Translation from English

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine- Turkish Upheaval and Govenment Attack on Demonstrators

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Demonstrationsof violence against demonstrators, attack on soldiers

In Istanbul and Ankara, the Turkish police has cracked down anti-IS-demonstrators. In Ankara, the security forces arrested dozens of people in Istanbul, they used tear gas. To the southeast of the country, two soldiers were killed in an attack.
© AFPInjured after protests in Ankara
With water cannons and tear gas which is police procedure on Saturday in Ankara against some thousand people who were demonstrating in the capital against the IS. Several people were festgenommen.Die demonstrators criticized the Turkish government and condemned the attack in Suruc on the border with Syria, killed in the Monday 32 people and about a hundred others were injured. The fact is the IS attributed. On Saturday night, a car bomb killed two soldiers. Who is responsible for the attack remained unclear.

Also in Istanbul protests

According to Turkish media, the number of arrests in Ankara was about 30. The news agency Dogan reported also that has been dissolved in Istanbul's Gazi a rally commemorating the leftist activists Günay Özaslan with water cannons.Özaslan had been killed in a police raid on Friday.
The Turkish Air Force had bombed on Friday for the first time IS-positions in Syria. The attacks continued on Saturday, also bombed the Air Force military installations of the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party in Turkey ( PKK ) in northern Iraq.
During raids in Turkey against alleged PKK members IS and hundreds of people were arrested last. Critics, including many Kurds, long allege that Islamic-conservative government in Ankara before going too hesitant against the IS-jihadists.
More on the subject
Demonstrations against the government have been resolved on several occasions in the past few days. An unannounced from the pro-Kurdish party HDP Sunday "peace march" in the city of Istanbul was banned.
Meanwhile, in a car bombing in the mainly Kurdish southeastern Turkey killed two soldiers and wounded four others. The bomb exploded as the soldiers were late Saturday night with her convoy on a road in the district of Lice in Diyarbakir regional road, as the local governor's office said on Sunday.
Source: SPO / AFP / dpa. 
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Published: 26.07.2015, 04:37 clock
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