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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Latest news from politics, business, sport and culture 

Obama: not to solve Syria conflict in my tenure

The situation in Syria was "heartbreaking" but America bear in mind not to blame, President Barack Obama said. Too often you shift the responsibility to Washington. More

Euro90 millionjackpotin the Czech Republic

The biggest win in Euro Jackpot goes to the Czech Republic. Can cheer a prediction from Germany.Because it is only a false cross, he collected several million. More 

Problems withnuclear wasterecoverymust remain in the Asse possibly

More than 100,000 barrels, which are decades underground wants to pick up the federal government out of the ramshackle mine. But the plan could now be at risk. More

Killing Bin LadenThe mysterious turncoat

New speculation about the death of the former Al-Qaeda leaders in Washington make a stir. As the United States came to him on the ropes? More  By FRIEDERIKE BÖGE 21

Armed with lay Catholicsbishops against blessing same-sex couples

Two prominent bishops oppose the Central Committee of Catholics. They criticize, whose demand for blessing same-sex unions is contrary to the "doctrine of the Church". More  By DANIEL DECKERS  8

FractureFreudian criminals

Merkel says unheard. And what does Putin? The Kim Jong-un? No, he makes the Mortimer! More  By BERTHOLD KOHLER  16  36

Largest search operation for many yearsheavily pregnant woman remains missing

Massive manhunt in Aschaffenburg: From the 24-year-old Rebecca Wagner is no trace.Time is pressing. The missing person is to stand shortly before the birth of their child. More From AGNES SCHOENBERGER,ASCHAFFENBURG  4

Labor market policiesNahles forcing Job Center to save

Many unemployed are likely to receive less funding than planned from the job center: Labour Minister Andrea Nahles sweeps the budget together. The money she needs for wage subsidies for long-term unemployed. More 

Guest PostGermany failed climate policy

The energy policy has proven to be incredibly expensive and ineffective.Nevertheless, at the climate conference in Paris many will push for a similar policy as the German. It is a much more effective response to climate change. More  BJORN LOMBORG  55

Jurors decidedeath penalty for Boston bomber Tsarnaev Dzokhar

Dzokhar Tsarnaev to be punished for the bombing of the Boston Marathon in 2013 with the death. The jury decided. The 21-year-old American to be executed with a lethal injection. More   29

Draghi warns of consequences,monetary policy is costly

Mario Draghi and Janet Yellen to emphasize the long-term risks of an expansionary monetary policy. Thus, the central bankers approach to their sharpest critics. More  By GERALD BRAUNSBERGER and WINAND VON PETERSDORFF  28

Federal Party in BerlinFDP chooses white hope Suding in party leadership

Your face is the updraft of the FDP: The Hamburg regional chairman Katja Suding, joins the national board. Party leader Lindner can rejoice twice - many voices and a cash injection from the base more.   7

Indigenous in BrazilThe Holy Mountain on the outskirts of the Moloch

At motorway junction not far from São Paulo, a group of indigenous people trying to get their traditions. But the village community is threatened. More  By MATTHIAS RÜB, JARAGUA 1
  • From the valley of tears
    Matthias Wyssuwa
    For his speech at the opening of the federal congress FDP leader Christian Lindner tailwind through two successful women. Without the electoral success in Hamburg and Bremen it looked bleak for the former ruling party. More1415
  • Irexit after Brexit?
    Holger Steltzner
    Even the British have not voted on her withdrawal from the EU, already the Irish think about it. The reasoning makes noisy. More91198
  • Quote dispute
    Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger
    The debate on how the EU with the refugee crisis resulting from a dilemma to another.The Member States have a fundamental question clear: to what extent you want to allow immigration More4168
  • Insurgents outsider
    Christian Kamp
  • Leftovers for the last journey
    Joachim Müller-Jung
  • As in the formation of province
    Oliver Georgi
  • A reminder Ampelmännchen
    Hans Riebsamen
  • Doping nation's number one
    Michael Reinsch
  • The necessary alternative
    Reinhard Müller
  • Doves and hawks
    Gerald Braunberger
See video
Clowns at the limit: The "Flying Frenchies" offer extreme sports of a different kind

Signedagainst violence in northernMali Peace Agreement

After a coup three years ago ruled in northern Mali today chaos. A now in Bamako signed plan to bring peace -. But missing an important signature More  1

Religious strife in FranceMayor calls Islam ban

A mayor in France has demanded to ban Islam in his country. In addition, the Constitution changed, and the separation of state and religion must be abolished. That earned him a party exclusion proceedings. More By MICHAELA WIEGEL, PARIS  1  168

Janine Wissler Interview"What is a eingeschmissene disc against a bombed Afghanistan?"

