Nicolas Sarkozy, "the challenge is not to avoid bankruptcy of Greece but avoid ...
Nicolas Sarkozy was the guest of 20h TF1 Journal on Wednesday. The president of the party "The Republicans" returned to the state of ...
Deadly Crash
USA: two died in a collision between an F-16 and a light aircraft
A Cessna light aircraft and an F-16 collided Tuesday, 7 in South Carolina. If the fighter pilot of the aircraft was able to escape, two ...
Flying start for Minions
The friendly Minions are already leading the French box office while the film was not released until Wednesday in theaters.
Bac 2015: just 13 years old, an autistic graduated with honors
Aged 13 and a half, Andrea Negro became the youngest bachelor academy Nice. Asperger's syndrome, this little genius had graduated ...
Tax collection at source: What is it?
The state plans to implement the reform of levying tax on income by 2018. A system that should be borne by ...


"At the Crossroads"
The experience of austerity "failed" in Greece, claims Alexis Tsipras ...
While the scenario of the failure of negotiations with the Europeans and thus a Grexit has never seemed so credible, Alexis Tsipras took ...
No, but what water
2024 Olympics: triathlon might unfold into the Seine by Anne Hidalgo
While the city of Paris has formalized, there are ten days, its bid for the 2024 Olympic Games, Anne Hidalgo ...


His daughter asks truth
Pesticides: investigation after death of a winegrower
Following a complaint filed by the daughter of James Bernard Murat, Bordeaux winemaker died of cancer linked to the use of pesticides, justice ...
Originally from Fontenay-sous-Bois
Val-de-Marne: a candidate siblings arrested in jihad
Three brothers were arrested on their return from Turkey where they had tried to reach the Syrian border to do jihad. The most ...


A career concrete
Mohed Altrad, the child of the sacred Syrian desert World Entrepreneur of the Year
Mohed Altrad has just been crowned "World Entrepreneur of the Year". A consecration shaped award for the businessman ...
Digital Wallet
Leetchi, the jackpot online
Leetchi is the name of the start-up online jackpots launched in 2009 by Céline Lazorthes. Leader in its field, the young company is growing ...


Stress End
Patent 2015: the results have fallen for 12 new academies
While the results of the patent are unveiled since Monday, 12 new academies come to make public their own Wednesday. The others will have ...
It is cooked
Burger King Saint-Lazare closed all summer
Following a last fire occurred in late April in its kitchens, the Burger King restaurant in Paris Saint-Lazare is closed to the public. And should not reopen ...


Head in the clouds
It reproduces the takeoff of the movie "Up" and gets arrested by the police (VIDEO)
A young Canadian decided to fly through the air with balloons hanging on a chair. A fun nod to the film "Up", but ...
Tragic fate
Amy Winehouse resurrected on the big screen (VIDEO)
Four years after the death of the singer, a documentary about Amy Winehouse was released on Wednesday 8 in French cinemas. Directed by Asif Kapadia ...