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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Latest news from politics, business, sport and culture 

Merkel wants to testify before committee of inquiry

Chancellor Angela Merkel is willing to testify in front of the NSA committee of inquiry into the involvement of the German intelligence service BND. However, the list of American Searches should remain secret. More

Euro crisiseconomists against haircut for Athens

Can Greece bear its debt in the long term? Because there has long been considerable doubt. But now again to adopt the country debt, meets with German business experts in harsh rejection. More  By PHILIP PLICKERT  40  50

2: 1 against RealJuventus presents

Juventus win the semi-final first leg in the Champions League with 2: 1 against Real. Turin's defense keeps Madrid strikers under control. A winner in the losers is still Cristiano Ronaldo. More 

Name Age cloudedSarkozy's party is soon "Republicans"

In the future, called the party of Nicolas Sarkozy "The Republicans". The old name UMP was burdened by affairs. The opposition and some followers of the party offended by the renaming. More 

After 70 years of"Monuments Men" pictures give back

"The Prodigal Son" returns home: the painting of Frans Francken III.and four others have been returned from America to Germany. They were deported during World War II with thousands of other works of art.More   4

HochschulrankingWhere it studied particularly well?

The annual ranking of the Centre for Higher Education Development is hiding behind Although a registration barrier. However, many universities that have been well placed, reveal the results for yourself. An overview. More  3  6

Rihanna's wardrobeIt is good enough to eat

Yolk yellow substance masses move the social networks: Pop singer Rihanna makes the robe that she wore to the Met Gala, on the Internet for more baking.  By URSULA SCHEER  8

"Unsubstantiated descent"of German-proven Wings-pilot to crash on the way?

The co-pilot of the German Wings machine has probably already rehearsed on the way to Barcelona. That is apparent from an interim report by the French aviation safety authority, it is according to media. More 

Hedge fund managersas was once enough over a billion dollars a year

For many hedge funds in 2014 was not a successful year. The merit of some managers of these funds has not harmed. They brought buzzing with nine zeros home. Introducing the three best-paid men. More  By GERALD BRAUNSBERGER, FRANKFURT  3  6

World War Commemoration in RomaniaNo reason to celebrate

For Romania the end of World War II is not a cause for celebration. The country that had fought on the side of the Third Reich, was occupied by the Soviet Union and got a communist system imposed upon. More  By KARL-PETER SCHWARZ,VIENNA  15

Exorbitant hourly ratesThomas Middelhoff's outrageously expensive lawyers

The former top manager can be its legal representative cost a lot. Hourly wages of 1,000 euros is talk. But his advisers are really worth the money? More  By JOACHIM JAHN, BERLIN  4  9

Races L'EroicaThe mother of idiots is always pregnant

New routes, beautiful landscapes and selected evils: The road cycling on dangerous gravel roads of Tuscany creates heroes and legends More pain. From DON ALPHONSO  10

Tornado over northern GermanyThe day after the damage is visible

In Bützow all the damage becomes visible only on the day after the tornado. The city remains locked. In Hamburg, a man is killed, in Schleswig-Holstein some basement are under water. More 
  • Weselskys affront
    Kerstin Schwenn
    The wage dispute between train drivers and train even harder than seven years ago.One solution will only come when it is possible that all sides can leave the field without losing face. Without arbitrator will no longer succeed. More11627
  • Esteem
    Reinhard Müller
    The judges of the Constitutional Court calling for an official judges adequate salaries - and rightly so.Karlsruhe jumps, where the legislature fails. More2212
  • Gabriels calculus
    Jasper von Altenbockum
    The BND affair, says Sigmar Gabriel could trigger a "very severe concussion". Will the SPD chairman let the Chancellor out in the cold?More9243
  • Germany checkmates located
    Reinhard Müller
  • Capers in the Bundesliga
    Peter Heß
  • Who the ball belongs?
    Christian Eichler
  • Living with the strike
    Manfred Köhler
  • Le Pen's tactics
    Michaela Wiegel, Paris
  • How much does a taxi ride to Vladivostok?
    Jürg Altwegg
  • Juncker bizarre
    Werner Mussler
See video
Severe Weather: Tornado ravaged town

Called EnlightenmentAustria reimbursed for BND affair ad

The Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner has filed charges against unknown persons. So she wants to clear up allegations, the BND had spied on and Austrian authorities on behalf of the NSA. More  13  24

After suspension of partyLe Pen his daughter contrary

Jean-Marie Le Pen is furious: the radio of the National Front founder broke publicly with his daughter.He would not even know that Marine carries his last name. But he can thus prevent his departure from the party? More By MICHAELA WIEGEL, PARIS  5

