Translation from English

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Buenos Aires Herald

Friday, September 25, 2015

At UN General Assembly, Francis condemns 'oppressive lending systems which promote more poverty than progress'

Pope Francis poses with UN Secretary General Bank-Ki moon.
During a landmark speech at the United Nations General Assembly in New York today, Pope Francis told world leaders that the hunt for material gains and power has led to the destruction of the Earth's natural resources at the expense of those living in deep poverty.
"A selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity leads both to the misuse of available natural resources and to the exclusion of the weak and disadvantaged," he said.
The spiritual leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics condemned the "grave offense" of economic and social exclusion.
"The dramatic reality this whole situation of exclusion and inequality, with its evident effects, has led me, in union with the entire Christian people and many others, to take stock of my grave responsibility in this regard and to speak out," he added.
Pope Francis called on government leaders to fight human trafficking, boost education for girls and end the destruction of biodiversity which he warned is threatening the "very existence of the human species."

In a 40-hour visit to New York, the Pontiff will visit a school in Harlem and take drive through Central Park — a whirlwind tour of the Big Apple that got off to a quintessential welcome with a high school brass band serenading him with “New York, New York,” on the airport tarmac.
The United Nations has a long tradition of welcoming the pontiffs. Pope Paul VI spoke to the General Assembly in 1965, when he visited. Pope John Paul II addressed them twice saying that he came as a witness to human dignity. In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI also spoke to the United Nations.
Francis wraps up his visit this weekend in Philadelphia, where he speaks in front of Independence Hall and celebrates Mass on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway to close out a big Catholic family rally.
Tags:  Pope  New York  US  visit  Argentina   

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