Translation from English

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Le Monde

Update at 11:28

migration crisis facing the European Union, Turkey raised the stakes  14

Angela Merke, le 7 mars à Bruxelles. / AFP / ALAIN JOCARD
The Twenty-Eight agreed on the night of Monday to Tuesday, to discuss Ankara's proposals in exchange for massive reception of Syrians already present in the Greek islands.
Jacqueline Sauvage et son avocate Janine Bonaggiunta, le 31 janvier, devant la cour d’assises de Loir-et-Cher, à Blois.

Debate on the right of battered women to defend

The MP Valérie Boyer Tuesday to file a bill inspired by the case of Jacqueline Wild, to recognize a battered woman syndrome would result in a mitigation of criminal responsibility.
Tunisian soldiers stand guard at the scene of an assault on a house outside the town of Ben Guerdane near the border with Libya on March 3, 2016. Five militants who were killed by Tunisian forces near the Libyan border had slipped across with the intention of carrying out "terrorist attacks", Prime Minister Habib Essid said.


Libya and Tunisia face a post-revolutionary jihadism POST BLOG

The day after deadly clashes between groups linked to the organization Islamic State and the Tunisian army, the specialist in Middle-East Jean-Pierre Filiu analyzes the development of jihadism from the against-revolution.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Labour Minister Myriam El Khomri (L) visit the Solvay plant on February 22, 2016 at the Chalampe industrial site near Mulhouse, eastern France.   / AFP / POOL / VINCENT KESSLER

"Yes, but ..." business leaders in El Khomri law  35

If the bosses plébiscitent the idea of ​​reforming the labor code, some SME managers argue for a rebalancing of the text to employees.
Maria Sharapova a annoncé, le 7 mars 2016 à Los Angeles, qu'elle avait été contrôlée positive en janvier lors de l'Open d'Australie.

Maria Sharapova, last "victim" of the epidemic meldonium

The former World No. 1 tennis is the latest in a long list of athletes tested positive for the substance since the ban on 1 January.
Un homme brandit une pancarte dénonçant les atteintes à la liberté de la presse en Turquie.  / AFP / OZAN KOSE

After the tutelage of a daily, Ankara takes control of the news agency Cihan

Are we able to identify nonsense?  21

Roger Cukierman, président du CRIF, a demandé le 7 mars, lors du dîner annuel du Conseil, que l'état d'urgence soit appliqué sur internet.

The President of CRIF wants a "state of emergency" on the Internet

Les premiers migrants sont arrivés au nouveau camp de Grande-Synthe

The first migrants arrived in Grande-Synthe new VIDEOCamp

(FILES) This court sketch made on October 24, 2014 shows Mark van Nierop, a Dutch dentist suspected of mutilating patients, in a court in Amsterdam. Mutilation, violence against vulnerable persons, fraud, forgery: the Dutch Jacobus Marinus - called Mark - Van Nierop, nicknamed "the dentist of the horror" in Nievre will be judged on March 8, 2016 by the French Criminal Court of Nevers. / AFP / ANP / Aloys Oosterwijk

The "dentist butcher" of Château-Chinon face his victims  8

Les exportations de la Chine ont baissé de 25 % par rapport à mars 2015.- China OUT
 / AFP / STR

China's exports fell by 25%

A Malaysian writes well wishes on a wall of hope during a remembrance event for the ill fated Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sunday, March 6, 2016. At the commemorative event Sunday to mark the second anniversary of the jet’s March 8, 2014, disappearance, the families of Flight 370 passengers released white balloons tagged with the names of everyone aboard the plane and the words: “MH370: Always remembered in our hearts.” (AP Photo/Joshua Paul)

MH370: "It was probably a suicide attack or a" VIDEO 7

TO GO WITH 'Pakistan-Economy-Internet-Commerce' FOCUS by Masroor GILANI
This photograph taken on November 19, 2015 shows Pakistani employees of online marketplace company Kaymu at work in Karachi. Women are seeing the benefits, but e-commerce presents potentially an even greater opportunity for young people in a country where roughly two thirds of the population -- of around 200 million -- are estimated to be under the age of 30. A recent economic survey by the finance ministry singled out the challenges facing youth in Pakistan, including "limited job search expertise, a mismatch between education, aspirations and employers' requirements and a lack of mobility, among other factors". AFP PHOTO / ASIF HASSAN

No real progress for twenty years for women in the workplace  11

Le premier ministre Lionel Zinsou, candidat à l'élection présidentielle, vote à Cotonou   dimanche 6 mars 2016.

