Translation from English

Friday, September 11, 2015

Independence Movement Comes Back to Life in Barcelona- Le Monde

Spain: huge demonstration of indépendandistes in Barcelona

Le avec AFP • Updated 
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Des milliers d'indépendantistes catalans se rassemblent pour soutenir la secession de la Catalogne, vendredi 11 septembre.

It's the cries of "Independència! "17 h 14 specifies that began Friday, September 11th the" Diada ", the" National Day of Catalonia ", in reference to the September 11, 1714, decision of Barcelona by Franco-Spanish troops of Philip V. According to the Police Local, nearly 1.4 million people took part in the demonstration that stretched late afternoon on an artery 5 km north of Barcelona. The Spanish government believed that they were only 500,000.

The event, which had already attracted more than a million people in 2014, despite a controversy over the figures in the prefecture and the town hall, this year takes on a particularly politicized and secessionist dimension before polling regional, September 27. It should express "the will to get a clear majority for independence Catalan parliament," says Jordi Sanchez, president of one of the citizens' associations who organize the Catalan National Assembly (ANC). "We do not ask the moon, hammered for his part the president of the Catalan Executive, Artur Mas, to the international press. We aspire to what most of the European nations have already, that is to say a state. "
"This is the life of our country, the vote of our lives! "For his part stressed the head Junts pel coalition list if (" Together for yes "), the former Communist-Green MEP Raül Romeva, at a meeting in Barcelona university.

"Our strength is in the ballot box"

The President of the Government of Catalonia, Artur Mas independence (Conservative), solemnly called on Thursday the 5.5 million Catalans voters decide on September 27 of "future policy" of their "nation", in accusing Madrid ofhaving "ignored" "peaceful clamor" for the right to self-determination in the region. "Our strength is in the ballot boxes, it is not elsewhere," he then launched into rally before the crowd convinced separatists.
For the first time, Mas and his running mates form a broad coalition independence, allying his party of the center right and left formations. They present the elections as a plebiscite for or against their project to drive Catalonia towards secession in eighteen months.

Election "historic"

485 000 personnes sont attendues à cette manifestation.
Since 2012, the region has continued to demand a referendum on the model of consultations on the sovereignty of Quebec (1980, 1995) and of Scotland(2014), which soldèrent also by the victory of "no." The Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy (Conservative), has repeatedly said he would never accept such a regional referendum, making assert that it is for Spaniards, together, to decideon the country's unity. After being ignored or minimized, the Popular Party (PP) he heads takes very seriously the Catalan elections that "historic" judge.
Catalonia has not been long since many visits of ministers and politicians, with the word in the region representing 19% of the GDP of Spain and responsible for 25% of exports, in the heart of the Mediterranean . Thursday in Barcelona, ​​the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Garcia-Margallo, surprised, opening the door to a constitutional reform giving more autonomy to Catalonia, including tax. Artur Mas has in any case already won by putting Catalonia at the center of discussions at three months of parliamentary elections in December.
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