Stunning planetary lineups, a total lunar eclipse, two great meteor showers, and more -- your guide to the fall sky
The Moon takes center stage at the beginning of autumn, especially for a total lunar eclipse, while the morning fall sky features three bright planets and two notable...
  • Junko Katagiri, Michael McFerrin, Cyros Rexes Madura and 435 others like this.
  • Erica Hardi "Easy to find objects" the fucking moon
    1 · 6 hrs
  • Luisa Mejia Hola como estas? Quiero conocer gente nueva, que te parece si me agregas y hablamos un poco heart emoticon
On the road home today? Take the latest Superstars of Astronomy podcast with you!
The SETI Institute's Seth Shostak talks astrobiology, the sci-fi alien "look," UFOs, and what it would mean to detect a signal from an extraterrestrial civilization.
Looking for an amazing trip next spring? Join us in Bali for a total solar eclipse!
Tour Bali and witness totality with Astronomy magazine and TravelQuest International on March 2-11, 2016!
  • Rajinder Kumar Sangwan, Apache Beltrand, Alice Borges and 144 others like this.
  • Gregory Jason Volkwyn I do play with my bali so now an the but I ant taking a trip down there tonight?
  • OMG Tattoos Hi I'm Jessica john 18 Year Old From New York USA Like like emoticon , Follow & Msg me
    I will reply you. I’m interested to make new friends...
    2 · 10 hrs
Subscriber Exclusive: No. 17 on Bob Berman's list of weird is a stellar remnant powerful enough to affect Earth
This highly magnetized neutron start released a burst that emitted more energy in a tenth of a second than our Sun has released in 100,000 years.
  • Teshin Teshin, Kevin T Fitzgibbon, Dika Bagjaperdana and 3,192 others like this.
  • Mathew Bultitude Its a planetary force field
  • Astrocamp This list is great! Cool that Europa and Enceladus are featured... two objects whose weirdness should become a little less mysterious in the not-too distant future.
September 5 sky event: Asteroid Metis is at opposition, 11 p.m. EDT (3h UT Sept. 6)
  • Chien-Bang Hsu, Martin Le Maistre, UK Space School and 177 others like this.
  • Adioan Adferent “The Higgs boson is not the God particle anymore. The Graviton from Ferent Gravitation theory is the God particle because has the speed v = 1.001762 × 10^17 m/s, negative impulse, negative mass and negative energy” Ferent Adrian
Stunning planetary lineups, a total lunar eclipse, two great meteor showers, and more -- your guide to the fall sky,
The Moon takes center stage at the beginning of autumn for a total lunar eclipse, while the morning fall sky features three bright planets and two notable meteor...
  • Alice Borges, Erin Kalisciak Curtis, Ruiz Malave and 1,660 others like this.
  • Humberto Martinez Time to dust off the telescope!
  • Anil Kumar Attention Indian happy Learning center has plan to change india inn 5 years through high tech education.Looking for entrepreuners who can invest 25 lacs to 1 cr with break even in 2 month of operation to start NASA tutorials in India (Nation academy for Space and aviation)We are opening Space schools in india in Juhu in 2016 Call 9820223970
September 5 sky event: Last Quarter Moon occurs at 9h54m UT (5:54 a.m. EDT)
  • Chien-Bang Hsu, Tongkum Manee, Nenita Deygabi and 195 others like this.
  • हर्षित सिँह Next new moon will occur at 06:42 UTC 13 September 2015 smile emoticon 

    bt im eagrly waiting for Blood lunar eclipse on the night of September 27-28 2:51 UTC wink emoticon
  • Mary Reece Just 9 hrs and 54 minutes from the urinary tract.  wink emoticon
September 5 sky event: The Moon passes 0.5° north of Aldebaran, 6h UT (2 a.m. EDT)
Using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have found that the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies have a similar percentage of newborn stars...
  • José Miguel Arreola, Alice Borges, Chien-Bang Hsu and 1,831 others like this.
  • Rhyan Cranberry Hubble? Just a bubble waiting to pop. Would like if they could actually show us a real full image of the earth n not computer/graphically generated images
  • Liberty Gowere we are so lonely on this planet.......looking for friends that far........,?
September 4 sky event: Mercury is at greatest eastern elongation (27°), 10h UT (6 a.m. EDT)