Use in SyriaEnlightenment hour in Moscow

Aerial photographs show Russian tanks on a military base in Syria. 

(Photo:GeoNorth / AP)
  • Israel fears that Russia's commitment to strengthen the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in the first place.
  • Assad could thus pass light weapons to its allies of the Lebanese Hezbollah, which at some point would be used against Israel.
  • In Russia itself, the signs that preparations are for a combat mission in Syria in full swing multiplied.
    By Julian Hans, Moscow, and Peter Münch, Tel Aviv
    Russia's increased military presence in Syria makes the world concern - and Israel in alarm mood. With plenty of intelligence material in the luggage of Jerusalem Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is therefore flown on Monday to a lightning visit to Moscow. Israel fears that Russia's commitment not as given to the fight against the Islamic state serve, but the Syrian dictator primarilyBashar al-Assad to strengthen.
    With Russian help Assad could continue forward more easily weapons to its allies of the Lebanese Hezbollah, which at some point would be used against Israel. Firsthand therefore wanted to know from the Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin, what are Russia's plans in Syria and what it has with the Russian fighter jets on himself, which have now been spotted at the military airport in the Syrian Latakia Netanyahu.

    The American CIA and the Russian secret service should have already voted

    Right at the beginning of the meeting expressed concern Netanyahu, Iran could with the help of Damascus to open a "second front" in the Golan Heights a.Putin sought to reassure: The Syrian army is currently not in a position to open a second front against Israel, "they want to save their own state."
    Reports from various sources indicate that the structure of Russian troops in Syria is already in full swing. A representative of the US government reported over the weekend in the western Syrian Latakia, where is being built, a Russian Air Force Base, also four Russian warplanes had arrived by tanks and artillery.Previously, US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter had telephoned his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu. It was the first direct contact between them since Carter took office in February.
    After informing the Bild am Sonntag, the co-operation between Russia and the US is more advanced than known in the fight against IS. As the Journal reported, citing US intelligence sources, leading delegations of the CIA and the Russian secret service met already last week in Moscow to coordinate cooperation. Accordingly, the US wants to continue to support Russia's military actions against the IS with its spy findings.
    Steinmeier and Kerry

    Syria conflictKerry and Steinmeier hope for Putin

    Is there still a diplomatic solution to the Syrian conflict? An offer from Moscow sounds promising for the US and Europe. But what is the aim Russian President Vladimir Putin really? Analysis
    Even in Russia itself there were increasing signs that preparations are for a combat mission in Syria in full swing. Where the army leadership the soldiers seem to last in the dark about leaves, where the journey goes. On Friday, the news portal published a report on four-time soldiers who were to be brought from the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk from the boat to Syria. "We thought that it comes in the Donbass, but then it turned out that Syria is the target," said one of the men, the as Alexei N. imagines.
    The Kremlin denied only half-heartedly. He was not know anything about that Russian soldiers would be sent to Syria, said Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov.At the same time he did not rule out an insert: "When a request comes, it will of course be decided in the framework of mutual agreements". It is difficult to speak now "hypothetical" about it. Shortly before Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Muallem announced on state television, Damascus would "ask Russia to withdraw its troops to fight on the part of the Syrian army, when it is needed".
    Israel can this development directly to its northern border not leave you indifferent, and shed light on the level of concern are solely the compilation of the travel delegation for the Moscow trip: Netanyahu is what is highly unusual, his chief of staff Gadi Eizenkot and the Chief of Military Intelligence Hertzi Halevy accompanied. The goal of the talks behind closed doors has been called "strategic coordination".

    Israel wants to avoid that during attacks in Syria and Russian troops are taken

    Because no one can imagine even in Israel, to Moscow discourage enforcing its aims and interests in the Middle East, this can only mean in plain language that a modus vivendi was sought to deal with Russia's military presence directly to Israel's northern border. It must be "done everything possible so that there are no misunderstandings between your and our forces," Netanyahu said the Russian president.
    In recent years, Israel has repeatedly deprived of the right to fly air strikes on Syrian territory to destroy alleged weapons convoys to Hezbollah. It could lead to a confrontation with the Russian fighter jets but the future. On top of that direct Israeli security experts in the media to the nightmare scenario that also accidentally Russian ground troops could be bombarded with attacks on those weapons convoys. To prevent this, without restricting Israel's room for maneuver, so should be the focus of targeted "strategic coordination".
    Netanyahu has always been careful to maintain a positive relationship with Putin - the Russian support for Iran and Syria in defiance. With the visit to Moscow, he has now underlined and the way after all the controversy over the nuclear deal with Tehran still sent a signal to US President Barack Obama.When it comes to security, is does Israel no longer solely rely on the United States. Important questions discusses Netanyahu now also directly with Putin.
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