The refugee SummitWhy the GreensGreenswallow the "bitter pill"

Winfried Kretschmann. 

  • When German refugee summit, the Greens have agreed in federal and state governments on a single line.
  • The party wanted to avoid a confrontation in public.
  • Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister hopes green with the agreement to accept the criticism of the opposition in its own country the wind out of the sails.
    From Josef Kelnberger, Stuttgart
    Winfried Kretschmann received his green friends after refugee summit in Berlin to speak on home ground. In the Baden-Württemberg State Representation gathered on Thursday evening to 22 clock, the Deputy Prime Minister of the mitregierten of open countries, to the tips of federal executive and parliamentary party.
    In turn, the opinions were about the compromise negotiated queried. Around midnight we formulated a joint declaration according to which the package was a "solid basis for further legislative procedure". From the perspective of the host that meant: backing for Kretschmann.

    From "bitter pills" and "harassment" is the speech

    The expansion of "safe countries of origin" or the power cuts for rejected asylum seekers are by no means green consensus. Katrin Göring-Eckardt, chairman of the parliamentary group, said in Germany radio of "bitter pills" and "harassment". Kretschmanns green National Association expressed similar.However, the tenor is in all spoke during the same: at the closed by Kretschmann compromise no way have passed.
    Winfried Kretschmann

    Refugee crisiscompromises Green

    Baden-Württemberg and Hesse see more Balkan countries as safe countries of origin - under the condition that the federal government makes concessions.
    A year from now before the Prime Minister had been attacked from his own party violently after he had approved the designation of Serbia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina as safe countries of origin. From the self-destructive dispute, the party has learned. Now you force yourself to consensus.