Dray Clark reporting
Talk show host Jon Stewart and FDNY Battalion Chief James Lemonda of the Uniformed Fire Offers Association (UFOA) join hundreds of firefighters, including many 9/11 victims suffering from cancer and other serious health problems, in a rally in Washington DC.

They are urging Congress for an extension of healthcare benefits for all first responders affected by cancer and other chronic diseases from exposure at Ground Zero

They are fighting for the "James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act."

Democrats Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer and Reps. Carolyn Maloney and Jerrold Nadler, and Republicans Sen. Mark Kirk and Rep. Peter King will also be in attendance.

Jon Stewart is joining firefighters from several states and 9/11 first responders to lobby lawmakers to extend health programs for more than 33,000 9/11 first responders. "I'm here today basically to apologize to (first responders) that you had to come down here today," said Stewart.

"Nobody had to lobby you to rush to those towers that day ... And I can never repay that debt," he continued.

Gillibrand and other New York-area members of Congress are pushing for a permanent extension of the Zadroga act, which provides healthcare and compensation to survivors of the Sept. 11 attacks and the first responders who worked at Ground Zero.

Stewart signed on to help lobby for the programs, which will begin expiring at the end of the month, after hosting Gillibrand on "The Daily Show" in July.

Ahead of the day on the Hill, Stewart warned first responders they would be exposed to "possibly toxic levels of bull**** and arrogance." He has long advocated for sick first responders, and is credited with helping pass the initial legislation in 2010, after bringing four sick first responders on his show to publicly pressure Republican lawmakers filibustering the passage of the bill.

One of the responders Stewart hosted on the show has since died, he said Wednesday.

More than 30 Republicans have endorsed the extension proposal, but supporters are looking for more cosponsors, given resistance to funding the programs permanently.

Stewart will be meeting with Republican leaders in both chambers today, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana.
Related Topics:
politics september 11th fdny
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