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13 hrs
Not since World War II has there been a mass migration this size, and never has there been one as highly documented.
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Weekend Hashtag Project: ‪#‎WHPactionpacked‬
The goal this weekend is to make photos, videos and illustrations that capture a peak moment of action. Inspired by National Comic Book Day in the US, here are some playful ways to make images that pop with energy: 
Use dramatic lighting, creative poses and bright colors to make ordinary life feel more comic-like. 
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“I recorded this video of me playing my contrabass by attaching a phone to a GorillaPod, which I held with my teeth,” says Thue Petersen ( “Yes, I know it sounds a bit awkward, but whatever works.”
For more featured submissions from Instagram @music’s Monthly Hashtag Project: ‪#‎MHPrhythm‬, head to the Instagram blog:
Video by @t_fish...
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The materials John Isaiah Pepion ( uses to create his ledger art — narrative drawing on paper — are the same ones his ancestors used 100 years ago. Combing through antique stores and eBay listings, John, who’s a member of the Blackfeet Nation, collects old ledgers, or accounting books — and sometimes Western Union telegraphs and maps — to create contemporary versions of work made by Plains Indians who were held prisoner in St. Augustine, Florida...
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Wandering the sale warehouses of Shanghai, French architect Thibault Ressy ( stumbled upon 25 vintage boomboxes — and he bought them all. “I have a group of close friends in Shanghai, and we used to meet every Thursday night for after-work drinks, but we could not find a proper place,” Thibault says. “The music was never that great.” Thibault and his friend Clément decided to take matters into their own hands by starting a weekly event called Super Attra...
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“I start to get bored of design when I work on it too long, and vice versa with music, so it’s kind of a perfect balance.” —Scott Hansen on creating the world of his musical persona, Tycho (
Photo of Tycho by @simonsmith001
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It takes just the right backdrop for the subject of a photo to pop. In the case of a vintage blue car, photographer Ryan Koopmans ( found a wall mural to be the perfect juxtaposition. “I do have a tendency to prioritize graphic backgrounds and billboards, illustrations and artwork and advertisements that already exist in the real world,” says Ryan. “And I like to play with that relationship so it all sort of becomes like a set or a stage that the c...
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One of Tamar Cohen’s ( favorite childhood books was “Put Me in the Zoo,” about a character named Spot — and the New York-based artist has put dots in starring roles ever since. “Of course, people sometimes are like, ‘Really? You’re still doing dots?’ But honestly, it brings me a lot of joy,” she says. 
Tamar makes complex collages and silkscreens, some measuring five feet (1.5 meters) tall and made up of more than 90 pages of vintage comics and other d...
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In western North Carolina, 24-year-old Charlie Ellis ( spends his days crafting detailed tools — knives, especially — from wood, leather and steel. He also enjoys the occasional bit of time travel. “When I’m really focused on a project, I sometimes feel out of touch with the world, like I’m in another era,” says Charlie, who at times takes inspiration from the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien and other mythical worlds for his modern-day blacksmithing....
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We are thrilled to announce the Instagram community has grown to more than 400 million strong and is even more global, with 75 percent of our community living outside the US. To all the new Instagrammers: welcome! Among the last 100 million to join, more than half live in Europe and Asia. The countries that added the most Instagrammers include Brazil, Japan and Indonesia.
Instagrammers continue to capture incredible photos and videos from all corners of the earth (and even th...
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This weekend’s prompt was ‪#‎WHPfilltheframe‬, which asked participants to fill every inch of their photographs with interesting elements to create compositions with minimal empty space.
Every Monday we feature some of our favorite submissions from the project on our blog:
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“#hellomynameis Aaron Carpenter ( I am 16 years old and from Shreveport, Louisiana. I have a lot of followers, and they’re young. I try to promote positivity in everything I do. I want people to look at my photos and know that I’m real. I don’t ever want to show images of someone I’m not. A couple of days ago, I was thinking about what it means to be a ‘normal 16-year-old.’ But then I realized that this is my first time being 16, so what is norma...
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