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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

EMS 1 Newsletter

March 30, 2016|View as webpage
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3 Del. EMS providers hurt in crash
Off-duty FF-EMT killed by falling tree
Paramedic speaks out against shift-change proposal
NTSB: Weather contributed to Ala. medical helicopter crash: It will likely take several months or as long as a year to determine the cause of the crash
Issues arise with DC private ambulance partnership: An internal memo shows concern over compatibility issues between city ambulances and AMR
Hackers paralyze DC hospital chain:The virus crippled MedStar Health Inc.'s systems and forced the hospital to revert to a paper system to keep patient records
4 injured in Texas ambulance crash
Man sentenced for drug-fueled paramedic attack
Ohio fire, EMS department struggling with 911 call volume
ER delays frustrate Fla. paramedics
Man drops onto ambulance from 2nd floor walkway
Nurse surrenders license after taking inappropriate patient photos
After four decades, a Texas EMT is still eager to answer calls
By Mike Rubin, EMS1 Columnist
For Richard Ponikiewski, a career of memories, good and bad, are still strong — except one.
EMS is where you find it 
Teenage male with a sudden onset of dyspnea
By David Neubert, EMS1 Contributor
Your patient is short of breath and his blood appears very abnormal.
What are your next steps? 
The Doty Belt/Lift Assist Harness
The Doty Belt/Lift Assist Harness was created to keep both patients and caregivers safe, while preserving patient dignity.
Buy n' Try Demo Program 50% Off! from Fujitsu
More Featured Deals
6 steps to take for purchasing EMS software
By Robert Avsec, EMS1 Columnist
Follow this planning process to ensure the benefits of a new EMS software application are fully realized.
Available resources 
5 questions to answer before any EMS product purchase
By Michael Potts, EMS1 Contributor
Answering these questions provides a blueprint for a quality process and product implementation into the EMS agency.
Managing the project 
Confrontation between police and EMS on scene
What would you do if while you are treating a patient a cop demands you move the patient off the road and let traffic pass by or through the incident?
Watch the video 
FDNY supports LGBT youth with 'It Gets Better' video
Why it's difficult for EMS leaders to delegate
578WWII veteran finds ambulance driven during war
445Hilarious PSA reminds drivers to 'pull to the right'
223Nurse surrenders license after taking inappropriate patient photos
221Drivers block ambulance from crash scene
187What are the requirements to be a paramedic?
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