After photographer William Henry Jackson posed 14 men, including expedition leader Ferdinand Hayden (seated, center), around a table in a field with the backdrop of Wyoming’s Red Buttes in 1870, he entered the picture (standing, far right).
Howard White, BJ Garcia, Lynda Gentry Comer and 353 others like this.
Scott Imus
Scott Imus I am a retired scientist, and always look at these photos with great nostalgia.
Scott Gordon
Scott Gordon Notice how they aren't standing in a row with their hands in their pockets. SMH
Disguised as a man, Cora Hubbard (at far left) held the horses while her male accomplices (chained together) robbed a bank in 1897. A few days later, authorities caught up with the gang at Hubbard’s father’s home. A search of the house revealed cash and a Colt .45 revolver with the name “Bob Dalton” etched on the handle, seemingly confirming Hubbard’s claims that she had been a member of the Dalton Gang.
– True West Archives –
Jeff Tobey, George Lueras, Pontus Westerberg and 2,253 others like this.
Jeff Wilkerson
Jeff Wilkerson Meade County Kansas, Home of the Dalton Gang. Actually had a tunnel leading from the house to the creek behind the home to make their getaway.
2416 hrs
Darky Hall
Darky Hall She was born in 1877 but her date of death is unknown,she received 12 years for this robbery and was released in 1905
1817 hrs
If all the horses turned at the same time, the stagecoach crashed—so the driver took care to turn each pair of horses separately.
– True West Archives –
Jeff Tobey, Christopher Coder, David LaMay and 3,173 others like this.
John Morton
John Morton I drive teams and I see it as driving 3 pairs as opposed to driving 6 .. If it's done wrong the outside horses can be pulled over onto the inside horses on a bend
John Morton
John Morton In most big teams the heaviest were at the wheel and the faster ones were out front . In turns it's the wheel horses that do the work
While the Spanish Santa Rita Copper Mines opened operations in 1805, the American silver strike of 1870 inspired the name and the mining rush that built the town and brought the miners and settlers into direct conflict with the local Apache tribes led by Victorio, Mangas Coloradas, Geronimo and Cochise.
– Courtesy John Harlan Collection, Silver City Museum –
Cathy Hutchinson Larkins, Kenneth Debnam, Jerry Pimley and 1,093 others like this.
Charles Johnson
Charles Johnson eastern az in the santa rita mtns?
Daniel Atkinson
Daniel Atkinson Go there all the time, the mine is still active and producing
The Camp Grant Massacre
The Old West’s Indian Wars were brutal affairs, with innocent victims on all sides. Depredations were all too frequent. One was the Camp Grant Massacre of 1871.
David Triplett, Michael Richards, Kleber Nascimento and 1,052 others like this.
LeaAnn Williams
LeaAnn Williams There were innocent on BOTH sides.. My ancestor was burned at the stake. His children were killed or taken captive.. Attacked while they worked in the field.. No one paid for that.. There was no justice.. But that was then not now.. The Indians that did this deed are dead and gone. There were bad people on both sides, and the innocent always paid the price..
Steve Carson
Steve Carson no one paid for this mass murder except the Indians, same in wounded knee and Sandy creek
Cornish Miners in the West
The rocky wilderness of the American West turned out to be the richest treasure trove of natural resources in the history of the civilized world.
Brian Ellison, Jay Formicola, Lee Middleton and 737 others like this.
Ann Corry
Ann Corry We celebrate Cornish Christmas up here in Grass Valley Cal. So the miners worked up here as well in the Mother Lode..
Stuart Kyle Tolman
Stuart Kyle Tolman My wife's family is descended from Cornish miners, who ended up in western Utah and eastern Nevada.
The Perfect Name for a Madam