Fredericton Fire Fighters' Association added 9 new photos.
16 hrs
Fredericton Firefighters loading and delivering 203 turkeys from their Turkey Drive to the Greener Village Food Center. The Firefighter's donated almost 100 and...
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Lawrence Kreger
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Did you know that we work with TD Insurance to provide you with a home and auto insurance program to meet your needs? IAFF members have access to special offers and preferred group rates as well as other benefits. Find out how much you could save:
Preferred insurance rates for professionals and alumni.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Daniel Sundahl
First Responders Helping First Responders -
This is for my firefighting brother Bo Cooper in Ft McMurray Alberta. Bo has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and it's b...
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Lawrence Kreger
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Page 10 of the Sault Ste. Marie Fire Services 2014 Annual Report reveals a glowing audit of the city's EMS system by the province. It was called "one of the most successful reports to date." But now the fire chief is using 'EMS problems" as the basis for cutting almost 25 per cent of the city's fire department? What's really going on here?
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Neil Powell Sorry about my possible naivety
Isn't Fire and EMS totally different budgets
Fire is municipal and EMS provincial?...See More
Lawrence Kreger
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An amazing rescue story: "You do what you have to do."
Don Smith went into a burning apartment without any of his usual firefighting gear — no heavy coat or pants, no boots, helmet, flash hood or air supply. The district…
Whistler Question newspaper added 4 new photos.
The Whistler Fire Department attended a fire in a detached sauna at the Scandinave Spa Wednesday afternoon. There were no reported injuries, although the building was extensively damaged.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Many people don't realize that insurance risks can be higher during the winter holidays. Affinity partner, TD Insurance shares how you can make sure your insurance needs are adequate and you take precautions to prevent having to submit a claim.
During the winter holidays, most people would rather be spending time with family, than thinking about insurance. However, it is also one of the times of year when home and automobile insurance claims are at their highest. Take the time this season to make sure all your insurance needs are adequate,…
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Lawrence Kreger
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Cornwall, Ont. area firefighters and residents now safer thanks to IAFF & Government of Canada Haz-Mat response training partnership. Close to 4,000 first responders trained across Canada since 2009!