Many FDNY members and their families ended the day at the postcards memorial service on Staten Island.
As dusk approaches on September 11, watch [YouTube] with FDNY Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro discussing the memorial at the Fire Museum in Downtown Manhattan.
  • Nadja Und Nico Bernlöhr, Matthew Chambers, Ramon Vilchez Jaimez and 1,164 others like this.
  • Vicki Forsyth I'm sorry I didn't get to the Museum this year...I will visit in June 2016 though. God Bless xx
    2 · 10 hrs
  • Edward M. Koretski I visited there a little bit less than ten years ago. Was very moving, emotional yet, so peaceful. R.I.P 343 and counting.
    1 · 5 hrs
Ciudad de Nueva York added 6 new photos.
NYCgob se une a la conmemoración del 11 de Septiembre, una ocasión para recordar a los seres queridos, miembros del Departamento de Bomberos [New York City Fire...
See More
  • Hüseyin Imre, Laurie Becker-Gallop, Desdichado Zala and 1,401 others like this.
  • Vinc Fournie REMEMBER !!! NEVER FORGET
  • Sandra Warner just now I see a photo of mayor deblasio,cuomo, and schumer
Today, at Rescue One, Vice President Joe Biden, Governor Andrew Cuomo and entertainer Billy Joel talked with FDNY members and families.
We continue to honor the memory of our 343 fallen members and their contribution to the Department, the City, and the country. We Will Never Forget. At 1028 on September 11, 2001 the North Tower fell.
Many may have not been of FDNY, but they were definitely of the Bravest. At 1003 on September 11, 2001 Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
On September 11, 2001, the Department lost not simply 343 Members, but we lost One Member 343 times. At 0959 we observe a moment at the time of the fall of the South Tower.
  • Jens Zschaschel, Jason Hurley, Nuriakhmetova Olga and 11,632 others like this.
  • Greg Avila with love and respect we remember our fallen brothers September 11 Guadalajara city fire department.
    21 · 17 hrs
  • Estrella de Mar Rest in peace heroes. Never forget!
    16 · 17 hrs
At 0937 on September 11, 2001 Flight 77 Struck the Pentagon.
  • Marco Säglitz, Kasie Baker, Ch'tio Guillaume and 5,545 others like this.
  • Greg Avila with love and respect we remember our fallen brothers September 11 Guadalajara city fire department.
    4 · 17 hrs
  • Larry Jenkins No, I'm afraid there is Zero evidence that it was a plane that struck the Pentagon.
    8 · 17 hrs
FDNY members hold annual services to Never Forget throughout New York City, including Battalion 18 on the Upper West Side.
  • Alexandre Barthe, Phyllis Solomon Paul, Deborah Benson and 7,212 others like this.
  • Nicole Alexia Heartbreaking the children that never met or have no memory of their fathers/mothers.
    9 · 17 hrs
  • Simon Jensen I remember and never forget that day and all those innocent people including the 343 firemen and policemen who did everything they could to rescue and help and who unfortunately lost his life in the Twin Towers on that fatal morning September 11, 2001. Firemen from FDNY was the bravest! God bless you! 
This morning, FDNY Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro and Chief-of-Department James E. Leonard laid a wreath at the Fireman's Monument on Riverside Drive.
On September 11, 2001 at 0903 the second plane struck the South Tower.
Members observe a first moment of silence at FDNY EMS Training Academy at Fort Totten in Queens.
  • Maurice Blezzard, Jason Hurley, Jens Zschaschel and 11,340 others like this.
  • Norma Gonzalez God bless the FDNY, EMS and NYPD , as well as All uniform services involved. RESPECT AND HONOR ............ Ty 
    Never forgotten forever prayers.
    20 · 15 hrs · Edited
  • Peter Cleary God bless the FDNY!
    16 · 17 hrs
Fourteen years ago today, FDNY members gathered in their firehouses and EMS Stations to begin another day of service to the people of New York City not knowing what the day would bring. A moment of silence in observance of the time the first plane struck the North Tower - 0846 on September 11, 2001.
  • Minnie & Max the Pugs, Lisa Johansen, Kristine Genova and 12,295 others like this.
  • Dave Farrell WE WILL NEVER FORGET the 343 who ran into the towers as others were getting out. They truly were the BRAVEST.
    45 · 18 hrs
  • An Gomez Thank you to the fire dept. and all rescuers! 14 years ago I could not give enough thanks, I lost my cousin that day, but I know many others were saved because of your selfless efforts.

    Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
    19 · 18 hrs
FDNY will Never Forget the bravery of the 343 members who made the Supreme Sacrifice 14 years ago today, so that others could be saved. Throughout the day, posts on FDNY social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) will show observances and commemorations by members and leadership.
  • Sarah Morgan, Lori Ann Walsh, Laura Cooke and 5,921 others like this.
  • Kevin Hughes “Remember the hours after September 11th when we came together as one to answer the attack against our homeland. We drew strength when our firefighters ran upstairs and risked their lives so that others might live; when rescuers rushed into smoke and f...See More
    54 · 19 hrs
  • Jeffrey J Holbrook RFB FDNY 343, NYPD 23 and PAPD 37, God Bless those lost and their survivors left to grieve a lifetime. 
    11 · 19 hrs
A second Throw Back Thursday to Never Forget.
  • Jens Zschaschel, Janeth Perez, Sharon Short and 23,845 others like this.
  • Fran Ferra more than 2000 year ago a great fire was in a big town, Rome and many firemen died . after 2000 year 343 brave firemen die again. The history is same, the men attacking the town and accuse the Religion (14 years ago the terrosist of Islam and 2000 wears ago the Cristian ) but the heroes that save the people are forever they. The firemen bravest Honor . RIP you0re the best from italy
  • Dan Kasht #1 city. #1 fire department
This week’s Throw Back Thursday photos are from September 10, 1975 in Manhattan. See more at: [Flickr]
The inaugural National Stair Climb to honor all fallen firefighters will take place at Citi Field in New York on Saturday, October 10th. Climb to honor the fallen and their survivors. Money raised benefits National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Survivor Programs and the FDNY Counseling Services Unit. Watch their video at [YouTube] and sign-up at
The inaugural National Stair Climb to honor all fallen firefighters takes place at Citi Field in New York on Saturday, October 10th. Climb to honor...
  • Jason Hurley, Theresa Munoz Coleman, Maria Catania Steiner and 738 others like this.
  • Michael Kincade As I have done for the past few years, I am posting my poem written in honor of our Country after the attack of 911. This year, I plan to post it for a week as I feel our Country is under siege both internally as well as externally. It is a frightening...See More
  • Kenneth OLeary I had an article published in the Tribune I forgot if it was months after 9/11 or the following year. But it's Titled Real Heroes:
    My father is a retired Chicago firefighter. He has fought many fires and faced the perils of the job during 17 active y
    ...See More
Tuesday, September 8, Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro added the names of 21 members who died of illnesses related to their work in the rescue and recovery effort during and after September 11th to the World Trade Center Memorial Wall at FDNY Headquarters in Brooklyn. A total of 110 FDNY members are now listed on the World Trade Center Memorial Wall, which was unveiled in September 2011. Read More at: [web post]
The Official Fire Department City of New York (FDNY) Web Site. The FDNY is the largest combined Fire and EMS provider in the world serving and area...
  • Rita Carroll, Christine Tomko, Andreas Gref and 1,988 others like this.