Translation from English

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Uh-Oh, Blog Burn Out - Time for a Break

After my aerobics class yesterday I noticed I was much more tired than usual ( I had been flagging for the last part of the class) 

It was extremely hot and all I wanted to do was get to the subway and go home 

I was buoyed up a little as I asked a woman from my class if she would like to go out for coffee sometime soon ( she said yes)

But when I got home I had to deal with Verizon again ( has an almost happy ending) and other hassles

To get to the point, I realized I need a LOT of recharging of the batteries, classical music and meditation

So: time to take a break from blogging for a few days

I know I will have things to say on September 11, an anniversary whose prospect is leaving me feeling a little numb

I woke up earlier and realized I had slept through the Stephen Colbert show which I had meant to see ( was it any good? Will look for some reviews)  

Now it is about 4 a.m. and I am watching a commercial for MyPillow ( I picked one up when I found one on sale at Rite Aid a couple of years ago-- it is holding up well-- I can recommend it, which is rare for an Infomercial product-- in a little while I am planning on buying a new one  just to see what the difference is. )

(Being in bed and sleeping is on my mind a lot right now)

Let me make clear I don't feel ill and I don't think I will be gone for long

Back on September 11 

Be Well and Stay Safe


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