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Sunday, October 4, 2015

9/11 Tribute Center

Online Story Collections

Experience our interactive online exhibits created from our oral history collection.
The 9/11 Tribute Center has recorded and collected over 400 personal oral histories from the 9/11 community. Collecting, preserving and sharing this history is central to our mission.

Highlights from Our Collection

Journalists & 9/11 – Reporting On Trauma: Overview

Journalists & 9/11 – Reporting On Trauma

On the morning of 9/11, New York journalists covered the biggest story of their lifetimes. Running into danger alongside first responders, their mission was to inform the public what was happening. Photographers and reporters walked underneath the Twin Towers completely unaware of the imminent threat to their own lives. They captured the images and sounds of history, but their exposure to such a traumatic environment resulted in profound choices they each made as they moved forward.
Crafting our 9/11 Stories: A Transformational Journey

Crafting our 9/11 Stories: A Transformational Journey

Investigating, clarifying, understanding our experiences. Sharing stories that open minds and touch hearts.
Surviving 9/11

Surviving 9/11

Survivors of 9/11, like people who experience other unexpected tragedies, recover by acknowledging and seeking understanding about their experience. Survivors often develop a new, and stronger, sense of self. Click on the “Surviving” Themes or “Survivor” Stories above to watch 34 short videos.
Online Story Collection What Visitors Say About Our Tours

What Visitors Say About Our Tours

Hear reflections visitors from around the world about our tours and their thoughts on understanding 9/11. 
Online Story Collection 9/11 Tribute Center Tour Guides Reflect & Connect

Tour Guides: Connect & Reflect

Experience 9/11 stories as told by our guides and their thoughts about the future. Gain insight into the healing power of telling and listening to 9/11 stories.
Online Story Collection National Guard

The National Guard

The National Guard played a central role in the recovery efforts and securing the nation in the aftermath of 9/11. Watch videos about the National Guard’s personal experiences and their reflections about the anguish of responding to an attack in their own backyard.

More from Our Collection

Online Story Collection September 11th: Personal Stories of Transformation

September 11th: Personal Stories of Transformation

This toolkit is a collection of eight video stories of people who were deeply affected by the attacks of 9/11 and responded with humanitarian initiatives to strengthen their local and global communities. The stories include a local high school principal, a survivor, 9/11 family members, first responders, Muslim community member, and brothers who created memorials in Pennsylvania and Virginia. In addition to multimedia stories, these videos include materials for classroom use.
Online Story Collection Building World Trade

Building World Trade

Community leaders, real estate developers, architects and community members share their excitement and insight into the rebirth of Lower Manhattan.
Online Story Collection Renewing Our American Dream after 9/11

Renewing Our American Dream

Immigrant New Yorkers share the many new challenges they had to overcome in the aftermath of 9/11, both on the WTC site and in their home communities.
Online Story Collection USS NEW YORK in Tribute

The USS NEW YORK – In Tribute

Crew and contractors that worked on the USS NEW YORK share the symbolism as well as the personal meaning of creating and launching this ship.
Online Story Collection Getting Back to Business

Getting Back to Business

Business leaders – from large corporations and small mom-and-pop shops – share the challenges they faced in trying to bring their businesses back to lower Manhattan in the years after 9/11.
Online Story Collection Inside the Fence

Inside the Fence

Sanitation and transit workers and the labor leaders that supported them share their powerful stories of persistence and resilience in clearing debris from the World Trade Center site.

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