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Friday, May 15, 2015

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Must-Read Stories: Here's What America Will Be Like in 2050 – Credio's 2015 U.S. Homeowners Insurance Satisfaction Report – 17 Least Intelligent Dogs – Credio's 2015 U.S. Car Insurance Satisfaction Report – The Reason Behind Why You Have More than One Credit Card in Your Wallet
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Here's What America Will Be Like in 2050 Â»

Using data from the United States Census Bureau, we plotted stats on marriage, education, salaries and gender, then projected how each would change by 2050. Peer into the future...
See What America Will Be Like in 10 Charts » Explore Historical Charts for Where You Live »
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The Number of U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan and Yemen Since 2009 Â»

Both Pakistan and Yemen have been on the front lines of American foreign policy as the U.S. looks to continuously weaken al-Qaeda militants. A major tool at use in that policy has been the unmanned drone. InsideGov charted drone statistics for U.S. strikes in Pakistan and Yemen from 2009 to 2014.
See the Obama Administration's Foreign Policy Undertakings » Research Each U.S. President In Depth on InsideGov »
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17 Least Intelligent Dogs Â»

The ability of a dog to learn from humans has often been linked to its intelligence. Using the dog breeds topic from PetBreeds and data from The Intelligence of Dogsby UBC Psychology Professor Stanley Coren, we found and ranked the 17 least intelligent dogs by obedience intelligence.
See Which Dogs Aren't So Bright » Compare More Dogs on PetBreeds »
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Foreclosures Returning to Pre-2008 Levels Â»

Using its newly launched Market Trends topic, FindTheHome visualized a number of housing market health statistics, including the percentage of properties in foreclosure throughout the country today. Across the U.S., foreclosures are returning to levels not seen since before the financial crisis. 
Learn About U.S. Housing Market Health Statistics » Research Market Trends for Where You Live »
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