Your help is needed!
Axemen MC NY3 is dedicated to raising funds for special needs children of FDNY members, Brothers helping Brother. And for all those that don't ride, please come to the after party to enjoy great music and good food and all for a great cause..
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Congrats to this year’s winners of the Firehouse Expo - Fire News Outstanding Leadership award for 2015. This year we are proud to have 2 deserving winners! Chi...
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Nice work FDNY!
Bushwick Worker - Wycoff Ave, 4th of July.
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Thank you to our Firefighters, Paramedics and EMTs. New York fire officials say June was the first month in its 150 year history that there wasn't a fire-related death in the city.
Read what else is being done to save lives:
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Here is the Article if you don't subscribe to LIBN.
Q&A: Ray Cooney, Firehouse Kitchen
By: Claude Solnik June 2, 2015 0
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FDNY Fire News added a new photo.
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  • Lawrence Kreger
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FDNY Fire News shared their post.
June 12 · 
On Sunday, June 14, at 10:00 a.m., Hard Rock Cafe will unveil its collection of limited-edition FDNY merchandise to benefit The FDNY Foundation. As part of the ...
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On Sunday, June 14, at 10:00 a.m., Hard Rock Cafe will unveil its collection of limited-edition FDNY merchandise to benefit The FDNY Foundation. As part of the event, the Fire Commissioner and first responders will share personal experiences at an intimate press conference located in in the cafe’s LIVE concert space.
Fans, FDNY supporters, and charitable New Yorkers alike can visit the cafe this SUNDAY, shop Hard Rock’s limited edition co-branded collection, check out the FDNY 150th anniversary truck in Times Square and get their photo taken (or T-shirt signed) with the 2015 FDNY Calendar Models!
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A shout out to the kids at PS 97 in the Bronx! Good job you should all be very proud of yourself s
We would like to give a huge thanks to the students at PS 97 in the Bronx. Their student government collected $300 through a penny harvest program and donated the money to our foundation. They also added some letters in with their donation which touched our hearts. THANK YOU PS 97!!
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FDNY Fire News updated their cover photo.
June 8 · Edited · 
Queens NY Fire News photo by Brian Grogan
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It is important that we always remember.
On June 6, 1944, more than 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline, to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of N...
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Have you checked out our Instagram page yet? Look us up @TheFireNews
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  • Lawrence Kreger
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Hope to see you at the show!
The conversation continues - Salka and Alkonis, Moderated Session, Firehouse Expo 2015 ‪#‎PassItForward‬ ‪#‎Firehouse‬ ‪#‎FHExpo15‬
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The heroes of the "war years" in NYC.
When people talk about "The War Years" in NYC, these were the heroes that battled the flames during that time period. Recently they captivated the audience at the Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation seminar.
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