Translation from English

Monday, May 25, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Latest news from politics, business, sport and culture 

Union for same-sex marriage under pressure

Criticism of the party course from its own ranks: The "blockers" are likely to no longer call the tune, calling lesbians and gay men in the Union.Opponents of gay marriage reject a change of course further from - including a CDU Vice More.

Combating ISTehran: America lacks the will

US Secretary of Defense Carter accuses the Iraqi army before the lack of will to fight in the war with the Islamic state. On Baghdad and Tehran react with criticism of America. More  By MARKUS BICKEL,CAIRO  70  22

Formula 1 in MonacoVettel complains about Grid Boys

The grid girls are an eye-catcher in the Formula 1. In Monaco but suddenly stood in front of Sebastian Vettel's car man. The Ferrari driver echauffierte - and was even more angry when he heard who was assigned to Lewis Hamilton More.   21  28

Blog | I.Today.10 before 8Greek standards

What we can learn from the Greeks, when nothing works in Kreuzberg -. Stories from a not so melancholy country More  From LUCY FRICKE

Exhibition on Image CampaignBehind is always a clever head

For 20 years, celebrities take a stand on what newspaper they read preferred. Here, a multiple award-winning image campaign for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has come out, which now even has a place in the Museum.More   2

Swiss watchmakingSmarter Watch

The digitization also provides the function of the classical watch in question. Traditional company wondering what Switzerland has Silicon Valley oppose. Do they have to invent the clock again?More  From JOHN KNIGHT and JENNIFER WIEBKING  23  2

Artificial IntelligenceThe smartest brains will lose

Within a hundred years, computers will be smarter than people, says Stephen Hawking. If the the greatest moment of humanity - or last more?  By CARSTEN KNOP  21  25

Egg EmpireReturn of Salmonella Godfather

Anyone who knows even Anton Pohlmann? He took care of the biggest scandals of the livestock. Now his son Stefan is the focus - but who knows who is pulling the strings here.  By JAN GROSSARTH  18

System Compatibility Theprivatized Revolution

In the past, employees masked rebels.Today, the rebel disguised as honest functionaries. So he may be a system critics and function in the system is, as the case "Münkler-Watch" shows. More By MARK SIEMONS  18  31

Football in SpainReal Madrid coach Ancelotti throws out

Cristiano Ronaldo and Co. still made ​​up for their coach greatly, but the balance Untitled 2015 to mau: Real Madrid dismisses Carlo Ancelotti. Some fans are now hoping for a German successor. More   1

Northern GermanyThe wolf returns

In the north of Germany happened, which no one expected: The wolf spreads much more rapidly than expected. Him expect supervisors and management plans. The policy deals with him. More By FRANK PERGANDE, GUDOW  55  14

FAZ.NET-scene securityHow far can you fall?

A maid has sex with a politician, shortly after it is dead: The new "scene" with Kopper and Odenthal is based on the case Strauss-Kahn. But making the action realistic? More  By EVA HEIDENFELDER  4
  • Unstable Spain
    Leo Wieland
    Never since the transition to democracy have been so fragmented Spanish regional parliaments. A hint of imminent "Greek conditions" fanned the election results.More1512
  • Protect yourself if you can
    Corinna Budras
    The state is failing in the fight against burglaries. The police are overwhelmed, the education statistics accordingly sad to read -. A golden age for Eastern European gangs of robbers More12188
  • Men Jammer
    "More, more" now accuse men who want everything: children, sex, successful women and careers. Since indeed can only help the country. More5066
  • Obama's Iran policy has a high price
    Rainer Hermann
  • Upright to the second division
    Peter Penders
  • Better paint!
    Julia Voss
  • Tendency to ecstatic
    Reinhard Bingener
  • Habitat for cheeky dwarves
    Christian Eichler
  • The additional cost of the subway
    Hans Riebsamen
  • Coalition climate change
    Kerstin Schwenn, Berlin
See video
Struggle for survival: Save a new law the British pubs?
© AFPEnlarge

Spainleft hand woman

In Madrid and Barcelona politicians will govern from the left scene probably soon. According to the regional and local elections and Manuela Carmena Ada Colau are the new faces of Spanish politics.Prime Minister Rajoy closes despite the bitter loss of his party votes a change of course from. More By LEO WIELAND, MADRID  16  9

RussiaBerlin protested against travel ban on CDU politician

The CDU politician Karl-Georg Wellmann has been critical of Russia's actions in Ukraine War. Now Moscow he refused entry. He suspects that there is a secret "counter-sanctions list." More  30

Presidential election in PolandDuda creates the impossible

Andrzej Duda was the candidate with no chance. He had to lose only honorable and then disappear into oblivion. But things turned out differently. More From KONRAD SCHULLER, WARSAW  21  23

Too many inquiriesSwitzerland presents possible tax evaders on the Internet

Who is suspected of tax evasion, could find his name soon on an official Swiss website. The Tax Administration of the country justifies the step with overload. A country seems excluded. More  39  23

