Translation from English

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Der Spiegel- Attacks on Asylum Seekers

Is the Ugly German Back? Flames of Hate Haunt a Nation

Is the Ugly German Back? Flames of Hate Haunt a Nation
DPA/ Polizei Sachsen-Anhalt
During the first six months of this year, right-wing extremists in Germany committed attacks against places housing asylum-seekers on an almost daily basis. Many refugees living in the country fear for their lives. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]
Wanted: Great Ideas for School
Information for Whistleblowers

The Last EuropeanRomanian Driver Navigates the Soul of the EU

The Last European: Romanian Driver Navigates the Soul of the EU
For the past decade, Viktor Talic has been driving a van across Europe, delivering people and goods. His 50-hour, nearly sleepless journey offers a disquieting, yet inspiring, glimpse into the Continent's soul. By Juan Moreno more... Comment ]

SPIEGEL Interview with Julian Assange'We Are Drowning in Material'

SPIEGEL Interview with Julian Assange: 'We Are Drowning in Material'
In an interview, Julian Assange, 44, talks about the comeback of the WikiLeaks whistleblowing platform and his desire to provide assistance to a German parliamentary committee that is investigating mass NSA spying.  Interview Conducted By Michael Sontheimer more... Comment ]

A Government DividedSchäuble's Push for Grexit Puts Merkel on Defensive

A Government Divided: Schäuble's Push for Grexit Puts Merkel on Defensive
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble had a plan to push Greece out of the euro zone. Chancellor Merkel wasn't sure what to do about it. The result is widespread resentment of Germany and a damaged Franco-German relationship. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

SPIEGEL Interview with Wolfgang Schäuble'There Is No German Dominance'

SPIEGEL Interview with Wolfgang Schäuble: 'There Is No German Dominance'
Criticism of Germany's role in the recent negotiations over Greece's future has been fierce. SPIEGEL speaks with Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble about the government in Athens, his own feelings about a Grexit and his relationship with Chancellor Merkel. Interview Conducted by Klaus Brinkbäumer, Michael Sauga and Christian Reiermann more...Comment ]

Victory in Defeat?Alexis Tsipras Has Shown Greeks He Can Save Them

Victory in Defeat? Alexis Tsipras Has Shown Greeks He Can Save Them
He'll have to implement tougher savings measures than any of his predecessors, despite his fight to end them. But Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras could still come out of the euro crisis as the victor, leading his country for years to come.  By Julia Amalia Heyer in Athens more...Comment ]

'I'm Not a Butcher'An Interview with Islamic State's Architect of Death

'I'm Not a Butcher': An Interview with Islamic State's Architect of Death
For one and a half years, Abu Abdullah was responsible for organizing Islamic State's suicide bombings in Baghdad. He is one of the organization's rare leading figures to be captured alive. SPIEGEL met with him in a high-security prison in Baghdad. By Christoph Reutermore... Comment ]

Haphazard and UninspiredWhy Berlin Is World's Most Boring Museum City

Haphazard and Uninspired: Why Berlin Is World's Most Boring Museum City
As far as major cities go, few other places are in possession of so many treasures that are so poorly exhibited as Berlin. It's as though cultural institutions here go out of their way to keep people from visiting. By Ulrike Knöfel more... Comment ]

The Curaçao ConnectionGermany Becomes a Destination for Drug Mules

The Curaçao Connection: Germany Becomes a Destination for Drug Mules
In 2011, Air Berlin became the first German airline to offer non-stop service to Curaçao. Since then, customs inspectors in Düsseldorf have been battling a serious cocaine smuggling problem. By Andreas Ulrichmore... Comment ]
Photo Galleries
Germany's Schizophrenia on GreecePainful Times in GreeceIs There Hope for Berlin's Museums?
Islamic State's Baghdad Bomb Czar
Hate and HostelsThe Baltic QuestionA Tummy Full of Trouble

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