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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Gizmodo Australia

'We Would Always Look At Ways To Reduce Cost And Time': NBN Defends 'Secret' FTTP Trials 

A leaked internal document recently revealed that the company building the nbn has been trialling a reliable, cheaper fibre to the premises technology — which has the potential to reach of an all-fibre system to the home. 
“It’s a matter of public record that FTTP is part of our technology mix and is the most expensive and the hardest to build,” a spokesperson for nbn told Gizmodo today. “So naturally we would always look at ways to reduce cost and time.”

Watch A Gun Safe Get Cracked Open With Just A Paper Clip 

Video: Hmm. That’s not supposed to happen like that. And yet this gun safe — a GunVault GVB1000 approved by the California Department of Justice that uses a biometric fingerprint sensor to unlock itself — can be easily opened with just a paperclip. It’s a method that simply involves tricking the bypass lock to open the latch.

This Visit To An Alien World Is The Most Soothing Thing In Ages 

Video: “Vessels-4 AM” by Chloe Hayward is like being on a tourist spaceship touring a volatile world. And, as it navigates water, ice and lava to music, it’s somehow perfectly lovely.

Lady Gaga Will Be Back For American Horror Story's Mysterious Sixth Season 

After her Golden Globe win for American Horror Story: Hotel — and the fact that she seemed to be having a rip-roaring good time all season playing a melancholy vampire queen dripping in couture — it’s no surprise that Lady Gaga has confirmed her return to AHS‘s next season.

Oo-Wee: Rick And Morty Is Returning Sooner Than Expected 

Rejoice! Adult Swim’s fantastic show Rick and Morty is coming back to television by the end of 2016, and will include more episodes than originally anticipated! 

This Meteorite Settles A Question About Which Elements Made Up The Early Universe 

Scientists from the University of Chicago have taken a look at the Curious Marie, a bit of meteorite containing perhaps the most valuable ceramic in the world. These ceramic elements can tell us whether the early universe created heavy particles — without containing any of those elements.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Departs The Sandman Adaptation 

Joseph Gordon-Levitt has left the anticipated adaptation of Sandman, citing creative differences between his vision of the film and that of New Line Cinemas. Sandman was a comic series written by Neil Gaiman, about Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams. 

How Durable Is The Galaxy S7 Edge? 

Video: The short answer is: quite.

Firefox's 'YouTube Unblocker' Add-On Removed By Mozilla For Bad Behaviour 

One usually doesn’t question the trustworthiness of a Firefox extension from Mozilla’s official add-on site, but in the case of the recently removed “YouTube Unblocker”, that faith would have been misplaced. The add-on is no longer available, after being removed by Mozilla for violating the organisation’s extension guidelines. 

Visual Breakdown Of How A Modern Safe Keeps Things Locked Up 

Video: Here’s a nice little exploded and dissected visualisation of a modern safe. For this particular model, over 500 parts are used to make up the impenetrable box with 26 hardened steel bolts keeping things shut tight. It’s also fireproof to up to 650°C and has a lock with 1.2 million possible combinations. 

Canon EOS 1300D Specs And Photos (Unofficially) Revealed 

It’s the internet, so of course we’re going to hear about the next instalment in Canon’s popular EOS series before the company gets around to doing it officially. Providing the details today is Japanese camera blog Digicame — we even photos of the thing. 
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