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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Gizmodo Australia

Here's The Best ISP In Australia According To Netflix 

The rankings are in! Netflix has conducted its first test of Australian average ISP speeds, and the best carrier is…

The Beginning Of The End For Fossil Fuels 

While wind and solar power have made great strides in recent years, with renewables now accounting for 22% of electric energy generated, the issue that has held them back has been their transience. The sun doesn’t shine at night and the wind doesn’t blow year-round — these are the mantras of all those opposed to the progress of renewables.

Gizmodo's Budget 2015: All The Tech, Science And Car News 

Here’s where you can keep up with every scientific investment or cut, every new motoring tax, and every techy announcement in this year’s federal budget. We’ll be updating this post as soon as we find out about anything, so keep checking back throughout the day.

In A Snake Orgy, Ejaculate Can Get Expensive 

Every spring, male red-sided garter snakes enter the mother of all meat markets. While mature males can breed every year, females are only fertile once every three years, which puts them in very short supply. The result? Snake orgy, obviously. But for male snakes, this sexual free-for-all comes at a surprisingly high cost.

Could A Medieval Law Help Govern The Internet? 

Algorithms increasingly work together to help automate our digital lives — but not every result is perfect, positive or even predicted by their creators. Now, researchers are wondering if the revival of Medieval law could help work out who pays up when things go wrong.

The Autism Epidemic: Increasing Cases Or Just Increasing Diagnoses? 

An interesting new study was recently published in the British Medical Journal about the ‘autism epidemic‘ we have been experiencing in recent years (1). The Swedish authors of the study used data from children born between 1993 and 2002 to compare time trends in the rates of the autism symptom phenotype (i.e. the symptoms upon which a diagnosis of autism is based) and registered clinical diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder.

Gigabyte P35 Gaming Laptop: Australian Review 

There’s a reason that laptops like the MacBook Pro sell so well. They’re not flashy or pretentious, but are more than powerful enough to handle the tasks that everyday computer users ask of them. The P35 is Gigabyte’s mainstream performance laptop, but the use of Nvidia’s powerful standalone GTX 970M graphics chip means it’s a great choice for gaming at the same time.

Where To Find The Best Live Streams On Meerkat And Periscope 

Meerkat and Periscope are two apps with a similar purpose: To let you broadcast live video over the web for anyone who wants to tune in. But what if your circle of friends aren’t live streaming enthusiasts? Here’s how you can find some streams of note on both networks.

Here's This Year's Official Eurovision Song Contest App 

It’s almost time. Those amazing three nights of unparalleled television excellence that is Eurovison, happening on 22-24 May from Vienna, Austria and broadcast on SBS. This year is the first that Australians can properly take part by voting for their favourite performances, and there’s an official app from Microsoft that’ll help you get up to speed.

MIT Finally Figured Out How To Remove Your Reflection From Window Photos 

How often have you had a great photo-op ruined by there being a window in-between you and your subject resulting in reflections in your shot? So far there’s just no easy way to fix that in post-production, but researchers at MIT, led by YiChang Shih, have developed an algorithm that can extract and automatically remove reflections in an image.

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