With Blendle can individual articles from newspapers buy.

Blendle:Journalism in appetizers Shape

Selected appetizers instead given menu: Blendle dismantles newspapers and magazines and put them together again. Individual product is available at a price.
Mimi 1

Mimi:I probably do not listen right!

Headphones, street noise, fellows - our hearing rarely gets a break. The app Mimi tells us whether does it matter noticeable.

Copyright:appraiser broken wireless bill

Danger for YouTube and Dropbox? The planned reform of the liability of wireless operators and host providers supposedly leads into the "legal and systematic chaos".
When TK is now available on an app recipe.

Health:App tinnitus prescription

For the first time may prescribe a health app doctors patients. The agreed the Techniker Krankenkasse, the association of otolaryngologists and a Hamburg-based company.
iPad Pro

iOS 9:A largely successful update

Improved maps app, an elaborate power-saving mode for iPhone and only a few small bugs: Apple's operating system iOS 9 makes some better than its predecessor.
3D Touch

Apple:Always solid druff

Apple's pressure-sensitive display mimics the right mouse button on the iPhone. The principle is explored since the seventies. Now it could become standard.

Ifa:Huawei trollt Apple

Force Touch called Huawei a new feature of its top smartphones Mate S: strong print start at the display certain actions. A pretty brazen copy from Apple.
Has trouble on YouTube: US presenter Jimmy Kimmel

Let's Play:Jimmy, pressing Alt + F4!

Schockschwerenot! The US comedian Jimmy Kimmel has made fun of gamers and the YouTube phenomenon Let's Play. How to react? Just as in this letter to the editor.

Test 4x digital TIME

Enjoy. Time as E-Paper, app, audio and on your e-reader All formats are included in the digital package of time and already available Wednesday night.

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