Benin: Lionel Zinsou and Patrice Talon will compete in the second round of the presidential

clinical trial Rennes assumptions and still many questions  9

L'ex-président ivoirien Laurent Gbagbo, le 28 janvier 2016, à l'ouverture de son procès à la Cour pénale internationale à La Haye.

Sam Africanus "hostile" witness at the trial of Laurent Gbagbo

Marianne Thyssen, commissaire européenne chargée de l’emploi et des affaires sociales, à la Commission de Bruxelles, en 2014

Posted workers: Brussels wants to impose "equal pay for equal work"  6

La SNCF, qui doit publier ses résultats annuels cette semaine, a annoncé le 7 mars qu'elle allait devoir procéder à une dépréciation de ses actifs de plus de 12 milliards d'euros dans ses comptes 2015.

SNCF will depreciate assets over 12 billion euros  11

Bob Dylan (à droite) sur scène à Paddock Wood dans le Kent en juin 2012.

At 74 years, Bob Dylan released an album 37th

Des nouvelles recrues Chabab lors d'un entrainement à Lafofe, à 18 kilomètres au sud de la capitale somalienne Mogadiscio, le 17 février 2011.

The Pentagon announced the elimination of "over 150" Shabab in Somalia

Le fondateur de 4chan, Christopher Poole.

The founder of 4chan forum recruited by Google


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The newspaper dated March 8

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Wooden sheds built by Doctors Without Borders are lined up in a new migrants camp in Grande Synthe, outside Dunkirk, northern France, Monday, March 7, 2016. About 150 migrants have abandoned the squalid, mud-filled Grande Synthe camp to move into wooden sheds with access to showers and other facilities. (AP Photo/Michel Spingler)
Grande-Synthe: that can change the new camp?
A Malaysian writes well wishes on a wall of hope during a remembrance event for the ill fated Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sunday, March 6, 2016. At the commemorative event Sunday to mark the second anniversary of the jet’s March 8, 2014, disappearance, the families of Flight 370 passengers released white balloons tagged with the names of everyone aboard the plane and the words: “MH370: Always remembered in our hearts.” (AP Photo/Joshua Paul)
MH370: "It was probably a suicide attack or a"
L'Email en chiffres
The e-mail in figures 1 minute
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Myriam El Khomri et Emmanuel Macron, le 7 mars, à Matignon.

"Labour Act" questions on a petition  38

The petition "Work Act, no thank you" has exceeded one million signatures, a first in France. How relevant and what consequences?Explanations.
Card: the Tunisian-Libyan border under the jihadist INTERACTIVE VISUAL pressure
L'Email en chiffres
The e-mail in figures 1 minute VIDEO
Five things to remember the weekend
Loi travail, Super Tuesday et Salon de l'agriculture, ce qu'il fallait retenir cette semaine.
"Labour Law" Super Tuesday, Agricultural Fair ... information to remember this week
People walk in front of buildings on October 14, 2014 in La Defense business district, near Paris. AFP PHOTO / LIONEL BONAVENTURE
That would change the reform of labor law Michel, 50, employee  186
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US elections
Le sénateur républicain de Floride Marco Rubio en campagne, le 6 mars, dans l'Idaho. M. Rubio jouera son va-tout le 15 mars lors de la primaire qui aura lieu dans son Etat.

