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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Grist Environmental

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Bees’ tongues are getting shorter because climate change

A warming world is threatening the partnership of long-tongued bees and long-tubed flowers.

Even scientists who don’t study the climate think climate change is a big deal

A new study shows that 92 percent of scientists from other disciplines say anthropogenic climate change is a thing.

Here are 17 things we need to do to fix the world

There aren't that many Sustainable Development Goals, but they sure will be hard to achieve.

New York City sweeps aside homeless people for pope’s visit

In the days before Pope Francis landed in New York, the city dismantled homeless encampments near places the pope will be visiting.

Pope Francis warns that environmental destruction could wipe out humanity

In a U.N. address, the pope said we need to pay attention to the "right of the environment."

China is about to launch the world’s biggest cap-and-trade program

As part of a new climate deal with the U.S., China is also agreeing to other measures, paving the way for progress at U.N. talks in Paris.

McDonald’s to roll out organic hamburger in Germany

How big is the overlap between McD's customers and people who want organic beef? I guess we'll soon find out.

Ranchers with ties to the biofuel industry attack Brazilian tribe members

The Guarani people -- the largest indigenous group in Brazil -- are all too familiar with the destructive side of sugarcane ethanol.

Can game theory predict what will happen at the U.N. climate negotiations?

A team of researchers is trying to call the outcome of the Paris climate talks using complex economic models.

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