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Monday, September 21, 2015

Le Monde- The Puzzle of Alzheimer's


Alzheimer's: the puzzle researchers

At the end of the 21st World Day dedicated to this disease, there is still no drug has proven effective for treating 30 million people infected worldwide. Other avenues are being assessed.
Le petit oiseau bleu est le logo de Twitter.

How your tweets betray your political orientation

The analysis of hundreds of thousands of tweets showed the differences in the language used by Republicans and Democrats supporters in the United States.
Baiser dans le public de la 25e cérémonie des prix Ig Nobel le 17 septembre à l'université Harvard.

The 2015 Ig Nobel put the kiss of honor

Improbablologie. Some nuggets taken from the 25th edition of this scientific shifted ceremony.
L'acteur Thierry Lhermitte en 2015.

Thierry Lhermitte, looking player

Passionate about science, the actor visited a dozen laboratories annually. Its objectives: raise awareness and raise funds for medical research.

Playing outdoors reduces the risk of myopia

Study confirms that the increase in outdoor activities helps prevent the visual impairment in children.

Search: selection by excellence is denatured

Tribune. The astronomer Patrick Petitjean, responsible for the selection committees of the National Research Agency, denounced the lack of funding and calls for urgent responses.

Actions and emotions, links to heal

Intimate relationships that weave our emotions and behaviors based therapeutic interventions against emotional disorders or engines. It is a growing interest in the medical world.
Florence Rosier
La pratique du tai-chi-chuan est réputée pour améliorer la stabilité posturale des malades souffrant de la maladie d'Alzheimer.

Body-brain tonic dialogue

From birth until the end of life, the scope of psychomotor is vast. Child developmental disorders remain his favorite field.
Florence Rosier
Chaîne d'ADN.

The Chinese, ready for doping IQ in utero  12

Half of young Chinese deem positive the increase in IQ of children by acting on fetuses.
Laurent Alexandre (urological surgeon, President of DNAVision)
See news Sciences
Bruno Latour.
The challenges of climate change seen by the philosopher Bruno Latour

Science Videos

Daniel Beracochea, chercheur en neurosciences.
The role of stress in Alzheimer's disease
Grâce à la sonde New Horizons, la NASA a diffusé une nouvelle vidéo permettant de visualiser la surface de Pluton.
Flight at high altitude above Pluto
Olivier Boucher.
Can geoengineering combat global warming?
See videos Sciences
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