Translation from English

Monday, May 25, 2015

Buenos Aires Herald

President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner paid tribute to late husband Néstor as she addressed the crowd gathered on the anniversary of the May Revolution, while warning that the future of peronism depended on its proposals and not personalities. 
• Gallery: Celebrations in Plaza de Mayo
Economy minister Axel Kicillof has avoided discussions over a possible candidacy in the upcoming elections, stating that he was not part of the administration led by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for personal gain.
President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner attended today the traditional Te Deum ceremony to commemorate a new anniversary of the May Revolution, at the Luján Basilica.
Company YPF announced the discovery of a new oil field in Los Caldenes, in Rio Negro province, with resources estimated in 40 million oil barrels.
To anyone who doubted his re-election strategy, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has had a simple answer: "Trust me". Now, a battering in local polls has cast doubt on his plan that an economic recovery will secure him a second term later this year.
• New parties make big gains in Spain
Bank workers’ union La Bancaria have confirmed banks will not be open to the public today and tomorrow due to a strike over wage negotiations. It will be an atypical week, as the strike follows yesterday’s national holiday.
Footballer Ariel Bulay has revealed that Atlético Paraná team-mate Cristián Gómez had failed to pass an electrocardiogram test before tragically passing away in the middle of a match against Boca Unidos.
In remarks at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington, Obama paid tribute to US military personnel who served in conflicts such as World War Two as well as the more recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which he wound down.

Every four hours a person is kidnapped in Mexico and 14 percent of them will die in captivity, according to a report published on Tuesday by non-governmental organization Alto al Secuestro (Stop kidnapping).

Interview with Mexico’s executive director of Amnesty International

Victims do not report 94 percent of crimes out of fear

By Vera Von Kreutzbruck
Though the disappearance of 43 students from Raúl Isidro Burgos Rural Teachers’ College of Ayotzinapa, in September of last year sparked reverberations worldwide, the truth is, in Mexico, this was not an isolated case.


Dollar (Official price)DOLLAR (Official price)$ 8,935$ 8,985
Dollar Blue price)DOLLAR ("Blue" price)$ 12,55$ 12,65
EuroEURO$ 9,890$ 10,490
PoundPOUND$ 13,840$ 13,918
MervalMERVAL$ 11.459,530$ -2,06
Dow JonesDOW JONES$ 18.232,020$ -0,29
BovespaBOVESPA$ 54.377,290$ -1,33
Full MARKET coverage HERE

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• World Trade

In focus: China’s big deal with Brazil

• On Sunday

Taste for violence

Grupo ámbito    ámbito financiero    Docsalud     Premium        El Ciudadano    El Tribuno    Management
Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4499 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5177376 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA 

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