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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Gizmodo Australia

Seductive Design: 5 Future Concepts We Love 

This is it, you guys. We are in the future. And while we might not have hoverboards (thanks for getting our hopes up, Tony Hawk, you jerk) there is a lot to be excited about. These are the concepts that keep us believing. 

Budget 2015: All The Tech News That Matters 

We’ve rounded up and analysed all the key technology news from the 2015 Budget, from the Netflix tax to why it’s now easier for your boss to buy you a laptop. Here’s everything you need to know.

Robot Dogs Will Replace Pets In Super-Dense Cities 

Keeping a pet healthy requires resources and open space, and in the cities of the future both may be at such a premium that live pets will become a thing of the past. Australian researcher Jean-Loup Rault suggests robotic and virtual-reality pets may replace the real thing.

Short Documentary: What It's Like To Be In Nepal After The Earthquake 

Another massive earthquake hit Nepal today, this time the epicentre was near Mount Everest. It’s so sad because the people of Nepal are still recovering from the 7.8-magnitude earthquake just two weeks ago that had killed thousands and wrecked Nepal to an unimaginable degree. Samaritan’s Purse filmed this short to tell the stories of the survivors and shows ways in which we can help out.

Europa's Icy Surface Looks Like Cracked Glass 

This is a false-colour image of Europa, Jupiter’s fourth-largest moon, a water-covered giant with the smoothest surface in the Solar System. And yet I could still swear I’m looking at the end result of a football going through a stained-glass window.

Hiding A GoPro In 21 Weird Places Is Quite Fun To See 

Video: Just because you have a GoPro doesn’t mean your life will automatically turn extreme and make you start hearing a dubstep soundtrack everywhere you walk. You have to get creative with the thing! Here’s a simple and fun way to have fun with your GoPro: stick it in totally random places to get a whole new perspective.

Garmin Has Finally Put A Heart Rate Monitor In A GPS Running Watch 

Over the years, Garmin has managed to shrink and squeeze its GPS hardware into a running watch that doesn’t look monstrous on your wrist. But heart monitoring always required wearing an awkward chest strap. With the new Forerunner 225, Garmin delivers the whole fitness tracking package in one sleek wrist-worn package.

Meanwhile In The Future: A World With Artificial Wombs 

Well hello there, and welcome to our very first episode of a brand new podcast called Meanwhile in the Future! I’m Rose, and I’ll be your host for this set of forays into the future.

The Netflix Tax: Everything You Need To Know 

Days after Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey confirmed that the so-called “Netflix Tax” would be coming for your wallets, we now have the details on the plan from the Budget.

Building And Programming Circuits Is Easy With An iPad As Your Professor 

In the past few years there have been countless toys that claim to be STEM-focused (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) but few have done as good a job at introducing kids to concepts like programming and circuitry than a small company called LightUp. And through a new Kickstarter campaign it’s about to expand what its circuit building toys are capable of, extending their programmability to include the Internet of Things.

BitTorrent's Encrypted P2P Chat Service Is Now Live 

Announced a year ago, BitTorrent’s charmingly-named Bleep P2P chat app is finally live, for all your secretive anti-governmental murmurings.

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