Translation from English

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Der Spiegl- "Merkel's Devil's Pact with America"

Opinion: Merkel Must End Devil's Pact with America

Opinion: Merkel Must End Devil's Pact with America
Following the latest revelations about surveillance by the United States on the German government and media, it is high time for Chancellor Angela Merkel to take action against the systematic spying.  By Markus Feldenkirchen more... Comment ]
Wanted: Great Ideas for School
Information for Whistleblowers

America's GreeceFixing Puerto Rico Could Provide Answers for Europe

America's Greece: Fixing Puerto Rico Could Provide Answers for Europe
The Greek crisis could have been stopped years ago if European politicians hadn't been so stubborn. They should have followed the example set by the United States in dealing with Puerto Rico's problems. An Essay By Barry Eichengreen more... Comment ]

Angela's AshesHow Merkel Failed Greece and Europe

Angela's Ashes: How Merkel Failed Greece and Europe
Angela Merkel relishes her reputation as queen of Europe. But she hasn't learned how to use her power, instead allowing a bad situation to heat up to the boiling point. Her inability to take unpopular stances badly exacerbated the Greek crisis. By Peter Müller and René Pfister more...Comment ]

An Attack on Press FreedomSPIEGEL Targeted by US Intelligence

An Attack on Press Freedom: SPIEGEL Targeted by US Intelligence
Revelations from WikiLeaks published this week show how boundlessly and comprehensively American intelligence services spied on the German government. It has now emerged that the US also conducted surveillance against SPIEGEL. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Operation 'Ochi'Zero Hour for Greece

Operation 'Ochi': Zero Hour for Greece
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has led his country into chaos. Divisions in Greek society are growing and Sunday's referendum may not be enough to pull the country back from the brink. By Julia Amalia Heyer, Katrin Kuntz and Alexander Smoltczyk more... Comment ]

Brzezinski on Russia'We Are Already In a Cold War'

Brzezinski on Russia: 'We Are Already In a Cold War'
Former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski believes the West should stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine. "We should make it more costly for the Russians to use force," he tells SPIEGEL ONLINE in an interview. An Interview by Sebastian Fischer and Holger Stark more... Comment ]

Muzzling the MediaDefying the Kremlin Crackdown on Press Freedom

Muzzling the Media: Defying the Kremlin Crackdown on Press Freedom
Against the backdrop of the bloody conflict in Ukraine, the Kremlin is seeking to harness the Russian media and increasingly clamping down on critical voices. But some journalists are refusing to deliver pro-Putin propaganda.  By Benjamin Bidder and Matthias Schepp more...Comment ]

Relentless TerrorThe Everyday Horrors of the Islamic State

Relentless Terror: The Everyday Horrors of the Islamic State
Eighty lashes of the whip for alcohol. Amputation for theft. Crucifiction for robbery. These are only a few of the draconian punishments employed by the Islamic State, according to documents and the testimony of witnesses obtained by SPIEGEL. By Uwe Buse and Katrin Kuntz more... Comment ]

The Allure of the Islamic StateMoney and Status Attract Fighters

The Allure of the Islamic State: Money and Status Attract Fighters
A bricklayer got a $60 a month raise by trading his construction tools for a Kalashnikov and becoming a soldier for the Islamic State. Subsidies and other benefits appear to be part of the holy war's allure for some. By Katrin Kuntz in Erbil, Iraq more... Comment ]

The BillGermany Faces Billions in Losses If Greece Goes Bust

The Bill: Germany Faces Billions in Losses If Greece Goes Bust
Vast amounts of German money are at stake if Greece goes bankrupt -- with liabilities as high as €84 billion. Even though that figure is a large one, it would be paid over years and dangers to the Berlin budget are limited. By Florian Diekmann more... Comment ]

OpinionWe Are Living in the Anti-Europe

Opinion: We Are Living in the Anti-Europe
The Greek crisis has destroyed an old dream about the future of Europe. The only possibility for moving the EU in the direction we were promised is a radical solution -- either a Grexit or an expensive debt haircut. By Dirk Kurbjuweit more... Comment ]
Photo Galleries
State of TyrannyA Fateful Weekend for GreeceTsipras' Divided Nation
The Baltic Question
Looking to Brussels from AthensThe EU's Migration QuagmireFemale Emancipation in Saudi Arabia

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