J 244: Donald Trump violently attacked Marco Rubio

The real estate tycoon deals Senator from Florida "corrupt", and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gives up as an independent candidate: the bulk of the US presidential in a glance.



Angela Merkel avec le premier ministre turc Ahmet Davutoglu et le premier ministre néerlandais Mark Rutte à Bruxelles le 6 mars 2016.

The great reversal European Refugee  34

Following a tense summit, Angela Merkel has imposed the return to Turkey of the Syrians who arrive in Greece.
Le sénateur républicain de Floride Marco Rubio en campagne, le 6 mars, dans l'Idaho. M. Rubio jouera son va-tout le 15 mars lors de la primaire qui aura lieu dans son Etat.
J 244: Donald Trump violently attacked Marco Rubio
Le président Robert Mugabe et son épouse Grace coupent son gâteau d'anniversaire, le 21 février à Harare.
Those who want the death of Robert Mugabe, president for life
Un assaut de djihadistes liés à l’Etat islamique a fait 45 morts au cœur de Ben Guerdane, principale ville tunisienne sur la frontière libyenne.
In Tunisia, the Islamic State launched an unprecedented assault on the Libyan border
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Maria Sharapova a annoncé, le 7 mars 2016 à Los Angeles, qu'elle avait été contrôlée positive en janvier lors de l'Open d'Australie.

Maria Sharapova, last "victim" of the epidemic meldonium

The former World No. 1 tennis is the latest in a long list of athletes tested positive for the substance since the ban on 1 January.
Maria Sharapova of Russia reacts during her match against Coco Vandeweghe of the U.S.A. at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships in London, July 7, 2015.                      REUTERS/Toby Melville
Sharapova positive control: the inventor of meldonium ensures that "this is not a doping product" POST TO BLOG
Frédéric Thiriez est président de la LFP depuis 2002.
Frédéric Thiriez is not standing at the Professional Football League
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Each week, find the essential news "techno" by signing up for the newsletter Pixels.
Dans « Twilight Princess », une malédiction jetée sur le héros, Link, le transforme en loup dans les ténèbres.

We tested ... "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD", the dark adventure game from Nintendo

Ten years after its release on Wii and GameCube, one of the darkest episodes and the most atypical of the Zelda saga is back.
Detail of a goban, Tea or go game deck.
Learn the basics of VIDEO game go
Roger Cukierman, président du CRIF, a demandé le 7 mars, lors du dîner annuel du Conseil, que l'état d'urgence soit appliqué sur internet.
The President of CRIF wants a "state of emergency" on the Internet
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Players Exclusives

A Zürich.

UBS: the typical profile of tax evaders  18

"The world" has had access to the investigation against the bank for aggravated tax fraud and illegal canvassing laundering, detailing how she inspired thousands of French to avoid taxes.
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large Formats

Au Mondial du tatouage 2016 à La Villette.
Japanese, hyperrealist, tribal or old school ... the endless rise of tattoo
A ladybug is seen at the end of a tree branch in Prague during a warm sunny day on April 27, 2012.   AFP PHOTO/MICHAL CIZEK / AFP / MICHAL CIZEK
... And if we banish pesticides?
ABU DHABI, EMIRATS ARABES UNIS - 19 JANVIER 2016: Les bâtiments résidentiels de Masdar City sont reconnaissables par leur couleur terre cuite et leur design ondulé qui rappelle l'architecture arabe traditionnelle et qui permet un contrôle de la température.
In the middle of the desert, the mirage of Masdar
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  • VIDEO. Next Vision 100, the car of the future imagined by BMW for 100 years
  • Sarah Michelle Gellar has changed hair color
  • PHOTO.Kim Kardashian appears naked on Twitter
  • "Kurdistan, daughters of war": the hidden struggle of Kurdish women
  • Hollywood and "easter eggs", or how to pamper the fans
  • "The Gift": a nugget to hunt on Netflix
  • EU-Turkey summit. The bargain Ankara
  • Afghanistan.Why the Taliban are mistaken in refusing to negotiate peace
  • Controversy.Britain must abandon the EPR Hinkley Point