Karlsruhe to judges salariesand they expect yet

What is a reasonable payment of judges? That left the Federal Constitutional Court remains open. But Karlsruhe is the federal states how to calculate the lower limit of the grade. More By HELENE BUBROWSKI  1

TTIPEU Commission on International Trade Court

A hot controversial point in TTIP-trade agreements are the arbitrators. The EU now wants to meet critics. More By HENDRIK KAFSACK, BRUSSELS  2  4

Landgericht MünchenA konsternierter Richter in German bank process

Round Robin: The court rebukes the prosecution because they constantly supply those new documents. Prosecutors in turn throw the bank a "disability strategy" before. More By JOACHIM JAHN  9  11

LabourCatholic Church does not want to terminate on remarriage

The Catholic Church mitigates their labor. Divorced employees of Catholic institutions should only be terminated in exceptional cases after a new civil marriage. More  30  2
Financial markets

Daxstock marketis of substantially negative from trading

The German benchmark index has lost more than 2 percent of the close of trading on Tuesday. Poor US economic data also weighed the markets in Europe. More  7

BGHbanks do not return handle life insurance

Who has to his credit coupled with an endowment policy, must not hope that the lending institution rückabwickelt insurance. That's what the Supreme Court decided on Tuesday. More  2 worth almost 500 million euros

The shares of likely start on Wednesday with an issue price of EUR 18.50 at the floor. The IPO brings the online baby products distributors so an approximately EUR 211 million. And at other IPO candidates are not lacking. More  1

ARD series "The suburban women"in the biotope luxury Luder

America's TV gave us "Desperate Housewives". ARD and ORF now give us "The suburban women": We see overdressed women with problems that are not. This could be entertaining. But it remains the subjunctive. More By URSULA SCHEER  2  8

Humboldt ForumThree friends and the world

Kultusministerin Grütters is in Berlin with luster in the eyes from the three founding director of the Humboldt Forum. These are now faced with the difficult task of making a smorgasbord of ideas to reality. More of ANDREAS KILB  4  8

Rihanna's wardrobeIt is good enough to eat

Yolk yellow substance masses move the social networks: Pop singer Rihanna makes the robe that she wore to the Met Gala, on the Internet for baking More By URSULA SCHEER.  8

Bayern in BarcelonaA clear head is needed

Fearless wants the ailing FC Bayern made ​​in Barcelona. For coach Guardiola infected "wonderful" homecoming full of emotion. And striker Lewandowski are courageously with mask.More  6  5

Ice Hockey World ChampionshipThis time a zero less

After 0:10 against Canada national coach Cortina sees against Switzerland though "a strong moral comeback" of the German national ice hockey team.In the end, however, is again a defeat without scoring. More By MARC HENRY, PRAGUE  3

Antitrust caseHörmann pays fine

DOSB President Hörmann pays a fine and thus ended his antitrust case in the tile industry. In order for the case against him was "terminated without determination of guilt by a court," says Hormann. More By ANNO HECKER, FRANKFURT 1

Storm in northernTornado sweeps through town

A violent thunderstorm stopped in northern Germany the first Hitzetag the year. According to weather experts in Bützow near Rostock to have a tornado raged in Hamburg man was killed. More 3

Organ donation scandal ofa life is another man's death

The first process to the fraudulent procurement of organs is low. A doctor has to answer, because he is said to have saved the wrong person's life. With him is a system in court, which suffers from many places. More of ANDREAS NEFZGER  4  2

Bribefather gives teachers 500 Euro for High School

Because his son was ill-prepared in the Baccalaureate, a father crossed with 500 euros to the director of studies. The bribery attempt failed - now it is much more expensive for the man. And then he was also really. More  26  13

Gala at the Metropolitan MuseumLilac Ella and the evil queen

Attracting attention: the prominence appears to Gala Costume Institute at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art traditionally as shrill or half naked as humanly possible. This year's theme "China" experienced strangest interpretations. More By JULIA BÄHR  5

Kate's perfect presentationinstead Optimized depressed

For ten hours after the birth of her daughter to Duchess Catherine showed the cameras. She was perfectly dressed - almost too perfect. How does it do anyway? More By ALFONS KAISER  23  7

From the gardenthe right tool for gardening

Rein in the flower beds: We dare to enter the nursery. But what tools we need as a novice to dig and rake, seeding, fertilizing and harvesting? Moreof PETER THOMAS  2  11

Ford S-Maxloadmaster with nodules allergy

As a sportier alternative to MPV Ford Galaxy offers its sister model, the S-Max. Now the second generation is at the start. New of the "intelligent speed limiter". More Of MARTINA GÖRES  5  7

