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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

gizmag emerging tech

Greaseless ball bearings: A revolutionary spin on a design that's been around for ages
A Japanese company has invented a new type of bearing that's up to 90 percent more efficient. Coo Space's greaseless Autonomous Decentralised Bearings eliminate a key component - the cage used to keep the balls separated from one another in the races. read more
Magnetika Bathroom range makes interior design a snap
Drilling multiple holes into your walls to hang cabinets, shelves, and the like, is both a hassle and inflexible. Italy's Ronda Design has developed an interior design system based on magnets that enables you to add or move around fixtures and fittings by simply snapping them into place.  read more
VelociRoACH gets a job as an aircraft carrier 
Researchers from the UC Berkeley's Biomimetic Millisystems Lab have successfully demonstrated a cooperative launching system that puts a lightweight ornithopter on the back of its VelociRoACH robotic carpet crawler for a short run before the H2Bird takes to the air.  read more
Freshwater swimming pond opens in London's King's Cross
A new attraction in London, UK, gives visitors a place to swim, relax and experience nature. The King's Cross Pond Club is said to be the UK's first ever public swimming pond. It is a natural, chemical-free pool with green landscaping dropped into the urban area of King's Cross.  read more
Driving a real car blind through a virtual world with an Oculus Rift
Formula Drift driver Matt Powers has successfully driven his Roush Stage 3 Mustang at high speed in the real world while immersed in a 3D virtual world (via an Oculus Rift headset) full of falling boulders, sheer cliff drops, crumbling and collapsing track, and other game-like elements.  read more
Scientists turn blood into nerve cells in pursuit of better pain relief
A new study detailing a technique that turns blood cells into nerve cells promises to improve our understanding of why things itch or burn. By extension, it is hoped that it could lead to new forms of pain relief that do away with unwanted side effects such as sleepiness or loss of concentration.   read more
US Army installs electronic stabilty control on MRAP vehicles
In an effort to improve the safety of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles, it is fitting them with electronic stability control (ESC) technology like that found in commercial vehicles for years.   read more
Could NASA take CubeSats interplanetary?
NASA's CubeSat Application for Planetary Entry Missions (CAPE) concept would see the development of miniature space probes that can be sent in fleets on interplanetary missions for multi-point sampling, as opposed to the bus-sized, do-it-all probes currently in service.  read more
Newly identified protein may hold key to preventing diabetes-induced blindness
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in American adults. Though its progress can be slowed by certain drugs or laser treatment, research has now uncovered a new protein found to drive the condition, raising the possibility of preventing it altogether.  read more
Hyperlens significantly boosts image resolution of microscopic objects
Using newly-developed metamaterials, scientists at the University of Buffalo have created a prototype "hyperlens" that may help image objects in visible light with dimensions so small that they were once only clearly viewable through electron microscopes.  read more
Phree smartpen digitizes your doodles, no matter where you draw them
There's plenty of smart pens that stream your scribbles to digital displays, but they typically require that you to write on a certain purpose-built materials. Phree aims to break free of such limitations by shooting a laser beam from its tip to allow writing on just about any surface. read more
TheraTryke combines upper and lower body exercise for paraplegics
Aimed at those with MS, spinal cord injuries, or complete paraplegics, the TheraTryke is a therapeutic and recreation recumbent bike that is designed to let riders use their hands, feet or a combination of both together to propel themselves forward.  read more
Motorcycle connoisseurs find inspiration in Alabama
Two hours west of the Atlanta airport is a five story, state of the art monument of glass, steel and concrete generally considered to be the finest motorcycle museum in the world. We step inside for a photographic tour.  read more
Nano Tornado drone swaps props for ducted fans
Although personal drones are becoming increasingly popular, a lot of people are still understandably intimidated by their exposed propellers. That's why Polyhelo created the Nano Tornado. It's a quadcopter, but instead of open props it utilizes four ducted fans.  read more
Pixelkabinett 42 brings industrial chic to retro gaming
We've seen retro arcade-style video gaming consoles that are tiny, as well as ones that utilize an iPad and that even serve beer. The Pixelkabinett 42 has its own unique feature, however, in that it looks like a vintage industrial wooden cabinet when not in use.   read more
Halo WX warns of smoke, fire ... and tornadoes
Halo WX, a new smoke detector just hitting the market, features all of the smoke and carbon monoxide detection one would expect, while also adding in alerts for natural disasters.   read more
ShopInstantShoe instant-fit shoe system is heading for stores
For women, buying the wrong shoes can be about more than just esthetics. That's where the DemoShopInstantShoe project comes in. Established a few years ago, the collaborative effort is now about to release a device that instantly adapts off-the-rack shoes to a custom fit.  read more
Audi claims first synthetic gasoline made from plants
Just weeks after producing its first batch of synthetic diesel fuel made from carbon dioxide and water, Audi has laid claim to another synthetic, clean-burning and petroleum-free fuel called "e-benzin." The fuel was created by Audi's project partner Global Bioenergies, in France.  read more
GekkoPod flexes its camera and smartphone-holding muscles
The Gekkopod is a five-legged mount for your smartphone, compact camera or action-cam, which can cling onto everyday objects for extra stability. The mount already exceeded its Kickstarter target and should start shipping in October.  read more
New world record set for farthest hoverboard flight
A future in which we're all flying around on hoverboards may not have materialized just yet, but it does appear to be getting closer. After Hendo's magnetic hoverboard was announced last year, a new world record for the farthest hoverboard flight has now been set. And there wasn't a magnet in sight.  read more
Save 85% On The Complete Arduino Starter Kit & Course Bundle
One of the best ways to learn electronics is to play around with an Arduino. This bundle provides all the kit you need, plus all the knowhow to start making cool projects. You can currently grab it for 85% off the standard price.  read more

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