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The victims of the attacks of 13 November

Baptiste Chevreau. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Baptiste Chevreau, 24, # inMemory
Emmanuel Bonnet. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Emmanuel Bonnet, 47, # inMemory
Thibault Rousse Lacordaire. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Thibault Rousse Lacordaire, 36, # inMemory
Claire Maitrot-Tapprest. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont réservés exclusivement au "Monde".
Claire Maitrot-Tapprest, 23 # inMemory
Thomas Ayad. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Thomas Ayad, 32, # inMemory
Madeleine Sadin. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Madeleine Sadin, 30, # inMemory
Find all the portraits in our Memorial


Mariama Morou en classe de CE2,  village de Kosseye, près de Niamey, Niger.

Open Letter to the powerful women out of extreme poverty

On the occasion of Women's Day, 8 March, the organization ONE recalls that they are the main victims of inequality that States pledged to reduce as part of the new sustainable development goals.
Le premier ministre Lionel Zinsou, candidat à l'élection présidentielle, vote à Cotonou   dimanche 6 mars 2016.
Benin: Lionel Zinsou and Patrice Talon will compete in the second round of the presidential
L'ex-président ivoirien Laurent Gbagbo, le 28 janvier 2016, à l'ouverture de son procès à la Cour pénale internationale à La Haye.
Sam Africanus "hostile" witness at the trial of Laurent Gbagbo
Des nouvelles recrues Chabab lors d'un entrainement à Lafofe, à 18 kilomètres au sud de la capitale somalienne Mogadiscio, le 17 février 2011.
The Pentagon announced the elimination of "over 150" Shabab in Somalia
Un assaut de djihadistes liés à l’Etat islamique a fait 45 morts au cœur de Ben Guerdane, principale ville tunisienne sur la frontière libyenne.
In Tunisia, the Islamic State launched an unprecedented assault on the Libyan border
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Marianne Thyssen, commissaire européenne chargée de l’emploi et des affaires sociales, à la Commission de Bruxelles, en 2014

Posted workers: Brussels wants to impose "equal pay for equal work"  6

The European Commission proposed a revision of the 1996 Directive in order to minimize the differences in labor costs between employees in the same country.Posted workers were, in 2014, 400,000 in France.
Laurent Berger, de la CFDT, a été reçu lundi à Matignon.
Labor code reform: unions out of Matignon "unanswered"  5
TO GO WITH 'Pakistan-Economy-Internet-Commerce' FOCUS by Masroor GILANI
This photograph taken on November 19, 2015 shows Pakistani employees of online marketplace company Kaymu at work in Karachi. Women are seeing the benefits, but e-commerce presents potentially an even greater opportunity for young people in a country where roughly two thirds of the population -- of around 200 million -- are estimated to be under the age of 30. A recent economic survey by the finance ministry singled out the challenges facing youth in Pakistan, including "limited job search expertise, a mismatch between education, aspirations and employers' requirements and a lack of mobility, among other factors". AFP PHOTO / ASIF HASSAN
No real progress for twenty years for women in the workplace  11
Les bonus des traders et des banquiers ont chuté de 9 % en 2015, affectés par les turbulences sur les marchés et les craintes de récession de l’économie mondiale.
Less profit, so fewer bonuses on Wall Street
La Grèce devient un piège à migrants depuis que plusieurs pays ont commencé à fermer la « route des Balkans » vers l’Allemagne. Ici, à la frontière avec la Macédoine.
The crisis threatens the refugees Greek bailout
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Europe renewed the assault of Mars