Janine Wissler, deputy leader of the Left Party, expressed in an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung about the riots during the Blockupy protests and attacked the CDU. More  16  31

Despite acute financial problemsGreece pays its civil servants

Athens has employees paid their salaries in the public sector in spite of acute financial distress. It is obviously to EUR 500 million. More  19

Brusselskindergarten in the EU Commission

In theory, should bring more momentum to the work of the Commission seven vice-presidents and a new structure. Instead, the Vice President and Commissioners block each other. More By HENDRIK KAFSACK  5  15

Sun Expressslush fund at Lufthansa stake

Sun Express, a joint venture of Lufthansa and Turkish Airlines will have for years performed a slush fund. According to Lufthansa Sun Express has already responded. More  4
Financial markets

Cosmetic sharesGood business in the market place of the Vanities

The demand for anti-aging products is increasing, many cosmetic suppliers also benefit from the weak euro. Rising especially among companies with premium products, stock prices. More By THOMAS KLEMM  1

InsuranceThe end of the lone wolf

The sharp adjustment makes life difficult for insurance brokers. Benefit could broker pools. But she meets the change. More By PHILIPP KROHN

Apartment buildings demandproperty prices to rise by 5 percent

Residential and commercial properties become more expensive and on. In the first three months of the year the prices have increased by 5 percent, shows an index of the Pfandbrief Banks. Growth driver continues to be the housing market. More  6  3

"Charlie Hebdo" strokeWho is to blame?

"Zombie Katholen" and "French Awakening": After the attack on the "Charlie Hebdo" editorial circulating confused theses on Islam, Europe and anti-SemitismMore By JÜRG ALTWEGG.  10

Literature on Twitter"Screws your expectations down, people"

When Twitter Fiction Festival every user is invited to present his literary ideas in shorthand the world. A valuable contribution to the history of literature - or just a whole bunch of spam More By CAROLIN SCHWARZ?  1

Cookbook column "edible paper"A Tiramisu from dandelions

Noriyuki Hamada speaks no French and no English and has boiled his life only in Japan. Why did he nevertheless masterfully understood how to combine European and Japanese cuisine together, showing his new book. More by JÜRGEN DOLLASE

Bundesliga relegation battlereports from the brink

Hertha BSC, Hamburger SV, SC Freiburg, Hannover 96, SC Paderborn, VfB Stuttgart: You have six teams are still struggling in the Bundesliga against relegation. An Opportunity Checklist. More By ACHIM DREIS  1  6

Dennis SchröderThe NBA fireflies on turns

Dennis Schröder is not taken seriously in the NBA by all. Here, the German shows before the sixth game of the play-off series against Washington that must be reckoned with, and Atlanta. More by JÜRGEN KALWA, NEW YORK  6

Sport compactAlba Berlin in the semifinals

Ulissi wins longest stage of the Giro ++ GolfProfi Cejka starts moderately ++ cyclist Cavendish sprints ahead ++ professional footballer Müller is on the brink ++ sport compact on Friday. More

Four dead in Naplesman shoots brother after dispute over washing

First he kills his brother and his wife, then he shoots off a balcony at passers-by and the police. In Naples Italian man killed four people and injured six others. More  3

Largest search operation for many yearsheavily pregnant woman remains missing

Massive manhunt in Aschaffenburg: From the 24-year-old Rebecca Wagner is no trace. Time is pressing. The missing person is to stand shortly before the birth of their child. More By AGNES SCHOENBERGER, ASCHAFFENBURG  4

Station chief to "GNTM""We will not be intimidated"

Does the bomb threat from for "Germany's Next Top Model"? If the winner about already fixed? In an interview, Wolfgang Link, Managing Director of Pro Sieben, how to proceed after the demolition of the finale. More By CAROLIN SCHWARZ  4

Designer Daniel RybakkenA ray of hope in dark times

The Norwegian Daniel Rybakken conjures daylight into dark winter days and thrilled for the international design scene. More  7

Blog | TierlebenVegan Clothing: Will the German banana fiber instead of merino wool?

Many people reject clothes, had to suffer for the animals, a study shows. If we are before a boom vegan fashion? Designers and textile companies that produce guaranteed animal free, lead to different estimates. More By CHRISTINA HUCKLENBROICH

Live Blog: Audio High End fair in MunichThe day of speakers

Dinner is served again: At the High End in Munich show the manufacturer of the audio industry their latest and best products. We are listening to what is so hip -. In FAZ.NET-Live Blog More From MARCO DETTWEILER, MUNICH  6

Bike CareThe hairy caterpillar glutton licking blank hub

You could call him if he had eyes, confused with the Wurliwurm. But the colorful hub shiner is a beneficial organism and not just a fun. More By HANS-HEINRICH PARDEY  21  12

+++ +++ Climate Ticker MayFrackingverbot, ocean waves, greenhouse Dealer

What really makes the apocalypse? Our gloss Ticker with serious messages about climate change and its (less serious) punchlines. An update on a historic frackingbericht about Psycho wars and other signals for Paris. More By JOACHIM MÜLLER-JUNG  45  28

Placebo effect in the OPThe braggart

Surgeons like to grab a scalpel. But whether surgery delivers what it promises, is too rarely checkedMore By MICHAEL BRENDLER  4

Blog | TierlebenVegan Clothing: Will the German banana fiber instead of merino wool?