Greece's debt crisisTsipras prevails against Party Ultras

Much scarcer than expected Greek Prime Minister decides an important vote on the Syriza Party itself. His government spokesman promises then, continue to pay off IMF loans. More  16  8

New birth policies in ChinaMr. Zhang is now caring for children

China dreaded Familienplaner monitor with brutal methods the government's one-child policy. Until now. Because the People's Republic is aging, the state demands suddenly more births.Now pull, release the old functionaries and advertise new children's happiness. But no one believes them. More By HENDRIK ANKENBRAND  14  15
Financial markets

After election resultsin Madrid shares fall

In Barcelona and Madrid candidates of the protest party Podemos have a good chance to take over the town halls. The courses on Spain's stock market fall now under pressure, also Portuguese government bonds lose value. More  11  21

Headquartersalso in the stock market is Munich League Series Champion

Where are the heavyweights of the German economy at home? A city ranking shows: especially in the south and west. Berlin slips sharply. More By TIM CANNINGS  8  4

The property questiontenants there is the opportunity of a lifetime

Very low interest rates make it possible: Despite many places of higher property prices it is worth even now, to take into their own four walls More By VOLKER WOLFF.  25  13

In PalmyraWhy shakenIslamic State ofus the destruction of ancient temples

The Islamic State murdered, raped and enslaved people.Nevertheless, we still have left for the horror of the extremists destroyed cultural monuments.Why touches us at all? An attempt to explain. More By CLAUDIUS SEIDL  14  19

Album of the Week: "Bush"From the Background waving Snoop Dogg

There is a new album from Snoop Dogg - or? Unfortunately not: Producer and co-singer Pharrell Williams had the half honesty should direct it and write their own name More By JULIA BÄHR.  2  1

"Tatort" from Ludwigshafenescapades as once Strauss-Kahn

Commissioner Kopper waiting at home, and the food is cold: the "crime scene. Room Service "be questioned Lena Odenthal's life choices. Meanwhile, a woman wants to move their politician husbands for women's quota - and pays with tolerance More By HEIKE HUPERTZ.  1  1

French OpenAnnika Beck trumps big on

The so hopefully launched careers of the German tennis player Annika Beck appeared in a blind alley.But at the French Open, it ensures in the first round for a big surprise. More By DORIS HENKEL, PARIS  2

Rise of Darmstadt 98confetti rain on the "Karolilienplatz"

Darmstadt celebrates with songs, hooting and popular songs of the rise of the "Lily" in the Bundesliga. And the association vice president dancing after a lost bet pretty scantily clad in front of the fans. More By JENS JOACHIM, DARMSTADT  3

Maradona against Blatter"We have a dictator for life"

The countdown to the election of the FIFA President is running. In the hot phase incumbent and favorite Joseph Blatter is violently attacked by Diego Maradona. Also Uefa boss Michel Platini taunts again. More  2  1

Weather in IndiaDeadly Heat

India is currently suffering from a particularly bad heat wave. Who can remain at home. But many ordinary workers do not have this possibility. The death toll is rising steadily. More  4  3

Sit and watch while gamblingpassive player in the pixel noise

Others watch it as daddeln? What sounds funny, has become a mass movement -. Which has spawned many new stars More From KLAUS UNGERER  5  10

Circumnavigation of the earth in the solar airplanebad weather holds sun flyer in China

Just hours before the start of the solar aircraft came the cancellation. The weather can be changeable, to dare the risky Pacific crossing. Now the aviation pioneers have to demonstrate patience again. More  1  1

Villa Bologna in Maltaliving in a baroque residence

Jasper de Trafford returned a few years ago in the estate of his ancestors from the 1745 back to get it.How many rooms do exactly the "Villa Bologna" on Malta has, knows even the householder is not as accurate. More  13

British sparklingwine The English Revolution

Everybody knows champagne, cava and champagne. But what is "English Sparkling"? Mardi clarify and Simon Roberts from the winery Ridgeview in Sussex on. More By PETER BADENHOP  2  4

Bavarian success storyfor 40 years the core of BMW

The success of the BMW 3 Series is simple: He drives as well. And everyone can feel completely in him. This is since 1975, and there's no end in sight.But why is that? More By WOLFGANG PETERS  4  14

Samsung NX500flagship technology in the middle class

Samsung wants to do with the NX500 to the professionals competition. But the camera has minor weaknesses, which are already known from previous Samsung models. More By HANS-HEINRICH PARDEY  1  2

Smoking after the infarctionMost smoke more

Heart Attack Patients benefit tobacco abstinence particularly.But very few hold apparently to the Council, to reduce their consumption by the heart attack.More By NICOLA OF LUTTEROTTI 27  7

Cure for nerve damageskin means better Multiple Sclerosis

Two drugs that are actually used in skin disorders could improve the nerve damage in patients with multiple sclerosis - the show at least experiments with miceMore NICOLA FROM LUTTEROTTI. 20

ParticleWorld model remains Standard

A rare decay of mesons follows the rules of the established standard model of Teilchenphysik.Und so still no evidence of new physics. More By MANFRED LINDINGER  4  8

Students specialstudy Which is right for me?

