutting down on waste.

Say g’day to Australia’s awesome new solar plant
Australia combines two of our favorite things: Solar power and wastewater treatment facilities.

California wildfire conditions are a “recipe for disaster”
It's already looking bad, and it's going to get worse.

The latest in GMO panic: Human engineering
We have some good and some bad reasons for worrying about GMOs — especially when they’re us.

Why Baltimore is fighting for its life, again
A longtime local reflects on the raggedy pleasures of life in Charm City, aka Mobtown, and the tenacity of the people who live there.

This activist is bringing Kentucky’s hot food scene to a tray near you
Sarah Fritschner is leading a farm-to-cafeteria movement in Kentucky.

This is why we’re still talking about sexism in science
Upon submitting a paper for acceptance to PLOS (Public Library of Science), two female scientists were essentially told: "Needs more dudes."

Mopey English singer Morrissey picks a fight with Al Gore
The former Smiths frontman wrote an open letter to the former veep demanding that Live Earth go vegan.

Bernie Sanders swoops into presidential race with high climate-hawk ranking
A new ranking of U.S. senators based on their climate activism puts presidential candidate Bernie Sanders among the top "climate hawks."

When I eat honey, do I hurt bees?
A reader wonders if she should avoid using beeswax, royal jelly, and honey. Umbra's answer is sweet.

Break-up of the century: U.S. emissions and economic growth are really, finally separating
As the U.S. embraces energy efficiency and renewables, economic growth is now rising much faster than greenhouse gas emissions.

The most (and least) polluted cities in America
The American Lung Association ranked cities according to their air pollution. Here’s the good news, and the bad.

Watch this Kansas farm beat the market with the honor system (and a llama)
JaKo Farm avoids the farmers market by selling their products through an on-farm store -- and it's paying off.

Climate change is melting Arctic archaeological sites
The Canadian Arctic is losing centuries-old, perfectly preserved Inuit villages as permafrost melts and coast erodes.

Baltimore riots flared up in a toxic environment
A local youth activists says the enraged protesters’ “behavior is a result, or correlates with the environment that they live in.”

California sets fancy new climate goal, makes other states look bad
Gov. Jerry Brown declares his state will cut emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. Even Europe can't beat that.

Emma Thompson, an ant biologist, and a bodega documentarian: It’s Woman Crush Wednesday!
Need a bit more pep in that step? Giving yourself a little break and check out our weekly roundup of badass women.

Your wildest, tiniest house dreams could come true
SustainaFest is hosting an essay contest with a very pretty, very tiny house as the prize.
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