The ExoMars mission will begin Monday, March 14. Its objective is twofold: to prove that Europeans can land on the Red Planet and pierce the mysteries of the origin of life.
L'éclipse totale de soleil du 13 novembre 2012, photographiée en Australie dans un ciel nuageux.
Follow the solar eclipse of March 9, live on web POST BLOG
Position dans le ciel de la galaxie GN-z11.
Discovery of the most distant galaxies BLOG POST
Menuisière au Liban.
Sociocultural origins of inequalities women-men VIDEO
Detail of a goban, Tea or go game deck.
Learn the basics of VIDEO game go
Aurores boréales près du Royaume-Uni
Stunning Northern Lights in the UK VIDEO
Biology: bacteria cells and settle scores
La NASA a mis en ligne une vidéo à 360 degrés qui permet de promener son regard à la surface de Mars, grâce aux clichés pris par le robot Curiosity.
For 40 years, the missions of exploration of Mars succeed
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  • VIEWPOINT"Make the Bill El Khomri"
    DRH five major companies call will distort the spirit or the scope of the reforms on labor, whose presentation to the Cabinet scheduled on March 9 has been postponed
  • VIEWPOINT"Young, unlock hiring is urgent"
    The guardians of the Labour Code are not friends of the youth and those who incite protests against his reforms seek above all to protect economic rents, says liberal essayist Agnes Verdier-Molinié.
  • VIEWPOINTCan we criticize Algerian writer Kamel Daoud?
    Because a collective forum of specialists in the Muslim world has criticized his Islamophobia, Algerian writer has decided to withdraw from journalism. unworthy attack or legitimate controversy?
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My successful real estate project

Content designed & proposed by CREDIT AGRICOLE e-property

Succession: how to pass a property

Succession : comment transmettre un bien immobilier
Several solutions exist to convey in his lifetime his properties to his children or his grandchildren. What are they ?

Calculate its budget to purchase real estate in the former

Calculer son budget immobilier pour un achat dans l'ancien
You want to buy a property in the Old? Learn how to calculate your budget and some tips to not go wrong.

Property: 5 steps to good buy his new home

Immobilier : 5 étapes pour bien acheter son logement neuf
Discover the keys to buy your property in the new: buildings budget, location, sponsor, reservation contract ...

Money & Investing

Les OPCI grand public sont composés au maximum de 60 % d’actifs immobiliers physiques, car ils possèdent une poche destinée à assurer leur liquidité. Contrairement à une SCPI, les souscripteurs de parts d’OPCI peuvent les revendre à tout moment.

Investing in rock-paper otherwise

OPCIs these products that invest in real estate, are more liquid, more regular and less loaded costs than their cousins, the SCPI.
En 2014, la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme a, au contraire, validé l'utilisation de vidéos tournées par un détective privé, qui montraient un assuré sur une moto, alors que celui-ci s'en disait incapable depuis un accident et réclamait une indemnisation.
Insurance fraud: survey BLOGdetective invalidated POST
Le bâtiment du Nasdaq à Times Square (New York), le 24 août 2015.
"The unbearable lightness of fellow feeling"
DEMYSTIFYINGTheFINANCEsnub the London and Frankfurt stock exchanges with European politicians
KEEP THE CHANGE!Jardiland testing new concepts in stores
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News in potatoes Blog Martin Vidberg

chef Simon

Leg of lamb

Leg of lamb

For the lamb Easter sacrosanct but not only! For small pieces of lamb, I advise you to first enter the leg in a jumper with brown butter on all sides. Then place the lamb in a dish in the oven on the ornaments or the family estate with ...
Cod brandade
Cod brandade
With potatoes A fresh cod cod door name. Fish ...
Cake with almond cream or frangipane. This is the pastry ...
Easy paella but requires much attention. Ideally use a wok ...
Recipe quiche lorraine
Recipe quiche lorraine
Without cheese if we are to respect the appellation. The realization involves ...
MadeleineMadeleines De Commercy or elsewhere A small pastry shell-shaped ...
English CreamMaking a classic custard or vanilla Bavarian cream. The ...
Short crustpastry to darken, to punnets dough charge is a paste that serves ...
Chocolate mousse recipewhole force of dark chocolate in a creamy foam.A fairly easy recipe ...
Veal stew recipeBlanquette old, discussed and argued.Blanquette old "is ...


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