The choice of subject is formative for the later life. Online tests can help in the choice of direction. We provide a front which promises concrete results after just 15 minutes. More By SVEN ASTHEIMER  1 4

Column "My judgment"is gone severance if I rashes an internal change?

When businesses close sites, is for the employer nothing more attractive than offer employees to move to a remote work. Who wants to move after Taiwan? But employers can so really shirk severance? More By NORBERT PFLÜGER  5

Schuster Art in VeniceThe strips of the Serenissima

Venice is overrun by tourists who buy carnival masks from China. However, in some quiet corners you can still find Venetian anachronisms, even if they are not old and not Italian - just like the shoemaker Gabriele Gmeiner More By SUSANNE SCHABER.  16

RescuedSpainlost in the sea, yet

The Illes Columbretes are overshadowed by the Balearic Islands and are but the biggest contrast to these strongholds of mass tourism:. A handful of small, wild, shaggy islands full of scorpions, of which man is almost completely banished More By ROLF NEUHAUS  15

How do I explain it to my child?What relegation means

On Saturday one-third of the teams have to fight to stay in the Bundesliga. Why the relegation for football is good for players, clubs and fans but terribly. And especially for HSV. More By CHRISTIAN EICHLER  3  3

Skin Cancer Preventionparents underestimate cloudy summer days

Still keep in the summer many children without adequate sun protection outdoors on, shows a study Erlanger. Pediatricians call now to take skin cancer prevention in the legally prescribed examinations in childhood. More By CHRISTINA HUCKLENBROICH  5  6

Beyond the scope ofauction a bicycle collection

Is this perhaps already art? The Dorotheum Vienna opens with the Embacher collection first bike.Undreamt scenes in a venerable auction houseMore by HANNES BEHIND MEIER, VIENNA  6

Deals in New YorkSmall luxury apartments starting at $ 4,000,000

Target Feldman has just bought one of the most expensive plots of all time in Manhattan. But he does not want ultra-luxury, but something small apartments: between 140 and 180 square meters in size they should be more.  4  3

Hanauluxury sports car spun around on intersection

150,000 euros Property damage, a street without electricity and 250 spectators: this is the balance of a car accident in Hanau, where a luxury car skidded through an intersection more.  2  1

Rescuedfour hour rescueDarmstadt students in the Alps

A group of 14 students got lost in the Bavarian Alps. There followed one of the biggest bets of the Bavarian Police Helicopter Squadron. No one was injured.More  3

Frankfurt Waldstadionan arena for water fights, rock concerts and descent thrillers

From "Victory Stadium" the home of Eintracht: 90 years ago, the Waldstadion opened. Even today, the relegation of Eintracht Frankfurt is a 5: 1 against Kaiserslautern as legendary More.  2
25. Mai 2015. Was aussieht wie ein Werk des Fotokünstlers Andreas Gursky ist in Wirklichkeit eine Prüfung für Krankenschwestern, die in der chinesischen Stadt Baoji – offenbar aus Platzgründen – im Freien abgehalten wird. Abschreiben scheint hierbei jedenfalls einigermaßen ausgeschlossen.© REUTERSEnlargeMay 25, 2015. What looks like a work of photo artist Andreas Gursky is really a test for nurses in the Chinese city of Baoji - will be held in the open air - apparently for reasons of space.Copying appears here anyway reasonably excluded.
Many dating in the coalition agreement projects have been completed. That's why now is sometimes felt that Union and SPD out the similarities. It will get worse. More  1  6

Three days, Mustache, Schnauzer?Germany has so 'nen Bart

Many men and women agree: A guy with a beard is attractive. When asked which form particularly adorns the face, the opinions differ, however.More   4  3

The best of the web,the photo project "FangirlQuest"

Two Finnish women traveling for two years at the locations of their favorite movies and series and bring iPads using a certain scenes back to reality.More 

After therenovation of therock is back in the surf

The Mont-Saint-Michel was almost silted up.After ten years of restoration it is now surrounded by water again. For visitors it is convenient - You are now on a bridge in the old monastery More.  By WOLFGANG HÄG  1  14

Student SpecialDid I have enough money?

Many students know the problem: At the end of the money is still so much month left. Justine from Greifswald and Raphael from Munich have disclosed their budgets for us - and betrayed, when it will close more.  By EVA HEIDENFELDER

Ann SophieA good loser

Ann Sophie can again make jokes about her performance in the ESC, Gene Simmons talks out of school, and Maggie Gyllenhaal was rejected by strange reasoning for a role - the Smalltalk more.   5
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