Monday, December 28, 2015

Prague Post- Pro Immigrants to Sue Zeman

Pro-immigrant group to sue Zeman

President Miloš Zeman giving his Christmas speech. Photo: CT1
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Group claims it was defamed in president's address 

The leader of the Facebook group Proti projevům nenávisti (Against Displays of Hatred) has told the media he will be suing Czech President Miloš Zeman for defamation and that he is demanding an apology for comments the president made in his Dec. 26 address to the nation.
Facebook group leader Jan Cemper says the speech defamed the people who organized a November 17 demonstration. Nov. 17 is a national holiday in the Czech Republic, Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day, marking both the Velvet Revolution of 1989 and a student demonstration in 1939.
This year, there were rallies in support of refugees and rallies including one that Zeman appeared at that opposed the influx of refugees.
The Facebook event for the pro-refugee rally was called Tahle země patří všem (This Country Belongs to All). It began at náměstí Míru and ended in Wenceslas Square, and its speakers included critics of the president.
In his Christmas speech Zeman said that the pro-refugee demonstrators planned to carry a banner with the text "This country isn't ours — refugees welcome." Zeman also maintained that the slogan was in the end changed to "This country belongs to all — Refugees welcome."
The president made a key point in his speech by declaring that this is "our country," meaning Czechs, and it cannot belong to everybody.
Group spokesman Jakub Hein said that neither slogan was planned or discussed, and that banners with those sayings did not appear at the event.
Hein said the banners used at the rally said "Refugees welcome."
Some other banners pointed out that Czechs in the past were also refugees. Some also attempted humor.
Event organizer Cemper says that Zeman's immunity as president does not apply to civil matters.
Cemper adds that he plans to sue Zeman for harming his personal rights an that he will demand that the apology be televised in the same format as the alleged defamation, a speech on public broadcaster Czech Television.
Any financial compensation would go to a charity aiding refugees and others, he added.

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