Many people reject clothes, had to suffer for the animals, a study shows. If we are before a boom vegan fashion? Designers and textile companies that produce guaranteed animal free, lead to different estimates. More By CHRISTINA HUCKLENBROICH

Celebrates "Young Scientist"Germany seeks the young researchers

Competition "Youth Research" has existed for 50 years. He founded many a career and makes tinkerers winners. Some of them became famous. Here are their stories. More By SEBASTIAN BALZTER  2  3

Working at the Bundeswehrrise in armed conflict

Since conscription is passé, the troupe vying as any civilian employer to young and skilled workers - including career counseling. Although the acts a little awkward. But waving good prospects. More By JOHN LEITHÄUSER  4  9

Swedish Laplandstop when the snow Gentian flowers

Vast lakes, wide meadows, vast forests: In the Swedish fells everything is great. Only the horses do not, on their backs you can explore the area in the most beautiful way. More By KIRSTEN TANK GUNKEL  2

The doctor by VietnamThe three ways to act wisely

Confucius is not the worst companion on a journey through Vietnam. But what if in the old streets of Hanoi runny nose or grumbles in Halong Bay the stomach? With medical escort on tour in a land between tradition and modernity. More By FREDDY LANGER  2  8

How do I explain it to my child?Why is there strike

Educators, postman, train drivers: Just go people from many professions rather than on the road for work, and more people suffer from it. Why strike still is a good thing. More By ANNE-CHRISTIN SIEVERS  2  2

Minors on the Internetto your friends like: suicide, cracks, starvation

Protection of young people and politicians are sounding the alarm: children can easily come across the Internet on content that glorify anorexia, suicide or self-harm. But can the current legislation at all guarantee sufficient protection? More  2  7

Results Age Arts in Viennascholars monkeys care for Surprise

During the auction of Old Masters was dominated at the Vienna Dorotheum from Brueghel, brought a memorable image issue during the 19th century the surprise. Painted it has Gabriel von Max. More By NICOLE SCHEYERER, VIENNA

Short of money,the Germans save most when going out

If it is financially tight, many people would save according to a study when going out. Quite different is the situation when it comes to home sweet home. More  3  5

SV Darmstadt"fire Everything is in the pipeline"

Twice more to go to the threshold of pain. Or even enough time? With a win on Sunday in Fürth Darmstadt can ascend 98. Prerequisite: Kaiserslautern wins not in Aue More By MICHAEL EDER,DARMSTADT.

Champions League victory,the women of the 1st FFC Frankfurt celebrate on the Romans-balcony

One day after their Champions League victory in the Berlin football players of 1. FFC Frankfurt have been triumphantly welcomed in their home. Several hundred fans celebrated the team on Friday night at the Frankfurt Römerberg. More  1

25-Year Celebrationunit fixed with Gorbachev and Gauck

In October Germany celebrates 25 years of reunification - in Frankfurt. The city hosts a big event with a lot of political celebrities. Until these concerns are in the mood for the festival in 1000 oversized DDR Ampelmännchen. More By HANS RIEBSAMEN, FRANKFURT  1
15. Mai 2015. In München ist eine Straßenbahn nach einem Unfall entgleist und in den überdachten Eingangsbereich eines Hauses gekracht. Die Tram war mit einem Kleintransporter zusammengestoßen und anschließend aus den Schienen gesprungen. Der Fahrer des Transporters wurde schwer verletzt. Zwei Fahrgäste der Straßenbahn erlitten leichte Verletzungen.© DPAEnlargeMay 15, 2015. In Munich a tram derailed after an accident and crashed into the covered entrance of a house.The tram had collided with a pickup truck and then jumped off the rails.The driver of the van was seriously injured.Two passengers tram suffered minor injuries.
If the two main money politicians the world emphasize the drawbacks of very expansionary monetary policy, it applies aufzuhorchen. Yellen and Draghi will join the audience on a moving away from this policy. More 21

Special Restaurant in MilanNew rooms for truffle dreams

Who loves fresh truffles, will find it more recently in Milan. Restaurant dedicates its entire menu the mushroom. We were on the spot. More  From MARIA WIESNER, MILAN  1
Relegation battle in the Bundesliga: Six teams are in danger of two descend directly. You have the choice: If you need to the second division?
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The best of the webHow about a date?

A dinner with Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or snapchat ... how would probably go? The same question Emma Blackery has faced - and made ​​a video of it. More 

Flashlight with warning flasherThe light stick

If a tool is to perform several tasks at once, we get suspicious. Now us a flashlight is rolled on the table that supposedly can do more than just provide light. More  By LUKAS WEBER  3

Column "Nine to Five"poison the workplace

When employees steal or take drugs, enterprises have a real problem. But so often these cases are still not. Who makes time a study of the garlic eaters, and Kaffeetassenvergesser According to callers? More  By UWE MARX  1

Drought in CaliforniaBarbra Streisand saves but now water

Barbra Streisand can be hard to separate from the Green, Lindsay Lohan is serious and the Australian Agriculture Minister wants to kill Johnny Depp's dogs - the small talk here.   9

Chart of the DayToo many overtime

Self-realization and a good work-life balance are the "Generation Y" in the first place. This also explains the reasons why young German quit their jobs. More   5
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