A forced march
Greece: Alexis Tsipras has forwarded its proposals
Proposals claims of the creditors of Greece for reopening negotiations have arrived Thursday 8 to 22h. The text of Alexis ...
A phenomenon increasingly current
Hérault: Inquiry a fake policeman who détroussait motorists on ...
A man believed to have robbed several motorists on the A9 rest areas while he was disguised as a police officer was arraigned Thursday ...
From dinosaurs to jedi
Star Wars IX: Colin Trevorrow, director of Jurassic Word, will be driving
American director Colin Trevorrow was selected by Lucasfilm to achieve 9 episode of Star Wars.
After two years of negotiations
Police: beard and tattoos (finally) allowed for agents
After two years of negotiation, the unit SGP-FO police union said Wednesday 8 that the prohibition for officers to wear beards or tattoos ...
Tax collection at source: What is it?
The state plans to implement the reform of levying tax on income by 2018. A system that should be borne by ...


Another voice
NKM: "It is not necessary that Greece becomes the CGT of Europe" (VIDEO)
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet was the guest of France Info on Friday morning. If it welcomed the proposals made ​​by Alexis Tsipras Thursday ...
Never two without three
Macron Law: Government uses new Article 49-3
Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Thursday that he would again use Article 49-3 of the Constitution to pass ...


Amiens brought a man for killing his wife and wounded two policemen
At Amiens in the Somme, a man in his forties and already known to security forces killed his wife shotgun and fired ...
Forsane Alizza nine years in prison for the leader of the Islamist group
Mohamed Achamlane, leader of the Islamist group Forsane Alizza, was sentenced Friday to nine years' imprisonment with a minimum term of two years ...
The end
The survey of Mohamed Merah killings fence
The anti-terrorist judges who were investigating the killings by Mohamed Merah said this Friday, have completed their investigations. More ...
Handball Nikola Karabatic convicted of fraud in fixing scandal paris
The verdict is in. The handball player Nikola Karabatic was convicted of fraud in paris fixing scandal and sentenced to 10 ....


A career concrete
Mohed Altrad, the child of the sacred Syrian desert World Entrepreneur of the Year
Mohed Altrad has just been crowned "World Entrepreneur of the Year". A consecration shaped award for the businessman ...
Digital Wallet
Leetchi, the jackpot online
Leetchi is the name of the start-up online jackpots launched in 2009 by Céline Lazorthes. Leader in its field, the young company is growing ...


"Do not drink and drive"
Road safety: a bright tattoo to measure his blood alcohol level ...
Two American students have developed an invention that could help curb road deaths: the Safestamp.This is a ...
Temperatures top
Weather the weekend of July 14: a time (almost) perfect
After the heat wave that hit the country last week, the temperatures will return to normal in long weekend of 14 ...
Four day bridge
Traffic Info weekend of July 14
Red for departures, green for returns: Traffic monitoring provides a weekend of 14 July hectic for those who go on vacation, but much more ...


Here we go!
Montreal: the final of ESWC 2015 Counter Strike: GO started
The ESWC Grand Final 2015 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive begins Friday in Montreal, Canada. With three teams competing, the French have strong ...
Doctor Zhivago is no longer
Omar Sharif: death of a legendary actor (VIDEO)
A screen legend has died. Egyptian actor Omar Sharif, the unforgettable interpreter of "Doctor Zhivago," died Friday in ...
Carried away by a long illness
Christian Audigier: fashion designer died at age 57
The fashion designer Christian Audigier is dead, announced Thursday his press 9. It is a cancer that took away the "self-made man" of ...