Zionsville Fire Department firefighters say yes to union by admin · September 23, 2015 By Ann Marie Shambaugh Zionsville firefighters voted to strengthen ties with their union during secret ballot voting that occurred Sept. 16 to 18. With 76 percent of firefighters voting in favor of the change, th…
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Des Moines, IA Local 4 has initiated a comprehensive online and social media campaign to publicly document its lack of faith in the fire chief and his ability to safely lead and appropriately manage the Des Moines Fire Department.
Chief’s Email Patterns: 2014-2015 Below you will find a history of all email correspondence with all Fire Department personnel over the past year shows no direction… [Read More] Engineer Herrera: September 2, 2014 Chief shows great lack of Leadership when he does not contact this 29 year DMFD Vet…
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‘Fire Ops 101’ event shows dangers of firefighting first hand
LAWRENCE, Ind. (Sept. 22, 2015)-- Firefighters Union Local 416 held its first-ever "Fire Ops 101” event Tuesday morning, giving elected officials a rare look at a day...
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CLE ‪#‎firefighters‬ ‪#‎union‬ president says department ‘stretched too thin’ as they battled 5 fires
CLEVELAND-- The Cleveland Division of Fire was on the run all morning long, battling five separate fires across the city, and it has some saying the department...
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State officials effectively threw up their hands Friday in trying to prop up the Central Coventry Fire District, saying they wanted to pull the plug on
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9/11 responders diagnosed with prostate cancer have until October 21, 2015 to register with the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF). Prostate cancer was added to the list of 9/11 related cancers in October 2013. Read more: http://bit.ly/1gNtI7z
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This week some B.C. politicians and local media members got a chance to try their hand at the job at Fire Ops 101...
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Hillary Clinton will seek to align herself with ObamaCare’s successes.
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The Brainerd City Council voted unanimously Monday to lay off its five full-time firefighters and shift to a paid-on-call department.
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Local fire departments challenged local decision makers to see what it’s like to be a firefighter for a day.
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Colin's final ‪#‎PTSDFireRide‬ update - made it to Colorado! 
Final #PTSDFireRide Update: On Friday evening Colin, accompanied by his fellow members of the VFRS Honour Guard, members from Local 18 and IAFF...
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DENISON, Texas -- A federal agency is suggesting all first responders wear a bulletproof vest to keep safe.
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Minneapolis firefighters joined forces Saturday not to fight fires, but to raise money to keep people warm this winter. It was the third annual Minneapolis Firefighters...