Extinctionglobal warming threatens one in six type

The great unknown in the climate debate: harms the temperature rise of the nature? An analysis of 131 studies are now at least clear indications:. The danger is growing - more and more plant and animal species More  29  7

Neanderthal extinction ofthe milk tooth of a predatory artist

Still is Homo sapiens not transferred. But if the two Palaeolithic baby teeth from northern Italy are correctly interpreted, they could document the beginning of the end of the Neanderthals. More By JOACHIM MÜLLER-JUNG  8  16

Brain research and therapyDirect access to the psyche

The ideas that we have of psychotherapy must be expanded. Meanwhile you can this also includes video feedback programs and the gift of the binding hormone oxytocin to people with pain disorders.More By HERTA FLOR  5  11

President of the University of Frankfurt"The economy was younger professionals, now she has"

Birgitta Wolff, President of the Goethe University, the recent criticism of bachelor graduates can not understand. She also sees employers have the duty to provide for the desired maturity. More By UWE MARX  48  38

Unjustified criticism?Prügelknabe Bachelor

Too young, too inexperienced, too poorly trained and not suitable for business? The harsh criticism of young academics mobilized the defense - not only among the students More By UWE MARX.  9 8

Between Bavaria and BohemiaWe are the fighters of God, believes in him!

An obsessed amateur archaeologist, rebellious farmers, a chatelaine of Japan and the merriest brewmaster of the world: The Bohemian-Bavarian border area has always been the home of eccentrics. And so it is today. More By FRANZ LERCHENMÜLLER  2

History around every cornercity trip to the Greek capital Athens

The Greek capital of Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world, and everywhere the history is tangible. The city is dominated the Acropolis. Around the rocks of the "high city" are many other historical places like the Theatre of Dionysos, the Areopagus and the Agora. More  13

International Mothers IndexIn Norway it is best mothers

The aid organization Save the Children has published its annual Mothers Index. Germany is in eighth place. America has the highest maternal mortality rates of all developed countries. More 3  5

Wiesbaden starts testonline portal Kita places

Who has a child and a childcare place investigated knows the hardships: Each Kita must be individually contacted and visited. In Wiesbaden an Internet portal should now abbreviate the lengthy process. More By EWALD HETRODT, WIESBADEN  9

Gallery Weekend Berlin 2015The reward of the long distances

For the eleventh time the Gallery Weekend will take place in Berlin. 47 galleries present themselves to an international clientele. The grand entrance appears to have succeeded - this art is not afraid of the reality more from ROSE-MARIA GROPP.  1  3

Financing the homerenovation grant and with favorable credit

Burglary protection, the new driveway or a modern bathroom: KfW granted now for many projects grants - also for tenants. The property question. More By DANIEL MOHR  11

State Office studywater quality of lakes in Hessen is good

Even the water in the lakes is Hessian most certainly too fresh - but clean enough for splashing and swimming, it is all. This shows a new study. More  1

Range of criticsmore all-day schools in Hessen

Criticism of the Hessian education summit continues unabated.Ministers Lorz is therefore pursuing a policy of small steps.In mid-July to present the results of experts. More  1

CommentLiving with strike

It may be that the German railway permanently lose passengers if it is ever again because of a train driver strikes again only after replacement timetables go, but that need not be so. Modern man is flexible. More By MANFRED KÖHLER 1
Will the "Anglo-Saxon world" destroy the monetary union? EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, makes a conspiracy theory for headlines. More  2  50

The designers (4)Piero Lissoni: Until the last doorknob

Piero Lissoni is a jack of all trades. Those who visit him in his studio, which is spread over three floors and two buildings, wonders how he keeps track. Part 4 of our series on the Milanese designer. More  By PETER-PHILIPP SCHMITT  3

Skoda Superbmore space than an S-Class

In mid-June comes the third generation of the Superb. This is the flagship of Škoda.Nevertheless, the Czechs speak of "middle class". An understatement given the space and space allowances. More  BORIS SCHMIDT  5 5

Psychologist on Coaching"Managers can boost success as professional athletes"

In management, the requirements, it fades the empathy. Therefore, executives get increasingly advice from a coach. A psychologist will tell whether it really brings something. More  By URSULA KALS  2  4

Hollywood actressAmy Adams marries longtime fiancé

Amy Adams and Darren Le Gallo have their wedding postponed long enough, Katja Burkard benefits at "Let's Dance" from the breach of a competitor, and Eva Longoria discovered in Marrakech their new calling - the Smalltalk more.   3

Chart of the DayThe Germans love bread

Today, on May 5, is "Day of Bread". Here is a look at the statistics: bread is and remains one of the most important foods in the Federal Republic. Back pavers dough is far behind. More   2
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